Saturday, October 10, 2020

ARTICLE: Andrew McCarthy: "Yes, Hillary Clinton Orchestrated the Russia-Collusion Farce."

Yes, Hillary Clinton Orchestrated

 the Russia-Collusion Farce

No matter. At the same time that Hillary Clinton had her campaign proclaim that the DNC emails had been hacked by Russia as part of a corrupt Trump-Putin conspiracy to swing the election to Trump, and Steele dutifully reported that the DNC emails had been hacked by Russia as part of a corrupt Trump-Putin conspiracy to swing the election to Trump, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on — you’ll never guess! — suspicion that the DNC emails had been hacked by Russia as part of a corrupt Trump–Putin conspiracy to swing the election to Trump.

What a coincidence.

There's an answer to this. See if you can figure it out.

PARENT TWEET: "Four boxes keep us free:  the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box."

MY REPLY: "Problem is, each of those is a two-edged sword:

- 1st: Hard for our side (PC, self-interest). - 2nd: Subject to majorities (which "freedom" enables to move Left). - 3rd: Empowers bias (e.g., McCloskeys indicted by grand jury). - 4th: Guaranteed by "equal protection" to enemies."

Thursday, October 8, 2020

BREAKING: Pelosi hints at 25th Amendment coup -- Most plausible scenario, and the proper response..

Pelosi said today she would be saying something about 25A tomorrow (09 OCT 2020). The possibility most are thinking is that she'll urge VP Pence and the Cabinet to act. But that would make her look weak. More likely is the scenerio presented by J. Michael Waller:

Pelosi is planning for an inconclusive electoral vote certification past January 20, 2021, to ensure that Trump and Pence cannot be re-seated if they are not officially re-elected. That would make her interim president.


Possible scenarios like that remind me of my fave sign from "TEA Party" era: Gadsden Flag w/ caption: "They did. Now what?" Overplay at time, and I said so. Issue then was specific actions. Today, issue is overthrow of administration. I've answered question. Read and be honest:

MO GOV will pardon St. Louis couple who challenged BLM insurrectionists if they are convicted -- Urge governor to preemptively pardon them NOW!

Let them skip the whole trial. I get hesitancy for state-level to intervene in local, but that prosecutor needs to be put in her place.

Plus, she's going down in the coming civil war anyway.

Looking forward to visiting this asshole reporter at the internment camp -- Turning big rocks into little rocks will be the least of his frets.

At about the 0:25 point, a jerkwad yells out, "Do you think you might be a superspreader, Mr. President?"

Truly, this guy's ID will be known, and he will face "negative feedback" in/after the coming civil war. And since this isn't Facebook or Twitter, I can say I genuinely hope close family members suffer low, painful deaths in the war, and he is forced to watch.

Hate, my friend (Ecclesiastes 3:8). It's time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Internment fodder if there ever was any.

No link provided, because it's not necessary. Fuck him, and fuck the New York Times.

Soon. May there soon be a demonstration of a fully armed and operational Battle Trump.

PORTLAND, OR: "Mayor Ted Wheeler whose proven himself utterly feckless against the Antifa militants rampaging through his city is now losing by double digits against his self-identified Antifa opponent."