Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul defending Al Qaeda, saying Nazis got better treatment

See my comment at end.

Ron Paul Comes To The Defense of Al-Qaeda, Says Nazi War Criminals Were Treated Better Than Anwar Al-Awlaki…

He's certifiably insane.
Ron Paul accused President Barack Obama on Thursday of offering suspected terrorists fewer legal protections than Nazi war criminals were given.
The Republican presidential candidate laced into Obama for authorizing the CIA-led drone strike that killed Anwar al-Awlaki, an Al Qaeda leader, in Yemen this September. He reiterated his previously stated position that al-Awlaki's American citizenship entitled him to due process.
"As bad as they were, you know even Adolf Eichmann finally when he was captured he was taken to Israel. Israel gave him a trial. What did we do with the Nazis — war criminals — after World War II? They got trials. Yeah, and they got what was deserving: they got hung," Paul told more than 700 voters during a campaign speech at a convention center in western Iowa.
COMMENT: Read the comments at the link! Yes, Virginia, there is a difference between Nazi war criminals then and sheetheads today--we are still at war, and we are not at war against a specific country. And one more difference, as stated in this comment:
One more difference: The European Axis of World War II at least paid some heed to the Geneva and Hague conventions. The typical Axis soldier generally abided by rules of war. And to some extent, a line could be drawn between lawful units and actions and unlawful units and actions.
In the present conflict, our enemies are fundamentally illegal. Their entire compaign is fundamentally illegal. And their tactics are fundamentally illegal. They simply do not get the same due process protections as lawful combatants.
The Axis of World War II had war criminals and criminal actions. The Jihad movement of today IS a war crime! It's a combine of "war criminals" (I use that understating term at the risk of giving them too much moral standing) conducting one giant "war crime".