Saturday, November 14, 2020

NOW we know what's wrong with Georgia vote: CONSENT DECREE! GOP there yielded to the RACE CARD!

Essentially, in the context of the BLM insurrectionist activity this year, the GOP leadership in the State of Georgia gutted its vote verification system at the beckoning of Black leaders. Racial realities created the natural disproportionate outcome, and so our people got scared.

The Consent Decree signed by the Georgia Secretary of State, with the approval of Governor @BrianKempGA, at the urging of @staceyabrams, makes it impossible to check & match signatures on ballots and envelopes, etc. They knew they were going to cheat. Must expose real signatures!


....What are they trying to hide. They know, and so does everyone else. EXPOSE THE CRIME!


The president appears to be referring to a consent decree from earlier in 2020 which concerned signature matching on mail-in ballots. Abrams spoke to the Los Angeles Times about the decree on October 4.

"[Y]ou could always vote by mail, that was never a problem. The issue was they threw out your ballot if there was a signature mismatch, which was twice as likely if you were Black or Latino, five times as likely if you're young," Abrams said.

TRANSLATION: Even back then, the Dems were cheating and had incompetent minority voters, so in the name of "civil rights," the Whites tried to give them the election.

Be honest with yourselves, and you know the problem--and half the solution.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Full-on corruption of the election by the "Resistance" insurrection crew -- As I've said, Trump is justified in doing ANYTHING!

SHAFFER: "Yes -@JoeBiden did brag that he had 'the largest vote fraud organization in history" - the framework of his criminal enterprise is now emerging..."

KERIK: "This election wasn’t just rigged - there was a sophisticated 3 pronged scheme to fund the illegal operation, and back it up with #DominionSoftware to insure a #Biden victory. The evidence is overwhelming and coming in by the minute. @RudyGiuliani @realDonaldTrump" (RT OMITTED)


"Please tell @AndrewCMcCarthy we don't need criminal-level proof. We have sufficient evidence--"indicators"--of insurrection & coup to act accordingly. The Constitution ought not be a suicide pact, and the respective several STATES can act against this [imminent] threat...


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

POMPEO: "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration" -- With beautiful chaser by Trump in a tweet.

Beautiful by Trump. The Master at work.

TRUMP: "That’s why Mike was number one in his class at West Point!

(Additional background: Fired DOD Secretary Mike Esper was in same West Point class.) POMPEO: "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration."

Monday, November 9, 2020

Our "democracy" is dead. (Not the worst thing.)



Key term here is “civic fumes.”

RT: Matthew J. Peterson
This is no pristine democracy. It is a highly oligarchical vehicle with the dilapidated engine of a republic running on civic fumes, driven by an increasingly ideologically radical managerial state.
No matter WHAT happens, people all through spectrum are seeing the failing of "democracy." We'll go Leftist-Socialist or Rightwing authoritarian (but not totalitarian--we're Americans). But THE PEOPLE will end up wanting stability. 3 is least change, but 4 would solve it all!
Regarding 2A: My fave Tea Party (wasn't a fan) sign had Gadsden Flag, "Don't Tread on Me," then caption: "They did. Now what?" Reason conservatives never did serious armed uprising is fear of arrest. Fed46 approach puts 2A uprisers on side of law and order. It could happen. 2/
It is only a matter of time before our Constitution is worthless. John Adams may not have thought his statement was a prediction or direction, but the time is coming. And the response is obvious. We shall see. 3/E

Sunday, November 8, 2020

To stop the steal.

Urge your loyal governors and other STATE leaders to support President Trump against this coup. And tell others to do likewise.