Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"The myth of the harmless wolf"

There's a line in one of the "Planet of the Apes" movies about how humans are the only animals that kill for land or sport. This is not true at all.

To promote the interests of Mesilla Valley sportsmen and recreationists and to preserve and protect continued access to federal and state lands for multiple use by all citizens.
"In 'Wolves In Russia,' ( http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/general/columns/story?columnist=swan_james&id=3113247 ) Will Graves reports on a long history of wolf attacks on people in Eurasia, especially Russia, Pakistan, India and Kazakhastan, including thousands of fatal ones. Have Siberian wolves sneaked across the Bering Sea ice in winter and turned our harmless wolves into bad guys? People were killed by wolves in North America before the 20th century. The appearance of people with firearms led to the demise of wolves in the Lower 48 as there was concentrated effort to eradicate Canis lupus. More than two million wolves were killed in the process.

"Not nearly as many people in Eurasia are armed. As Graves points out, in Russia the populace was kept unarmed to prevent revolutions and reports of wolf killings were also suppressed to keep people from demanding to be armed. Our perspective on wolves is based on our experience, which is different from people abroad. All three peopled recently killed by wolves were unarmed."'
‎"Healthy wolf attacks on people almost always are predatory and/or for pleasure, unless they are defending their food. Wolves enjoy killing. It's well-documented that on occasion they will run amok among herds of livestock, deer and elk, killing as many as they can, not eating their prey."