Saturday, August 3, 2024

Off topic: VIDEO: “Sesame Street: Billy Joel And Marlee Matlin Sing Just The Way You Are.”

From season 20, 1989. Two comments:

1. Maybe because Marlee Matlin is deaf, captioning at one point having Oscar as “[INAUDIBLE]” seems oddly funny.

2. I wonder if she originated the “dark-frame glasses make a girl really hot” phenomenon. 

Yep. Hot in the specs.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

ANOTHER NOT PRECISELY ON TOPIC, YET… Ellie Goulding’s “Burn” — Original versus Postmodern Jukebox cover.

will say right off that I definitely prefer the PMJ cover.

Sara Neimeitz (center lead in PMJ version) is something of a fave of mine. She was also in the PMJ cover of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’.” She actually got her start at age 4, when she got a chance to sing with BJ Thomas on stage. She actually knew the words to “Hooked on a Feeling.” Seventeen years later they reunited to record the song as a duet, and the year later they performed it on the Opry. (A live performance here.)