Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Apology for Slavery

by Lee Thomas Walker on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 9:17pm
This is the logical flipside of the race-card ideology being pressed by the Left in recent months and years:

We, the White people of the United States of America, the founding people of the world's megapower, the people who fired the "shot heard 'round the world", who spent blood and treasure to hold the nation together following the election of a President whose party platform was built around opposition to slavery, do apologize to American citizens of the race known as "Negro." We apologize for taking their ancestors (well, most of their ancestors--some of them came here apart from the topic of discussion) out of the sub-Saharan region of the most uncivilized continent on this planet--

- A place where to be the "guest of honor" at a banquet was assuredly NOT a good thing.
- A place where virtually no technology was developed.
- A place where standards of living were and are virtually the lowest on the planet.
- A place where the "economy" never rose above receiving worthless beads for marginally more valuable laborers.
- A place where female mutilation and oppression beyond that of the towelhe.. ur, Jihadist Muslims continues to this day.
- A place where "education" consisted of learning to count past 21 (22 for females).
- A place where superstitions rising to the level of "cargo-cult" status still rule today.

And taking them to--

- A place where civilization existed, where the "guest of honor" could actually eat the meal.
- A place where technology flourished.
- A place where creature-comforts and living standards were high, and where even the "poor" live in relative luxury compared to others.
- A place where commerce flourished and worked to build a world megapower.
- A place where women, even at their most oppressed, have been protected by law and culture from brutal mutilations.
- A place where people from all over the world, including the land from which their ancestors were taken, come for the highest education.
- A place where most of them accepted a religion most still today believe to be the truth of God.

For all the above, we apologize.

And, as a token of this sincere regret, we, the White people of the United States of America, who are responsible for the above injustice, do purpose to restore those American citizens of the race known as "Negro" to the status to which they, by virtue of their ancestors, deserve.

Thus, we hereby pledge the following for all such Negroes:

- To support their own efforts to exist in an uncivilized manner, thereby returning them to their ancestors' cultural state.
- To relieve them of access to any modern technology, thereby returning them to their ancestors' technological level.
- To remove from them all modern medical care and hygiene, thereby returning them to their ancestors' reliance on ju-ju men and witch doctors.
- To relieve them of their money and property, thereby returning them to their ancestors' economic state.
- To support their practice of what we White people had so judgmentally called, "genital mutilation" (often performed via violent rape.)
- To impose memory-damaging drugs and measures to remove any trace of modern education.
- To exercise extreme measures to impose their individual renunciation of Christianity (all Christianity, including, but not limited to, Muslim-wannabe Black Nationalism), thereby restoring them to their ancestors' superstitions.

Furthermore, and to complete the restitution so owed by us, the White people of the United States of America, to American citizens of the race known as "Negro", we hereby pledge, to return all such people to the continent of their ancestors, Africa. This and this alone can possibly recompense American citizens of the race known as "Negro" for the horrible wrongs for which we have apologized here. In preparation for this action, we will remove their American citizenship, thereby removing the tie to us we so selfishly imposed. We even pledge to charge each of these individuals for the transportation costs involved, in order to recompense for failing to charge their ancestors for transporting them out of the land and conditions in which we found them, to the land and conditions into which we placed them.

And finally, as payment of punitive damages by us, the White people of the United States of America, to American citizens of the race known as "Negro", we pledge each adult and child of suitable age so returned, shall receive one rifle of the AK-47 variety, four suitable magazines, and a supply of not less than 200 rounds of suitable ammunition. These items shall be delivered to each person only following their return to the land from which their ancestors were taken, lest they be polluted once again with White technology in a White land. (And while we're at it, a similar distribution will be made to American citizens at home.)

This we, the White people of the United States of America, recognize as our duty.