Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Rants (Issue 5 -- 27 FEB 2011)--Tea Partier on "5th Grader"

My Rants
Issue 5 -- 27 FEB 2011
This represents a periodic (every so often) statement of my rants, my observations, and my wisdom.  The views expressed are mine, and do not represent the views of any organization or association of which I may be a part.  For now.
Read and embrace.

Did you see the Tea Party leader on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader"?  He was a husband and father of two, and active in the movement almost since its beginning.  Jeff Foxworthy said he was probably the smartest 5th grader they ever had in their "Classroom"!*
ROFL (or at least I would be if it wasn't so believeable)
* Definition--"Classroom":That Peanut Gallery of kids there to help the contestant.

Why do people practice "cognitive dissonance"?  This is where someone wants one outcome, then works for exactly the opposite.  For instance, why do parents, especially mothers, tell their sons and daughters to take one approach, then contradict themselves when their kids do exactly that?  Excuses like "Well, I just want them to think" or "I'M THEIR MOTHER!" are bullshit, and only give excuse (and, in some people's eyes, justification) for husbands (fathers) to exercise some good ole fashioned "spousal discipline."  I'm all for opposing true "domestic violence," but women in turn must not be so stupid.
Similarly (and to be balanced here), why do fathers complain about how their fathers treated them, then do exactly that to their own offspring?  If someone really resents how their father (parents) acted toward them growing up, then they by all logic ought to be endeavor to do better.  The argument that, "Well, I was treated this way, so I'm gonna treat someone else that way" is likewise bullshit, and constitutes a form of selfishness that will cost them now and in their eternal judgment, and which hurts society.
The solution is simple: Be true to what you believe should be, and be logical and rational about it.  Anything else is stupidity and selfishness.

I rant again on this: So many grassroots conservative/Rightwing political activists insist on blaming politicians for this or that problem, when in fact it's the voters' fault.  I understand that these people are largely uneducated politically (yet insist on talking, for some stupid reason), but this is not an excuse for their failure to put together the conclusion that if we have "government of the people," then the people are the ones responsible for the problems.  These uneducated people need to shut up and let educated ones on the conservative/Right tell them what to do and say. 

My proposal for a new sort of "republic": Holding to the constitutional structure as much as possible, the country should hold a single nationwide election to choose between a far-Left dictatorship and a far-Right dictatorship.  Whichever is chosen would then select officials at all levels.  Much flexibility would exist, with perhaps some local elections (but only among candidates chosen by the dictatorship).  Then, every 40 years, another such election will be held, and if 75 percent of the people express a desire to switch, it would switch. 
Such a system is still a republic, limits the involvement of stupid people (i.e., most people), and yet represents "government of..., by (sorta)..., and for the people."  It would create a much more predictable future (good for business and portfolios, and isn't that really all most conservatives really care about?), and foreign entities would be able to trust us, as we would have a consistent foreign policy.  It would relieve people of all those annoying political commercials and phone calls, and there would be no more unproductive arguments over political theory and principle keeping government officials from actually doing anything.
If the people chose a Rightwing government, there would be a mandated preservation of traditional culture.  Economic freedom would continue (and probably increase), and social order would be maintained.  Yet no one would be bothered with debates or having any reason at all to sacrifice their selfishness in favor of political activism (not that conservatives really do much of that anyway).  America would be a great place, destined to forever rule the world.
If the people chose a Leftwing government, then the American people would get what they deserve, even as they are now with their stupidity in 2008.  And they would have only themselves to blame, which would mean an end to those conspiracy theories, and those annoying Tea Party events (dominated by people so stupid they can't even spell the word, "didn't").  In balance, of course, I would hate to see America take that course, but at least it--that is, it's people--would have formalized their suicide. 

To those active in opposing "same-sex marriage" and kindred policy movements: It's your own fault you are losing!  If you indeed believe homosexuality is a choice, then anyone could "choose" to be a homosexual, including you.  When asked if you yourself could choose to be a homosexual, all you have to do is acknowledge that yes, you could choose to be a homosexual, just as you could choose to practice any other sin.  But you won't do it--you probably won't even respond to the idea--and thus your case is discredited, a lie is put forward as truth, and you just sit back and watch.  Unless and until you are willing to do that, the homosexual agenda will advance.
(BTW, I renew my prediction that within 30 years, most mainstream Christian congregations will have same-sex couples openly sitting among them.  The issue will be viewed much the same as slavery and segregation--their Scriptures are denied or ignored in favor of popular opinion and "what's so obviously right".)

And the big repeat:
Question: Of all the countries on Earth capable of taking the role, WHICH DO YOU WANT TO DOMINATE THE UNITED STATES? 
The Ron Paultard approach to foreign policy GUARANTEES that a new megapower will arise to fill the void left by his "non-interventionism."  Thus, I want to know which power his followers would prefer fill that void and take the role of dominating our country.