Thursday, November 16, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Don Jr-WikiLeaks emails explained

Donald Trump, Jr back during the campaign (thank God it wasn't this year, or I'd want Don Jr locked away for gross stupidity), he had a brief exchange of messages with WikiLeaks, and now that's under scrutiny. Because of when it was, and because people didn't realize then that WikiLeaks IS basically Russia, he can survive this and it can be filed under "Even more political stupidity by Trump people during the campaign."

Don Jr. will take hits because now we know WikiLeaks is Russia but didn't release this publicly, at least. It's easily conceivable he didn't put this together, and at least he didn't communicate with them about or release his emails regarding the meeting with the Russian lawyerette through them (as some suggested he ought to have done). It's probably not a crime to "talk" to an outfit like WikiLeaks, but it looks bad. 

1. Probably not illegal.
2. Political stupidity during campaign (still in business thinking).
3. Didn't know WikiLeaks is Russia.

A Russian surrogate inserting useful info into the campaign feeds the narrative that the Russians were helping the Trump campaign. Primary points here are:
1. Russians also helped Clinton with false Trump dossier.
2. Not sure how tight a leash Russia keeps on Assange and WikiLeaks.
3. The "Russia just trying to disrupt everything" factor.

Also, it's further evidence of a lack of "backchannel" or conscious, affirmative effort at collusion.

Worst part: Russia gave into to Trump campaign.
Best part: Don Jr apparently stopped communications with them, and didn't release those meeting emails through them.

Another case of lawyering out things in politics when the Fake News media is against you.