Saturday, November 6, 2021

MY response to issue of people being detained (in questionable manner) for the January 6, 2021 Capitol event.

PAYWALL prevents this poor soul from reading the article.

General topic response:
The best response is turnabout: When in control, do to the other side the same--"and worse," as President Trump said of waterboarding terrorists. #Federalist46
As for people in custody for the event now: Do assessments and divide them into four categories:
1. Total innocents just caught in the aftermath: Cut them loose, with some reparations taken from interned "Resistance" figures--e.g., cash taken from Mark Zuckerberg.
2. Friendlies who simply got caught up in things that day: Same as in Group 1, though with much lower reparations and less-than-positive notations in their records,
3. Apparent-friendlies who did wrong: Quick trial and appropriate punishment (we must police our own--that event was not an approved operation or within logical personal prerogative).
4. "Resistance" (Antifa, BLM, etc.) also involved in the event (probably not many like that being held): Roll them over into aforementioned internment, with any involved in the planning and set-up fast-tracked for final conclusion of their cases.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E159: "A call for 'Star Fudd,' at least by 24th-century standards -- A case calling for projectile, not directed-energy, arms."

Be it a revolver, an AR15, or a M249, the throwback weapon would have won this battle for the crew of Voyager.

(No, I haven't seen the whole episode, so I have no idea how it turns out at all.)

From Memory Alpha regarding the Voth:

"What appeared to be a dampening field was capable of rendering tricorderscommunicators, and phasers useless."

"No good deed goes unpunished," or, "'Mansplaining': A righteous act rejected by its beneficiaries--male or female."

People, male and female, aren't liking my "mansplaining" again.

Women: The facts are the facts, and if you can't handle the heat of a marketplace of ideas, then go back to the kitchen. Men and women: When someone is actually trying to help you, don't stop them. They aren't being condescending. They're trying to save you problems in the future. Don't be self-focused jackasses.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

"Q" crap continues: Total Teabrainery -- 02 NOV 2021 Dallas craziness.

Sometimes we have to be critical of our own side.

These are the same IDIOTS who told people to "trust the plan," and who were shocked when the military didn't stop the inauguration. "Q" was exposed months ago, and these people still believe. Total Teabrainery.

Folks, no matter how patriotic you may be, if you aren't academically educated--that is, us who went to a college that didn't have "Heatin'," "Air Conditionin'," "Cosmetology," or "Auto Repare"(sic) in the name--let those of us who are check your ideas BEFORE you go spouting them. If that sounds like "elitism," then consider what happens when hicks go it alone:

If this analysis is correct, then again--perfect Teabrainery:
Several attendees mentioned 12:29 PM as the specific time they expected the deus ex machina, noting that it was the time that JFK was shot 58 years ago. But for whatever reason, no one explained why they didn’t choose to meet on the day JFK was shot, Nov. 22. Perhaps it was a typographical error. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Cats beating automatic feeders -- The final one actually does it "right," so to speak.


When it comes to learning a system and beating it, Michael Larson has nothing on this feline.