Friday, December 24, 2021

Stop with the impeachment talk unless Harris is included; go for Federalist 46.

Considering what "Deep State" could do to undercut Trump--even to the point of preventing him calling in AC130s to destroy the 2020 racial insurrections--two lessons can be gleaned:

1. Biden's incompetence isn't a danger. He's not in charge. So there's no need to impeach him, and thus put Harris in the POTUS position.

2. The Constitution cannot resolve the problem--save for a #Federalist46 State application of 2A.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E169: "Diversionary fudd -- VIDEO: From Iraqveteran8888: 'Top 5 Redneck Guns.'"

"Top 5" Videos are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and may contain satire. Bigfoot, aliens, and your daughter's boyfriend are safe. "Top 5" subjects are meant to drive political commentary, may contain popular culture references, and offer a light-hearted means to demonstrate unique and interesting firearms to our viewers.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reverse the races, and we'd have a riot on our hands -- VIDEO: "Thug steals old lady's purse, gets painful instant karma from a hero."

Black man stops and beats up White purse snatcher. The fact that this hasn't led to racial violence shows which race supports policing their own.