Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E205: "Best civilian 2A Militia approach to 6.8x51 adoption (yes, some people have to tell other people what's best)."

From my comment on Military Arms Channel's video, Goody bye M16! Military Adopts the M5 rifle and 6.8x51. Are they crazy? - YouTube

Hold off on going 6.8x51 till it's confirmed by testing and deployment. It indeed will be several years. There were NG units still using Garands as late as the 1970s (Kent State). Think of all the folks who departed from common North American and NATO-standard calibers by investing in 6.8 SPC. *suppresses laugh* I do wonder how many of the naysayers are just mad they got caught holding that bag.

But presuming it happens, learn from past overreaches: Keep things simple. Don't go for the 2A hobbyists' approach of maxing everything out. Don't go for the CA folks' approach of trying to skirt every AW law, and thus encourage more such laws. (Remember, most Americans support gun rights, but disagree with the purists on some points. You can say that's contradictory, but the political reality--and in some cases judicial precedent and common law going back centuries, even pre 2A--are on their side). A simple, rather featureless fighting rifle in the (new) standard military caliber (and NATO will come along, as they did with 5.56) will serve the function of the civilian 2A Militia and their most likely employment. But if one must go with it now... The SIG CROSS bolt-action is available in the caliber. Suitable for set-position and citadel (think Mount Carmel) defense.


Product Spotlight: SIG MCX Spear Next-Generation Battle Rifle

History Debunked VIDEO: "Which African country links citizenship with skin-colour? (Hint, it’s not South Africa!)."

"This is the problem with globalism, you see: It only works in one direction, African nations are quite free to celebrate and preserve their own distinctive character and culture by passing racially exclusive laws which forbid me from being a citizen of their countries, but if a European country tries the same thing it is an act of racism."

The difference, of course, is that no White person of remotely sound mind wants to become a citizen of any of those shitholes. The anti-White nature of it all, though, remains.

LIBERIAN CONSTITUTION: Article 4, Chapter 27, Paragraph b:

"In order to preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character, only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia."