Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Finally! A reason for allowing police to be armed!

Muslim Who Threatened King, Geller, SIOA Goes On Christmas Jihad,
Killed By Cop
Pamela Geller
Monday, December 26, 2011
Jameela Barnette threatened Rep. Peter King and New York State Senator Greg Ball. And that's not all. She threatened me also, and left threatening comments on my Facebook page, as well as the SIOA Facebook page. I deleted hundreds of amazingly vicious and hateful comments from her here at Atlas and on the Facebook pages, always in the name of Allah.
Yet after all the threats she sent out, Jameela Barnette was still free to go jihad. After this devout Muslim threatened Ball, she was arrested, but was released without bail. Nothing was done to stop her. When she finally did choose to go jihad, she attacked a police officer, and so she was mercifully killed before she could take out G-d only knows how many. She could have chosen to do any number of other ways to mount a jihad attack: she could have gone to a church on Christmas morning. She could have gone to a shopping mall, or any place where the kuffar gather, and dozens or even hundreds of people could be dead today.
Instead, only she is dead. That's the best of all possible outcomes. But this should be an object lesson for clueless and compromised law enforcement: take Muslim threats seriously. Before more infidels get killed.