ME: "Simply put, it's White Guilt"

The following was posted by yours truly as a rushed comment on a friend's sharing on Facebook of the video at the end.  Hence it presumes certain contexts and is far from complete. It can be understood without watching the video, but the video is still worth watching on its own account--just with my explanations.

Simply put, it's White Guilt. Or "White/Western Guilt," as I sometimes say. The protesters believe that America and Western inherently tilted toward Whites--i.e., the founding demographic--and so is "racist." "Racism" is defined by them not as an attitude or an ideology, but as a system--THE system. They hold that the tilt toward Whites makes our system unfavorable by nature toward others. So, no matter who any given individual feels, if their words or actions support "the system"--e.g., they stand for the Anthem--they are being "racist." They are upholding the system. Hence, to be "anti-racist" in fullness requires opposing our system--the country, etc. This is why you will sometimes see, "Anti-racist is anti-White" in memes. In a very real sense, it's true.

It's not about individual opportunity or achievement. Too often conservative-types let their tendency toward individualism--which itself is to a degree pushed on them by PC White Guilt (only Whites are denied a collective identity)--cause them to give responses that don't really address what the other side is saying. This fellow in the video hits on it, but because PC and White Guilt make it difficult to follow through on any collective view of the issue.

And therein lies the difficulty in combating what these BLM-type insurgents are doing. They think collectively, and it gives them strength. Opponents think individually, and are scared to counter BLM with a collective response. When I point this out to White conservatives, they desperately try to shift and find a way to counter BLM without doing that. That's how powerful PC is, and that's how deep--if perhaps subconscious--White Guilt is with many of them.

So the question is, have Occidental (Western) peoples--Anglo-Europeans--fallen so far that they can't recover. Trump can only do so much. It's up to our people.