Thursday, June 30, 2022

More racial wealth transfer to dark-skinned peoples; Pompeo halfway corrects -- VIDEO: "Mike Pompeo: ‘Putin just sent clear message to Biden.’"

Problem is, $200B won't counter "multi-trillions."

Mike Pompeo: ‘Putin just sent clear message to Biden’ - YouTube

Pompeo halfway corrects Kilmeade. Yes, China uses its "assistance" to shitholes to gain control. And what comes out of the G7 will be "Woke" stuff like climate and such. However, he can't come to the conclusion--or at least, bring himself to say--that this is simply a wealth transfer from White/Western and Westernized peoples to the backwards people who haven't earned it and frankly never can. But that's par for the course even among our better leaders.

Good comments on Ukraine, though.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E220: "Old reaction to old story on detecting CCW, but valid point -- Remember Auto-Ordnance's line: 'On the side of law and order.'"

In 2013 I commented elsewhere on this story about detecting concealed weapons in public spaces. I regret that I did not document the specific cases of government and law enforcement overreach to which I alluded*. Nonetheless, the prime point remains valid.

*I believe the Canton case was of the patrolman who acted irrationally abusively toward a CCW holder. As for Milwaukee, that city has long been liberal.

The reality is that technology will inevitably advance. I'll let lawyers debate the probable-cause issue, but concealed-carry holders need to remember that the "concealed" aspect is for avoiding detection by criminal elements and preventing a public panic, not concealing the weapon from the authorities.
The answer to preventing abuse by authorities in this regard lies in holding individual authority figures responsible for their actions. Sheriffs and police chiefs who issue illegal and unconstitutional anti-gun policies *cough MILWAUKEE cough* should be removed and penalized, and officers on the street applying them as if they were "the law" *cough CANTON, OHIO cough* need to be sharply disciplined.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E219: A (possible) vision of the future based on rise of electric vehicles: Hive cities, enclaves, and handguns (feat. the .45/.410).

From a comment (not mine) to article: Car Dealers Reveal an Alarming Problem with Getting Your Electric Vehicle Serviced (

I had to have my hybrid towed 90 miles to the nearest technician and they just threw high-priced parts at it until it was not worth the cost of repair. 🙁
Never again.

Unless reversed, this sort of thing seems to show a route toward a dystopic parody of our society. Between pricing private autos out of reach of most, and the growing urbanization of our population (this farm boy-turned-city dweller included), we could see urban compaction pushing toward hive cities with Bird scooters ( as the prime source of everyday individual transportation. Rural life would be less and less tenable due to this loss of regular vehicles (though perhaps motorcycles will survive--I had to find a way to include THE GREATEST MOVIE ENDING EVER), with corporate farms providing food and such to these urban centers. Even collective "Mount Carmel"-type compounds might become too isolated to survive. The cosmopolitan nature of such communities, plus the natural globalization,* can lead, ironically, to ethnic compartmentalization of the hives comparable to “Time Trax”-style "enclaves" for Whites. On the bright side, it's possible that current SCOTUS 2A precedent will stand, so at least we'll all be able to go about with handguns. At least, some Warhammer lore (at about 3:55 point) suggests that. (See 178 for more fun.)

*Due to technology growth, a certain amount of globalization is inevitable, even as with urbanization, even in times of nationalism--i.e., Trump can MAGA and we lead the world, but America will still be part of the world. Trump leadership could, though, avert the dystopia described herein.

A vision of retirement in 30 years: From Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E170: "A .45/.410 revolver-prime approach to American RKBA (outside CA), especially for us derelicts -- AND THE FUDD CAVEAT!" (

ADDENDUM: Sorta-semi-kinda-confirmation of the thinking here:

This architect is reviewing sci-fi films from her professional perspective, and notes in the story of the movie "Downsizing" that modern thoughts of "healthier" cities and such call for compacting things.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.