Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Rants Special Articles AND A HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT -- 20 FEB 2011

My Rants Special Articles -- 20 FEB 2011


BREAKING: Andrew Breitbart Contracts "Walker Pneumonia" In Madison, Wisconsin!

While on the streets of Madison, Wisconsin, Andrew Breitbart contracted a horrible case of Walker Pneumonia! He was diagnosed by a street "doctor" who was apparently handing out fraudulent Dr.'s excuses to union protesters.

Not to worry, a second opinion by the "supervisor" rendered Andrew a clean bill of health. Praise Tea!
(Rebel Pundit contributed to this report)

3. Sen. Hatch Bill Would Plug 'National Security Loophole'
Sen. Orrin Hatch has introduced legislation to end the Diversity Visa Program, which each year brings 50,000 low-skilled individuals into the United States from countries around the world — including state sponsors of terrorism such as Iran.
The Diversity Visa Program (DV) is "an unfortunate blind spot in our immigration system that has outlived its purpose," according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies.
"The applicants for these 50,000 'lottery' immigration slots require few skills. The program does not know, really, who these applicants are nor their true purpose in coming to the United States. The program is a national security loophole, and has been used by terrorists and organized criminals to not only enter the U.S., but bring others to the U.S. as well."
The DV program was created in 1990. In 2009, Iran was the third largest recipient of DVs among nations in Asia, and 12th largest overall, as 1,117 Iranians were allowed to enter the United States.
Three other nations designated as state sponsors of terror — Somalia, Syria, and Cuba — received a total of 313 DVs. The visas also went to residents of Sudan (592 visas) and Yemen (51), two nations with active terrorist populations, and 253 visas were issued to citizens of Venezuela.
Receiving at least 2,000 DVs were Kenya, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Albania, and Uzbekistan.
"There are no stop-gaps against fraud to determine qualifications nor properly vet identity or derogatory intelligence to assure that radicalized individuals do not enter the United States on a DV," the Center points out.
At least one terrorist incident resulted from the DV program. On July 4, 2002, Egyptian gunman Hesham Hedayet killed two people at the Los Angeles ticket counter of Israeli airline El Al before being killed by a security guard. He had obtained permanent resident status because his wife got a DV in 1996.
The House voted to abolish the Diversity Visa Program in 2005, but the Senate never passed the bill.
Sen. Hatch, R-Utah, has introduced a bill containing a provision that would repeal the DV program unless Congress specifically reauthorized it.
In support of the bill, the Center praises Hatch for "not shying away" from the obvious: The DV program "has outlived its usefulness." Instead, it "assertively creates national security vulnerabilities by admitting foreign nationals it cannot viably vet from state sponsors of terror, acts to support criminal human trafficking, and perpetuates low-skill economic migration during a time when Americans need jobs desperately."
6. We Heard:
THAT when it comes to the Republican House's battle with President Obama over cutting federal spending, it's getting personal.
An amendment proposed by Rep. Steve Womack, an Arkansas Republican, would eliminate funding for Obama's teleprompter.
Womack later withdrew the amendment, but he told Fox News: "I think we made our point. We're asking people to do more with less. And I think the president ought to lead by example. He is already a very gifted speaker. And I think that's one platform he could do without."
Another amendment, proposed by Texas Republican Rep. Randy Neugebauer, would strip funding for the alteration, repair, or improvement of the executive residence of Obama's White House.

And the only thing here on which I will offer a comment:
February 17, 2011

What's Wrong With A Middle East Without America?

End with this:

What vital interest of a United States staring at bankruptcy would be imperiled if we got out of the way, stopped fighting these countries' wars and paying these countries' bills and let these people determine their own future for good or ill?



COMMENT: This reminds me of when America-hating Representative Ron Paul asked at that 2010 CPAC, why we were still in South Korea.  A heckler answered back, "NORTH Korea!"


So, to answer Buchanan:


1. Oil--Sorry, politically uneducated self-centered Tea Partiers, domestic environmentalists won't allow us to drill domestically, and even the most ambitious plans to adopt natural gas more widely--which I wholeheartedly support--would require time).


2. Israel--Sorry, conspiracy theorists, most Americans support Israel because of religious background and the fact that Israel stands against the sheetheads).


3. The sheetheads!--Sorry, isolationists, the sheetheads are working for a World Caliphate (something Paultards will NEVER discuss, because it destroys their case), and I'd rather see the camelf*****s stopped over there than fought over here.


4. American hegemony--Sorry, you who complain about pressing 1 for English, without Anglo-American domination of the world, we would be pressing 3 for English!


And this last point brings us to your homework assignment: To those of you who want an end to American involvement in the world like this, answer me this: Of all the countries and powers in the world with a viable chance of doing so, which is your first choice to dominate America?  If you insist that America leave the void in world power that "non-interventionism" would create, who you want to fill that void, and hence, to dominate America?


Those of you not sharing the Ron Paultard stupidity, your assignment is to ask this of your isolationist friends, foes, and libertard neighbors.  Responses will be collected and most published in a soon-coming My Rants installment.


Now get to work!