Thursday, August 22, 2024

I love my White Privilege.

Of course, we can’t comment on the reality of this video: “When you’re a member of a disproportionally law-abiding and intelligent race that doesn’t burn down its own communities, this is how things can go for you.”

I’d probably be doxxed for saying that there. But it’s true.

Just a smidgen of Tampon Tim’s race treason.

Yes, if you vote Harris-Walz, you ain’t White. And when the time comes, you’re going to be begging – BEGGING – for mercy.

Megyn Kelly Calls Out Tim Walz For His Ridiculous "White Guy Tacos" Comments in Video with Kamala

Monday, August 19, 2024

What is the White people’s word? — Double staNdards iN racial laNguage does iNdeed iNclude coNservatives.

The Hodgetwins are a Black conservative comedy and commentary duo. And yes, they are twin brothers. Obviously, their race is an issue, so it is interesting that they have some sort of promotional ad (Facebook vid HERE) picturing the General Lee in full colors (yes, with the battle flag).

But then there’s this. Responding to Cancellation efforts against a White YouTuber who dares say “nigga” (I rarely encrypt such things), they had this to say:

Nice of them to support her. But notice a key phrase: “our word.” Hmm. They use the word, and they claim a collective possession of it with “Black people.” 

I could play around with this, but the point is obvious: As conservative as these bros may be, they are clearly in league with their racial identity in asserting that THEY may use it, but White people… Yeah.

The lesson here is that no matter how “conservative” a Black person may be, they are still Black. And they often if not universally identify as such as a very high part of their professed position in society. Yet White people, the founding demographic of this country, are effectively prohibited from any sort of positive racial identification. 

I remember the late Herman Cain claiming his identity as “ABC”– “American,” “BLACK,” and “conservative.” And he explicitly said it was in that order. He put his country first, which is good, but his race preceded his ideology. So in the event of a conflict between what he believed to be the best sociopolitical approach to things and the supposed interests of his ethnic group, he would side his ethnic group – the Black minority. What does this say of his likely position in the event of a full-on racial insurrection?

The point: However things shake out, however the situation in America may develop, and whoever with whom you may find yourself in a foxhole, literal or figurative,… Always keep this in mind.