Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Candidate Boycotts NPR, Defends Williams and First Amendment"

Cuda-endorsed candidate.

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Fellow Patriot,

In a democracy, censorship is never a good thing. Especially when it's publicly funded.

Last week, NPR fired popular journalist Juan Williams for simply speaking his mind. If opinion makers can't express their own opinions, what has become of free speech in America? Even worse, NPR is funded by your tax dollars and should be an example to all for free speech in the media.

I fought in two wars to protect our Constitutional rights, and now NPR is using our tax dollars to trample upon our most important right, the First Amendment. I won't stand for it!

That's why I'm denying NPR access to my campaign for the remainder of this race.

If you agree that NPR's firing of Juan Williams violates the First Amendment, I urgently need you to join my fight to protect all of our Constitutional rights. Will stand strong for America's founding principles and follow this link and make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or even $2,400 to my campaign and stand up for our Constitutional rights with me?

What good are any of our rights if we're not willing to defend them? I have fought for our rights in war before and I will fight for Juan's right to express his opinion whether I agree with it or not... And without the fear of reprisal for the free expression of ideas. Rather than firing him, we could simple choose to watch something else. TV has no shortage of channels.

If we allow the government to restrain our First Amendment rights, what will be next? Will they take away our right to bear arms or trial by jury? These are rights that people have fought and died for I risked my life for them twice and we cannot allow the government to infringe upon them.

I may no longer wear the Marine Corp uniform, but that doesn't mean the fight is over for me. I'm ready to go to Washington and continue to defend my country from its latest enemies... the special interest lobbies and liberal leadership that is attacking our way of life and slowly making us less free. If you send me to Washington, I'll fight for you every day, but you have a choice to make.

There is only one way we can halt the gross government-overreach that is occurring in every aspect of American life: Send a true Constitutional conservative and former Marine Corps veteran to Washington.

If you choose to stand with me, I need your immediate help. I'm battling in a very close race with an entrenched incumbent who votes with Nancy Pelosi more than 90% of the time. Your immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can afford will push me over the top to victory.

I can't find to the words to tell you just how close we are to winning this race, which has risen to national importance. So will you please follow this link right away and give generously to my campaign?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Semper Fi,

Ilario Pantano
Republican for Congress - NC-7

PS: I risked my life twice so that Americans can enjoy freedom of speech, and I won't stand for a taxpayer-funded organization trampling the First Amendment. America needs to send a Marine in to Washington to fight for our Constitutional rights. Please follow this link right away to make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or even $2,400 to my campaign right away. Thank you.

Paid for by Pantano for North Carolina Committee

Pantano for North Carolina
P.O. Box 11280
Wilmington, NC 28404
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