Thursday, September 8, 2022

Relative priorities of Teabrainery in a simple meme.

If not football, then it's some other diversion or point of personal aggrandizement.

Compare to this tweet from a Republican regarding her party's loss in an Alaska election due to "ranked voting."

Work, play, whatever. Too many on the Patriot/Right focus on self-interest and self-desire over the conditions of society. The result: The other side tends to win--and in turn threaten all that in which these people indulged to cause their defeat. In truth, they can either sacrifice SOME of their personal in favor of the Cause, or lose ALL of their personal due to the political loss to their enemies.

See more at 
Cats, Guns, and National Security: "Faithful wound" time: Republican critics are well-meaning but wrong about "ranked voting" loss in Alaska House race -- Teabrainery was the problem. (

Rest in Peace, Queen Elizabeth II. Long live King Charles III.

If the lady had one fault, it was her commitment to British "democracy." I'd long hoped she'd be the first British monarch since 1707 to actually veto a bill and stop Britain's social drift to the Left. Perhaps King Charles III will get pissed enough to do something.

From Soldier of Fortune magazine:

70 years on the throne. 15 Prime Ministers. 13 American Presidents. The Cold War. The fall of the Berlin Wall. World War II. Queen Elizabeth II was the longest serving monarch in history. She was a great friend to the United States, and made a point of visiting New York City following the 9/11 attacks. Buckingham Palace announced that she died this afternoon in Balmoral, Scotland. May she Rest In Peace.

If "Black music" was still like this, race relations would be vastly better -- Concept and performance videos: "Yah Mo B There."

NO RACE-BAITING OR GRIPES. Only solidarity and brotherhood. The '80s indeed represented the pinnacle of race relations: Artificial gaps closed and individuals were judged as individuals, yet without the destruction of order or heritage. "They" had joined "us." But that wasn't enough--reality wasn't acceptable--and we "progressed" into the current unnatural mess. (Our future HERE? And thus maybe HERE?)

CONCEPT VIDEO: (Today, the White girl in the video would have to come across for Black pursuers or be "racist.")

PERFORMANCE VIDEO: (I wonder how often McDonald is accused of "cultural appropriation" today.)

Sunday, September 4, 2022

"'Apollo' versus 'Apollo'" -- Video from 2003/04 Battlestar Galactica: "Raid On Astral Queen."

A little reimagined BSG. Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama facing off with Tom Zarek, the resident Leftwing terrorist/politician played by Richard Hatch--the "Apollo" of the original series. The "Astral Queen" is effectively a prison ship, and prisoner Zarek has taken control.

If I'm ever in (that) Lee's position in the coming civil war, and I don't shoot the son of a bitch in question, please shoot us both. For real, for I will have failed in my preferred position as Chief Regional Executioner for President Trump, the Federalist 46 States, and my own State.