Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Answers to conspiracy artists," or, "Why? Well, I'll tell ya, and it'll be your call."


"Answers to conspiracy artists," or, "Why? Well, I'll tell ya, and it'll be your call."

by Lee Thomas Walker on Friday, March 12, 2010 at 9:09am
Some people try to stir up suspicions by giving twisted, lying answers to questions that have simple, self-evident answers. Here are a few of those explained:

(Be sure to see final comment at end)


Why healthcare costs can more easily wipe out savings than in times past:

Because we have more--and more advanced--medical procedures on which to spend savings, and the result is a longer life which involves more medical procedures, and thus, the spending of more money on healthcare.

It is not because of a gimongous cabal or greedy insurance companies.

People are not guaranteed to keep a life savings. And with the advances in healthcare, it may be impossible for most people. So, unless you want to give up your freedom to socialized medicine, you need to accept that. Or forsake a lot of medical treatment. Your call.


Why America spends so much more than other countries on its military:

In addition to the fact that it defends half the world, America's military costs more because its equipment is better and more expensive, its safety and PC procedures are more intense, and (related to the first item) it largely develops its own technology, as opposed to having it given to it by a large foreign benefactor.

It is not because of an imperialistic cabal or an inordinate level of testosterone-driven aggression.

Warfare costs more today than in times past, and people demand more safety for troops. Either America spends most of what it does, or America collapses into Third-World status--meaning overt foreign domination--and/or troops are all the more in harm's way. Your call.


Why the rich seem to have more voice in public than others:

They have lots of money and can afford it!

It is not because of some secret business cabal.

Wealth is power. Either some have more wealth (power), or all Americans give up their freedom. Your call.


Why the rich and powerful seem to cooperate with each other across ideological boundaries:

They are rich and powerful, and seek to use each other, whereas the non-rich and less powerful really have less as individuals to offer.

It is not because of some secret world-ruling cabal.

Either people are allowed freedom of association or they are not. Your call.


Why many Christians support Israel and the Jews:

Because Jesus was a Jew and their own Scriptures uphold Israel.

It is not because of a Jewish cabal.

Either let Christians follow their religion, or eliminate freedom of religion. Your call.


Why the World Trade Center fell:

Because some evil towelheads hijacked some planes, and instead of holding them for ransom as was expected, they turned the planes into missiles and rammed them into some large, heavy buildings, the impact of which weakened the building and started hot fires which further weakened the steel, allowing the heavy upper stories to collapse as a unit, creating more downward foot-poundage on a structure than any structures have ever experienced in our history.

It was not because of a secret cabal which somehow managed to rig them to explode without being spotted.

Either the description I laid out in the first paragraph of this issue is essentially correct, or everything you know is a lie and you have a moral and possibly legal duty to violently rebel against it. Your call.


FINAL COMMENT: These are, of course, only a few of the many such questions asked by conspiracy dupes and nuts. Your job now is to take the principles laid out above, most notably the recitation of the obvious as a first step, and apply the technique to other such issues. It required actual thinking, but I suspect most of you are capable of that if you are willing to set aside selfish endeavors long enough to do something important. But we'll see.

Your call.