Monday, January 9, 2012

A "conspiracy theory" for Paultards--Ron Paul and George Soros

Dead on, till it swerves into a denial of the obvious in favor of simple politics. Definitely a conservative.

Ron Paul's Soros Defense Plan

Posted by Bio ↓ on Jan 2nd, 2012

It was recently observed that Ron Paul was to the left of Obama on national security and the best evidence for that statement can be found when one year ago Ron Paul joined forces with Barney Frank on a proposal to gut national defense via a panel of experts, quite a few of whom were tied to George Soros.
In July 2010, Barney Frank and Ron Paul co-authored a Huffington Post article rolling out their Sustainable Defense Task Force. The Task Force "consisting of experts on military expenditures that span the ideological spectrum" would recommend a trillion dollars in defense cuts. The experts, however, didn't quite "span the ideological spectrum" — more like float under it.
If you're tired of reading through all this, then here's the summary. Of the Paul-Frank Task Force, 9 out of 14 members were linked to Soros's organs. Two were affiliated with the Cato Institute. One is indeterminate.
Ron Paul proposed to put a bunch of Soros-funded think tank experts in charge of dismantling the US military. Think about that for a moment. Ron Paul supporters can see conspiracies in a glass of water; can they see anything wrong with this picture? Can they see anything wrong with having a man from a group that was investigated for its Communist ties in the driver's seat on national defense?
The task force's proposals included cutting nuclear deterrence; reducing the fleet by 57 ships, including two carriers; canceling the Joint Strike Fighter; "severely curtail missile defense" — and that is a direct quote from the report — retiring four Marine battalions; reducing the military by 200,000 personnel; cutting defense research spending by 50 billion over ten years; and increasing health care fees for members of the military.  (COMMENT: How does making anyone MORE open to missile attack contribute to a "non-interventionist" policy designed to prevent wars by not being a threat to hostile powers?  Read on, and I will point out the answer.)
But why would Ron Paul allow George Soros that much power and influence over America's defense policy? There are a number of possibilities. There is the possibility that Ron Paul just didn't know and didn't bother to do his research. Which is not much of a recommendation for the job he's running for. There's another possibility that Ron Paul knew and didn't care, that he had no objection to being part of a left-right alliance against the "American Empire" with Soros. But there's also a third possibility.
During the previous election, Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI) ran an ad praising Ron Paul for his position against the war. AAEI was an umbrella group for, the Center for American Progress, SEIU, Americans United For Change, the National Security Network and others in the progressive bestiary. A number of those beasties were Soros groups.
I'm not one to dabble in conspiracy theories, but when Soros pays for an ad praising you during the Republican primaries and then you put his experts in charge of America's defense policy, then maybe some questions should be asked.
COMMENT: The writer, in typical conservative fashion, closes in at the end on the WRONG possibility!  It is not the possibility of some political quid pro quo, but rather Option 2--that Ron Paul "had no objection to being part of a left-right alliance against the 'American Empire' with Soros"--which needs the scrutiny.  Even as American Nazis have worked with the Leftist Occupy movement, ZOG believers would be able to work with such Leftists to tear down America.  (Of course, most Paultards not only would have no problem with this agenda, but rather are supporting Paul because of it.)