Friday, October 4, 2024

Not really on topic: Comparing 1966 and 1985 versions of “The Secret Cinema.”

“The Secret Cinema” is a short story film about a woman (“Jane”) secretly being filmed in her life, with episodes being shown to a select audience. It is compared by many to the 1990s “The Truman Show,” but the producers of that movie claim not to have known of the previous work. Who knows?

The original one was produced in 1966, with wider distribution in 1968, and the 1985 version was made as an episode of the NBC anthology series, “Amazing Stories.” both were made by the same person. I had seen the 1980s version sometime ago, and re-watched it immediately after swatching the 1966 version.

MY ASSESSMENT: The original, in black-and-white, definitely has the feel of a low-budget independent work of the time. The ‘80s version was obviously better in terms of production quality. The original storywise was darker in tone, at times almost mystical, and definitely a product of its time. The remake replaced the darkness with campiness, again being a product of its time. The remake’s story flow also seemed more plausible – not actually plausible, just more so than the original (with one huge exception). There’s also is true to the relative time difference, given the increased sophistication of audiences. 

True to its more sophisticated audience, the remake deals with certain specific issues raised in the original. Examples include people thinking that Jane is an on the whole thing, as well as the issue of Jane being paid.

Overall, I prefer the remake. The ‘80s rule.



Saturday, September 28, 2024

Look at Miss “Zimbabwe.”

Not sure whether to be happy at the irony or disappointed that a beautiful White woman would support her country (Rhodesia) being usurped as “Zimbabwe.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Yes, this is from Real Clear Politics: Whistleblower calls for arming up.

FBI Whistleblower at Hearing: The Bureau Uses Fear To Control The Workforce; Arm Yourself, Stock Up Your Pantry

Here are his recommendations –p most practical, and one spiritual from his own faith tradition.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024

JD Vance totally nails it — Awesome responses to reporters regarding Springfield, Ohio cat story.

This guy is almost as good as I am. Great direct response, great shift, and great offensive charge. Plus it’s great that it champions cats!

Even better here:

Friday, September 13, 2024

Facebook “Cats and Guns Community” having fun with Haitian story.

Obviously one of my favorite Facebook groups. A number of memes and photo captions referencing the eating of cats by Haitian migrants can be found there. It is supposed to be non-political, but with a topic like guns, just how non-political can it be.

JD Vance sounds just like me — he’s awesome.

“What do I think is a bigger problem — insulting 20,000 people, or the fact that my constituents can’t live a good life because Kamala Harris opened the border?” — future VP JD Vance

Regarding complaints about his comments on Haitians eating pets

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Caitlin Clark just screwed her own pooch — “Liked” Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement.

I am trying to be big-picture here. Her “liking” of Swift’s post definitely drops her a couple of notches in my book, if for reasons of perception only. She is still, though, a White woman facing persecution and abuse from Blacks, even if she is supporting the side that encourages it.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rather far off topic: Mashup: Jessie’s Girl, Stacy’s Mom, and Sweet Caroline are all the same chick! (Plus an alternate narrative).

The horndog fantasies of three generations of adolescent boys are tied together here.

A cappella group Face Vocal Band did this mashup with the three songs concurrent:

Alternate narrative: Here is a write-up where are the songs are taken sequentially. At times it is a bit of a stretch:

Monday, September 2, 2024

TruthSocial post with higher-class pushback on Black racist.


With this video link:

(I will forgive the character’s little shot at Americans. To be fair, we and most of our cousins did fail them.)

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I love my White Privilege.

Of course, we can’t comment on the reality of this video: “When you’re a member of a disproportionally law-abiding and intelligent race that doesn’t burn down its own communities, this is how things can go for you.”

I’d probably be doxxed for saying that there. But it’s true.

Just a smidgen of Tampon Tim’s race treason.

Yes, if you vote Harris-Walz, you ain’t White. And when the time comes, you’re going to be begging – BEGGING – for mercy.

Megyn Kelly Calls Out Tim Walz For His Ridiculous "White Guy Tacos" Comments in Video with Kamala

Monday, August 19, 2024

What is the White people’s word? — Double staNdards iN racial laNguage does iNdeed iNclude coNservatives.

The Hodgetwins are a Black conservative comedy and commentary duo. And yes, they are twin brothers. Obviously, their race is an issue, so it is interesting that they have some sort of promotional ad (Facebook vid HERE) picturing the General Lee in full colors (yes, with the battle flag).

But then there’s this. Responding to Cancellation efforts against a White YouTuber who dares say “nigga” (I rarely encrypt such things), they had this to say:

Nice of them to support her. But notice a key phrase: “our word.” Hmm. They use the word, and they claim a collective possession of it with “Black people.” 

I could play around with this, but the point is obvious: As conservative as these bros may be, they are clearly in league with their racial identity in asserting that THEY may use it, but White people… Yeah.

The lesson here is that no matter how “conservative” a Black person may be, they are still Black. And they often if not universally identify as such as a very high part of their professed position in society. Yet White people, the founding demographic of this country, are effectively prohibited from any sort of positive racial identification. 

I remember the late Herman Cain claiming his identity as “ABC”– “American,” “BLACK,” and “conservative.” And he explicitly said it was in that order. He put his country first, which is good, but his race preceded his ideology. So in the event of a conflict between what he believed to be the best sociopolitical approach to things and the supposed interests of his ethnic group, he would side his ethnic group – the Black minority. What does this say of his likely position in the event of a full-on racial insurrection?

The point: However things shake out, however the situation in America may develop, and whoever with whom you may find yourself in a foxhole, literal or figurative,… Always keep this in mind.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Great anti-trans shot — VIDEO: “ Greg Gutfeld BLASTS Jessica Tarlov For Defending IRRATIONALITY.”

Less than five minutes. Gutfeld makes excellent point comparing trans surgery, which liberals approve, to “conversion therapy,” which liberals oppose. It all goes to agenda, not compassion.

Liberals really have embraced their crazies, while conservatives reject their crazies.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Identity security breach endangering literally every American, and probably more.

This may be a true case of anybody downplaying something because it is exactly that serious. Right up there with hostile extraterrestrials.

Yes, Google really is lying about Trump.

This is but one example. The propaganda war is so systemic that Trump is justified to do anything.

President Trump is not a perfect tyrant, but he’s the one we have handy. Give it all to him.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Aussie TV babes give better perspective to Walz’s Stolen Valor AND comparison to Vance’s combat record.

(3:18-7:21 in video). 

These ladies, especially Kosha Gada, put the issue of Walz’s Stolen Valor into a somewhat more practical perspective than I’ve seen elsewhere. This is especially true in how they counter Dems’ attempts to characterize Vance’s own combat record to mitigate Walz’s counterfactual claimsToo many Trump supporting personalities here are Teabraining the matter, overreaching and mischaracterizing the issue, and doing more harm than good. I try not to jump too hard on technical errors or overgeneralizations, but people shouldn’t throw around terms and concepts they don’t understand.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Finally, a conservative gets the Harris “unburdened” line.

(Apparently Blogspot is changing things, so I need an app or something to post pictures and embed videos. I will figure it out.)

Kamala Harris’ “unburdened by what has been” line has been widely labeled as a word salad. Perhaps it is, but it does have a meaning – a very Marxist meaning. It is about changing our past, which means our heritage. 

I have resisted explaining this to people, given the tiring nature of having to deal with TeabraineryPerhaps it’s ironic that it’s Charlie Kirk of TPUSA putting this out.

No, we may not have all that much in common.

COMMENT: The flaw in Kennedy’s statement about how we have so much in common is that the Left genuinely doesn’t ideologically share those concerns. They want our children to be worse off than us, by virtue of wanting the decline of Western civilization. Whether it’s proactively seeking that outcome for their own children, or simply being ambivalent about it insubordination to their ideology, it simply is not a concern we equally share.

The discussion really focuses mostly on Kat Timph’s pregnancy, but does mention the adoration of Kamala Harris as being strictly partisan.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Off topic: VIDEO: “Sesame Street: Billy Joel And Marlee Matlin Sing Just The Way You Are.”

From season 20, 1989. Two comments:

1. Maybe because Marlee Matlin is deaf, captioning at one point having Oscar as “[INAUDIBLE]” seems oddly funny.

2. I wonder if she originated the “dark-frame glasses make a girl really hot” phenomenon. 

Yep. Hot in the specs.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

ANOTHER NOT PRECISELY ON TOPIC, YET… Ellie Goulding’s “Burn” — Original versus Postmodern Jukebox cover.

will say right off that I definitely prefer the PMJ cover.

Sara Neimeitz (center lead in PMJ version) is something of a fave of mine. She was also in the PMJ cover of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’.” She actually got her start at age 4, when she got a chance to sing with BJ Thomas on stage. She actually knew the words to “Hooked on a Feeling.” Seventeen years later they reunited to record the song as a duet, and the year later they performed it on the Opry. (A live performance here.)




Saturday, July 27, 2024

In defense of future VP Vance: Even Purina takes shots at “cat ladies.”

The “crazy cat lady” trope goes back generations. We all know what it means, and we all accept it. The “childless” adaptation was simply making his point.

This Purina “We are Cat People” commercial — the one I have embedded on this page on the right hand panel — uses the phrase (with “ crazy”  — which you would think would be even more offensive than “childless”) repeatedly (go to 1:12 point). It’s targeted at people who have cats. And I’m sure a few of those people fit the profile Vance laid out. The video is still up after 12 years, so the company doesn’t seem to have received many complaints.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

THE DAILY FUDD: E275: “VIDEO : ‘What would happen if you had an AK-47 in the Civil War’ (not Turtledove).”

“Quantity has a quality all its own.” Hence 75 million patriotic Americans each with an official standard baseline - featureless - fighting rifle is indeed a force that a regular military with full auto and such would find a genuine threat. 2A does have that collective factor as well.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.


Friday, July 19, 2024

President Trump’s 2024 RNC acceptance speech, with note to critics.

Posted on complete video: To critics: When you take a round to the head for the cause and come within millimeters of being killed by an assassin, you get to take as long as you want with your acceptance speech. If you wish to depart from the traditional style, and basically give the speech you were prevented from giving, you get to do that. 

And particularly to those critics who have helped create the environment among his opponents that led to the assassination attempt, you have less than no right to complain. Just STFU.



Simple slam-dunk debunking of “Trump staged assassination attempt” conspiracy theory (but with lesson for both sides).

Obvious problem with the whole concept is that the Secret Service really actually was around there – no matter how badly they did. To stage something like that in the presence of a Deep State entity like that would be impossible. They would never go along with it.

That said, it should serve to show people who have traditionally been “conspiracy theorists” how their approach is a two-edged sword. Blanket cynicism is foolish.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A common-sense headsup regarding Trump assassination attempt.

I wondered what to put on here about the attempted assassination of President Trump. I decided to address the shooter, and how Teabrained some conservatives are being.

My comment (with typo corrections) related on a video HERE:

The fellow was registered Republican. Yet, he donated to far-Left groups, and attempted to assassinate the Republican candidate for President. Obviously, his registration was so people couldn’t call him a Democrat when he did what he did. And the T-shirt was obviously to give his side talking points against [pro-gun or traditionalist] organizations. 

Along these lines, an anti-gunner once said he wanted to join the NRA and then commit a mass shooting, just so the NRA could no longer say none of its members had ever committed a mass shooting. 

Conservatives need to learn that liberals are a little more sophisticated than them sometimes. Think, folks.

Think of it as a variation on false flag. Few practitioners think anyone is going to be actually fooled, and in fact, very few folks are fooled. It’s all about rhetoric. It’s all about psychology and packaging – that is, giving your side stuff to say (no matter how misleading) while robbing your opponents of talking points on technicalities (regardless of the actual substance).

The fellow who did this was a Trump-hating Left-winger. Period.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden actually claims there is “no indication” that he is slowing down.

BIDEN: "If I slow down, I can't get the job done. That's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. But there's no indication of that yet! None!"

Note: NBC immediately cuts away to remove how he pauses and is unable to read the list of the preapproved reporters to call on.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WAY off topic: AGT’s Solange Kardinaly’s quick-change AND EXPLANATION.

Great performance. Her acting gestures and facial expressions really sell it. As do her legs.

SPOILER: No wardrobe malfunctions.😢



Friday, July 5, 2024

THE DAILY FUDD: E274: “Happy 7.5 Day for our French comrades.”

The original 7.5x57mm French cartridge was adopted in 1924, and slightly modified to 7.5x54mm in 1929 to avoid confusion with the German 7.92x57mm round. It was retained by the French military into the 1970s due to a stubborn refusal to match NATO standards, accompanied by their temporary withdrawal from the alliance in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. It was replaced by NATO standards after that.

I love the looks.  

Gun Jesus vids on the series HERE.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

ICYMI (because I did): UN climate activist attacks the White race.

The only mistake America has made in regard to what she discusses here is pressing our European cousins and others to decolonize the shitholes.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

VIDEO: Woman: “Bring back the Patriarchy!” — But will she reciprocate?

The problem is, women won’t reciprocate. They want men to act like traditional men, but they so often demand retention of their “liberation.” They want men to take the responsibility, but won’t yield to them the authority.

I’m not talking about brutality or cruelty. But women who want what she says must be willing to SUBMIT to their men.

Friday, June 28, 2024

SCOTUS has favorable J6 ruling, but justices’ vote is interesting.

SCOTUS find that one of the key statutes being used against President Trump and the J6 political prisoners does not apply to their alleged actions.

DECISION: Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Jackson.

DISSENT: Barrett, Sotomayor, Kagan.

* Barrett and Jackson trade places ideologically. *

ANALYSIS: The males got it right, despite one being Roberts, and a couple of others wimping out in the 2020 Election Steal. The females got it wrong, with Jackson the exception, most likely to use it to give future cover to BLM/Antifa.

CONCLUSION: Politics makes strange bedfellows. The decision does far more good than harm, offering only minimal help to BLM/Antifa. There’s plenty else to use against them. I suspect Jackson overestimated the benefit.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

MO AG Bailey’s address to US Senate committee on liberal lawfare and persecution of President Trump.

6:28 video

MY COMMENT: Offer President Trump political asylum. Refer to Federalist 46 and stand with other states against this corruption and overreach.”

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Gutfeld video: “Gutfeld on the media's 'cheap fakes' claim: 'This has to be the lamest coverup'”.

NOTE: Facebook would not let me post this link, claiming it violates “community standards.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yes, I know a lot — Explanation of alleged “Greater Israel” map patch.

I will go with Ryan McBeth’s probable conclusion, regarding the authenticity of the passion question. But he lacks understanding of what the map is actually showing. I explained it to him in a comment. 

The map of looks very similar to one used by non-religious/atheist Zionists of the late 19th and early 20th century. It’s based on some misreadings and misapplications of the biblically-defined extent of the “Promised Land.” For example, it takes a certain reference to a river is applying to the Nile, rather than to a seasonal wadi in the Sinai. Also, it extends Israel all along the Euphrates river, when only part of that river is to be the border. See below. It would be proper to say, “Promised Land of Israel,” as those promises to Abraham were passed down to Israel. It would not be anachronistic. In short, the biblical borders read correctly from Numbers 34 basically include much of the western third of the Fertile Crescent. It’s the current state of Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank, maybe part of Lebanon, and then a swath of Syria, including the Golan (now legally part of Israel), extending up to the Euphrates river.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

PLEASE, may this be true! — Allegation President Trump talked about executing opponents in White House meetings.

Levin is, understandably, missing the real thought here. I hope she’s telling the truth.

Simple: Caitlin Clark is being persecuted for being straight, White, and good.

Nothing more to say. Except that it proves the need to uphold Heritage. (Oh, and that women are too jealous to get anything done.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A heritage song that should’ve been: “Misty Mountain” from Time Trax.

For the uninitiated, Time Trax was an early 1990s syndicated sci-fi program about a “Fugitive Retrieval” cop from the 22nd century traveling back 200 years to capture criminals from his own time who made the trip. One of the traits of the 22nd century stated, but rarely discussed, was that the White race had allowed itself to become an oppressed minority seemingly given “enclaves” comparable to present-day Indian reservations. The officer we follow is himself White, and more than that is considered a “patriot,” having much memorabilia from a country once called the United States of America. (See HERE for intro telling the story.)

In this episode (full episode HERE), we learn his favorite musician is a 20th century female Country singer, who he manages to meet before she made it big. This song seems to tell the story of a person tired of city life, and seeking to return to their home in the country. Obviously, it goes to a certain appreciation of his people’s heritage. 

It’s a shame the song was apparently never completed and released. Indeed, in 200 years it may well have served as a heritage song for my people.

LYRICS of as much of the song as is in the episode. Some may be improvised, though. Taken from post on above video.