Thursday, September 24, 2020

ATTENTION MISSOURIANS: Support Amendment 3 in November (2020) -- It fixes the fuck-up our people did with election districts in 2018.

Under the misleading name, "Clean Missouri," liberals got the People of Missouri to amend our state Constitution in a way to hand Nicole Galloway--the only Democrat statewide office holder--to appoint an unelected "non-partisan"--which always means a liberal--bureaucrat to set the lines for election districts. The result would have been funky-shaped districts (which are generally unconstitutional, but it's liberals) that made sure conservative areas had to vote with urban liberal areas. Imagine urban areas having spikes sticking out of it on a map, extending into rural areas, so that, say, people 150 miles from St. Louis would have the same member of Congress as the inner city of that rather insurrectionist area. Missouri is actually more evenly spilt Left-Right than most realize, and the result of breaking up so many rural voting districts would cut current two-thirds GOP advantage in the state General Assembly considerably, if not erase it.

The People of Missouri voted for it in 2018 for three reasons:
1. They were liberals who knew what it meant, and wanted it.
2. They were environmentally-minded, and thought it was about pollution.
3. They were Tea Party-type hicks who had no idea about their own state's political reality, and liked the idea of messing with things for that's own sake. (These are the kinds of people who consider a graduate of the "Smithville College of Heating, Air Condishioning, Cosmetology, and Auto Repare"--spelled that way on their certificates--to be "college educated.")

Let us correct that royal fuck-up. Personally, I see the Amendment 3 in 2020 as going way too far afield, trying to jam in a lot of populist whatever, when the seriousness of the 2018 fuck-up is what needs attention. But the added garbage means little, so there is no cause not to vote for it.


Know this now, before the censorship.

Bigtime social media censoring in support of Biden and current insurrection starting next month. I'll be off of here. Buy guns and ammo, and call STATE authorities as said below. Then build communications networks apart from social media. But most of all, accept the fact that the other side has irrevocably created the inevitability of general violence in our politics.

And on another, totally unrelated matter, I assure you: Han fired first.

Trump announces executive order protecting babies who survive abortion

Justifiable action from federal level by multiple arguments:

1. 14A "equal protection" to be insured.
2. Abortion has become a key tool for the ongoing "Resistance"/BLM insurrection, thus making heading off the practice at the moment Roe v. Wade indisputably does not apply is a legitimate Commander-in-Chief power.
3. In light of 2, this infanticide is a war crime.
4. Fuck off, abortionmongers.


Aliens invade Earth in mid-1942, and Axis and Allies join forces. Videos are off on a few points, but basically tell the story.

Does not include anything about the "Colonization" series. I don't know if videos on that were made, because I found it so boring I didn't get halfway through the first book.



Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Facebook is set up to censor in support of the "Resistance" insurrection.

This is support of the "Resistance" insurrection. Insurrections and coups are not constitutionally protected. Libertarians would destroy their freedom in the name of their conspiracy theories and pot-smoking.

Seize the platforms by interning social media execs and their families.

VIDEO: Huckabee showing "Resistance" lies that would, IMO, justify Trump literally silencing them in every way.

Insurrections are not constitutionally protected. Insurrectionists and their supporters should be silenced (at least), and any follow-on efforts banned. "Freedom" was corrupted by them.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Per David and Bathsheba, our enemies have pronounced their own sentence -- and I can all but assure them, there will be no pardon from Above.

Reminds me of how King David declared his own sentence for his sin with Bathsheba in his judgment of another case.

But this time, a pardon from Above seems unlikely.


Bitchberg's final wish: True or not, let us dance on her grave and defy it.

As some of us celebrate the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, too many are doubting her end-of-life statement: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." The truth is, the old fucking bat probably did say it. Fuck her.

Now, I'd been of two minds on filling the vacancy before the election. But now, let's go for it. It will call the "Resistance" insurrection's bluff about violence. And if they do go forward with the threat, even better.