Saturday, October 22, 2022

President Trump has carte blanche for vengeance -- ARTICLE: "The FBI Put A $1 Million Bounty On Trump As The Bureau Sought To Frame Him."

No investigations, no trials, just retributions. President Trump has earned the right. Restore him to power, then...

I won't see a thing, and I hope to be part of doing it.

The FBI Put a $1 Million Bounty on Trump as the Bureau Sought to Frame Him | Gregg Jarrett (

An FBI analyst dropped a bombshell in a Virginia federal courtroom Tuesday: the FBI secretly offered Christopher Steele $1 million if the ex-British spy could only corroborate his phony dossier that accused Trump of colluding with Russia.

Think about that.  James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him.  Bring us the evidence, and we’ll make you rich!

It's the people who are to blame, so halt these silly elections -- ARTICLE: "San Francisco DA who promised to 'restore' order walks out of debate after protesters disrupt event."

She was elected on promises of restoring order. She tried to do some of that--and these Leftists protest her. It goes to show that the real problem with places like Frisco isn't the politicians, but rather the people who elect them. Military occupation and the suspension of elections for at least a couple of generations would go far to solving the problem.

San Francisco DA who promised to 'restore' order walks out of debate after protesters disrupt event | Fox News

"White" becoming "Light" in race baiting -- ARTICLE and VIDEO: "GREG GUTFELD: Charles Blow expanded the 'accusatory net of racism'."

The Rule of Three is becoming a binary Light-Dark. An observation of nature that goes along with Asiatics no longer being considered "People of Color." 

Gutfeld, though, has to go the conservative line and slam it. 

GREG GUTFELD: Charles Blow expanded the 'accusatory net of racism'

"Blow, whose name is short for blowing smoke up his own ass, takes a tale involving Latino leaders in L.A. making bigoted remarks about Blacks and calls it proof of white supremacy. Yes, a Latina smears a black person. But that's white racism, making white supremacy look more diverse than a 1980s Benetton ad. Remember those? "

Thursday, October 20, 2022

From 2021: ARTICLE: "Lost Baby Moose Finds (Estonian) Soldier (with Swedish G3) In Forest And Asks Him For Help."

“I called our veterinary office and let them know what happened,” Prikko said. “I wanted to do more for the small calf and wanted to ask what should I do.”

Prikko was told to return the calf to where he was found, and to monitor the situation. Because of Prikko’s report, a vet was dispatched to the scene with a bottle of milk to feed the baby moose just in case his mother failed to return.


As a soldier, Prikko considers it his duty to protect animals, too — and in this case, he accomplished that mission perfectly.

Go to article to find out the happy result.

"Swedish-made version of the Heckler & Koch G3A3 battle rifle."

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

If I urged Black mothers to listen to Stacey Abrams and act on this, would it be "racist"? -- Claims abortion is the answer to inflation.

She's a hero, you know, being an election denier and claiming to be the governor of Georgia and all.

“Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs,” Abrams explained. “For women, this is not a reductive issue, “she said. “You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child.”

Childless Stacey Abrams Says Killing Your Baby Is Best Way To Fix Democrat-Created Recession: "Having children is why you're worried about your price for gas" [VIDEO] (

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

OFF TOPIC: Another Trans-Atlantic Cou..., No, actually all-American, Kid Pop, same show, same vocals(?), different episodes and tempos (SONG: "One Fine Day").

About the show: ""Kids Incorporated" was a live-action kids' show of the mid-1980s and early 1990s. It was about a band of the same name composed of (more-or-less) young people. They would do covers--excellent ones, in my fan opinion--of popular songs (plus a few original numbers)."

The first version is from Season 2 (1985) and features Marta Marrero--later known as "Martika" (of "Toy Soldiers" fame). The second is from Season 4 after she (and backup dancer Mario Lopez of "Saved By The Bell" fame) left. But people with better hearing than me think it's the same recording, claiming to hear Martika's voice even though replaced by a little Asian girl (Connie Lew). However, both the time hacks and listening show the latter to be slowed down.

Judge for yourself which rendering is better. I will say as far as the videos go, the 1987 version is probably better, with lead Renee Sands slightly older and looking more the part for the lead, and the supporting characters more on point. But the 1985 version does have Martika, so there's that.

Renee Sands, 1985(L) and 1987. What a difference two years can make at that age.



THE DAILY FUDD: E253: "More military fudd: VIDEO: 'WW2 Weapons That are STILL Being Used Today.'"

MY COMMENT: "Vision of World War 3: We'll see weapons from three or four generations side by side in military and civilian hands. Nukes notwithstanding, the whole world will be like the Battle of Berlin, with civilians armed like the Volksturm."

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.