Harris-Biden nominee for nuclear position is a freak--and you all can't criticize because..."freedom" and all that.

Folks, this is what "freedom" brings, especially when people allow something like the 2020 Election Steal. If he can do the job, then--save for possible actual bestiality, which should be investigated--"freedom" denies anyone the freedom to meaningfully or with effect criticize. (As Orwell put it, "Freedom is slavery.")
I could go on and point out the inconsistencies of between his nomination and that of Amy Comey Barrett. But no one seems to listen when it's suggested we apply the New Rules and do a turnabout, using the Globalist/Left's own tactics against them. You know, that "freedom" thing again.
The reality is, a "free" society is bound to fall because it lacks the means, and even will, to enforce its culture, heritage, and civilization. This is the case even in the face of quite viable, even existential, threats from an ideological (or demographic) movement that WILL apply those tactics. "Freedom"--exemplified in America by our current Constitution--becomes indeed a suicide pact.
"Freedom is slavery." Orwell used that to describe the propaganda of a truly oppressive regime, but he inadvertently expressed a reality.

Victor Davis Hanson article: Exposes dangers of dogmatism, but ignores his own examples to hide inequality between Left and Right on this.

Hanson is worthy of praise as one of the very few intellectuals on the side of Trump and the Patriot/Right. However, his intellectualism (and some marginal White Guilt) blocks him from an important point: It really is one side against the other, and while we on the Patriot/Right must police our own (which we did in WW2), there isn't the "equal relationship" between them the title and conclusion might suggest.
He starts out by pointing out "bankrupt ideologies" on both sides (USSR and Nazi Germany), but then gives a string of Leftwing ideological inconsistencies. Not one example beyond Nazism where the Right's excesses cause "the shelves (to be) empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos" or something comparable. (And he has openly shown he knows and uses the political science definition of the Left-Right spectrum, and at which end Nazi Germany goes. Sorry, TEA Party-types, it's in the dictionary.)
Hanson here points out the dangers of putting ideology before reality, regardless of which side presents them (remember that, libertarians). Yet he can't bring himself to acknowledge that one side is FAR more guilty than the other at destroying civilizations.

And something else Hanson misses: "Freedom" is an ideology that can go bankrupt as well.