Saturday, January 23, 2021

I declare the illegitimacy of Harris/Biden, and do so legally.


Hillary Clinton declared Trump an "illegitimate President," despite lack of reason. Therefore I declare Harris/Biden to be "illegitimate" BASED ON the evidence. James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," in #Federalist46 explained the Framers' vision of the STATES--not people acting privately/individually--standing against tyrannies imposed upon them from the federal level. The imposition of an illegitimate administration is indeed tyrannical.
Thus, I have, since the Steal became apparent November 4, exercised my right to petition government for a redress of grievances and urged our State government to do exactly that. It is up to our elected leaders now to decide how that can and should be done. Whether it be resisting certain unconstitutional impositions of federal power--as our State constitution requires (e.g., Article 1, Section 23)--or a more fundamental denial of legitimacy lies with the Governor and State General Assembly.
Four years of Deep State "Resistance" and collaboration between government, media, and industry--a collaboration still ongoing, and in fact increasing--with a culmination of a blatant election Steal, stands as vindication of this stance. I say this as a loyal and law-abiding citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Missouri.

One hour before the end -- America needs saving from its own "freedom."

Monday, January 18, 2021

"Multiracial Whiteness" -- It actually says it all.

 So much here. But the bottom is still anti-White/Western jealousy.