Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From ACT! for America: "Rep. King says prosecute WikiLeaks"

Subject: Rep. King says prosecute WikiLeaks
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 2:44 PM

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U.S. Rep. Peter King says prosecute WikiLeaks

Dear Lee,

U.S. Rep. Peter King, in line to be the next chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has once again demonstrated he's the right man for the job.

As the story below notes, Rep. King has publicly called for WikiLeaks to be prosecuted under the Espionage Act and designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

In our view Rep. King is correct. The continuing dumps of these classified documents will ultimately damage our ability to successfully prosecute the war on Islamist terrorism, if for no other reason than other countries will feel reluctant to share vital intelligence information with us.

U.S. Rep. King's determination, his willingness to identify our enemies by name and ideology, and his public criticism of political correctness, deserve our thanks.

If you would like to send Rep. King a short email, thanking him for his efforts to protect our safety and freedoms, please click here. Scroll down to the Action Alerts and click on the top alert titled "Thank you! U.S. Representative Pete King." That will take you to the text box for the e-mail. Feel free to edit the e-mail as you would like to thank him for his efforts. After you have edited the letter, enter your name and contact information then click send message. Make sure to mention you're part of ACT! for America!

Please email rather than calling his office. We don't want to jam his office phone lines with messages of "thank you"!


WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King

Categories: National Security, White House, Congress

10:01 am

November 29, 2010

Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican, said late Sunday that the unauthorized release of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, some with sensitive and embarrassing information related to foreign allies, was worse than a terror or military attack and should be dealt with accordingly.

That's saying something coming from King who many in the media view as one of the nation's leading political voices for a region that was intimately affected by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

King, who represents a Long Island district, is also expected to chair the House Homeland Security Committee when Republicans take over the lower chamber in January which will give him a highly visible perch from which to press his views.

King expressed his opinion on New York City's all-news radio stations Sunday.

An excerpt from an Associated Press/WINS radio report:

"This is worse even than a physical attack on Americans, it's worse than a military attack," King said.

King has written letters to both U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking for swift action to be taken against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

King wants Holder to prosecute Assange under the Espionage Act and has also called on Clinton to determine whether WikiLeaks could be designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

"By doing that we will be able to seize their funds and go after anyone who provides them with any help or contributions or assistance whatsoever," King said.

"The Attorney General and I don't always agree on different issues. But I believe on this one, he and I strongly agree that there should be a criminal prosecution," King told WCBS 880.

King reiterated his views Monday morning on NBC's Today Show.

King's statements indicate the kind of pressure the Obama Administration is likely to come under to use the full extent of executive power against Assange.

Anything short of that could leave the administration open to further charges that it is relatively weak on national security matters. That could allow the administration's critics to build on attacks they made after Obama announced his plans, since frustrated, to close the Guantanamo prison facility and his administration's controversial decision to have civilian trials for some admitted or suspected terrorists.

Both President Obama and Secretary State Hillary Clinton are due to make statements Monday morning to talk about the WikiLeaks release.


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