Friday, December 3, 2010

HDR Updates: Backroom deals--tax cuts for START?; record unemployment streak


giliar 2:17 pm on December 3, 2010 Reply
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More Backroom Deals: What Part of 11/2/10 Don't They Understand?

Well, it looks like Washington is back at it. Reports of new backroom deal-making – the same practices that America so vocally denounced earlier this November – have the media in a tizzy.
So what's being gambled this time? Only our national security.

The White House is trying to strike a deal with Senate Republicans: the Democrats will agree to extend the Bush tax cuts if Republicans agree to ratify the New START treaty:



giliar 2:26 pm on December 3, 2010 Reply

Unemployment Now at 9.8%

Today the Labor Department released its monthly jobs report, which showed that the U.S. economy added an anemic 39,000 jobs this month and that the nation's unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent. That marks the 19th month in a row that the unemployment has been over 9 percent, a post–World War II record: