Saturday, December 18, 2021

VIDEO: "Inclusivity and History are a BAD match!"

Video takes a shot at White-actor portrayal of non-White characters in older films, and is too accepting of "diversity" in fictional works, but is useful against Left-wing--that is, anti-White--historical revisionism.

The reason for such revisionism is to undercut understanding of the historical FACT that Whites--and White males--have dominated Western history, and indeed world history as they--we--have come into contact with other peoples. Enemies of Western civilization and heritage believe this fact points to a natural reality at odds with their Globalism. It does.

"Firefly" ended just in time, or else Whedon would have made it a liberal PC vehicle.

This YouTuber makes a point of parallels to the Confederacy, with two elements of note:
1. He says it should be "concerning."
2. He makes a case that Josh Whedon, the creator of the series, was planning to take a shot at Southern "revisionist" history with it, had it continued.

My comments:

1. Sounds like the show ended just in time, before Whedon could turn it into a PC vehicle.

2. Regarding the Confederate parallels, you're forgetting that in 2002 people weren't so "woke" and anti-White as today. It would not have been seen as it is today. You're close to guilty of cultural relativism.

A shame for that YouTuber to curse such a great pre-Woke show like that.