Friday, August 26, 2011

Anti-libertard commentary sandwich on links, with a side of future patriotic music.

I've recommended this video on PC before:
But today, my point about it simple.  In World War I, the European Left learned that the working class would put nationalism ahead of economic class.  So they set out to tear down nationalism.  In World War II, the Left faced an ultra-nationalist threat from the Axis, and so--eventually--backed that war.  But now they have gone full force to impose "cultural Marxism," which breaks down traditional order and values.  Movements such as the "civil rights" movement, the women's movement, and other Identity politics are emblematic of these efforts. 
This much most of us know and consider.  But consider also this: Even with things like Vietnam, Watergate, and "Bush lied, kids died," nationalism has not fallen to the Left.  HOWEVER, at this same time, we see the rise on the Right of libertarianism.  Libertarianism breaks down nationalism, patriotism, etc., but by allowing individuals to keep their individualism, they are slipping it by decent Americans.  Hence we see Teabrainers falling into it with their calls for defense cuts and the placing of their portfolios about their patriotism.  And we see Ron Paul being championed, despite his delusions and obsolete thinking on foreign policy.  Indeed, of the declared viable candidates, GOV Rick Perry would appear to be the only one close to being an overt and activist patriot (Michele Bachmann backed off too much on that labeling of certain Congress as "anti-American" that first earned her my respect, as well as has become too Tea Party-minded on budget cuts). 
So, it appears we are on the verge of seeing the Teabrain-esque Right succeed where the Left has failed.  Americans don't readily fall for the "class struggle" approach, but they will be sympathetic to the Identity politics of "oppressed minorities."  And they certainly can be turned by appeals to their "rugged individualism." 
The bottom line is that libertards and individualists are doing the hard work for the Left.  Libertardism and individualism puts self ahead of greater identities.  All the Left has to do is help these elements of the Right along--as they are doing with the almost Obama-esque pass they give to Paul, former producer of the White nationalist "Ron Paul Freedom Report"--and allow the values of true Americans to be undermined from their own ranks. 
So beware of this factor when hearing libertarian rhetoric.  The American people are America's worst enemies.  They are choking on their freedom and working to destroy that which enables it to exist.  Some do it on the Left knowingly, and some do it on the Right unwittingly.  And the Center--whatever that is supposed to be--is truly reaching the breaking point--the "Center cannot hold" point.
I predicted this a few years ago, but came to wonder.  But now I'm more convinced than before that America will soon face a choice between two dictatorships--a Leftwing one destroying what America is, and a Rightwing one seeking to maintain at least something of what America is.  2012 may or may not be the "bullets over ballots" election I've been inclined to expect (but keep your stockpiles--don't worry, the "green primer" story is false, and ammo properly stored won't go bad), yet unless those on the conservative/Right turn from the libertarian and NON-patriotic stream currently infecting it, things will eventually DEFINITELY come to that (for better or worse).
So after watching the video above (about 25 minutes), read the article linked to below.  Follow its basic advice, and perhaps that choice can be avoided, or at worst the Right will be set up for the dictator fight.  When one side in a tug-of-war merely holds the line and refuses to be offensive, it will lose to the side that goes go offensive: 
And the side of future patriotic music: Here is a song from that "parody of Rightwing politics," Starship Troopers 3: Marauder.  As with the first Starship Troopers movie (ignore the second--it doesn't count), it attempts to make traditional values look bad.  And also like the first one, it ends up failing (though not as much as the first one).  This song, intended to make things like patriotism and devotion to a traditional value greater than oneself look evil, actually captures in honest reality (and futuristic terms) the attitude that Americans--the real Americans--need to recapture if America (and frankly, their own personal lifestyle, ironically) are to survive: