Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lying bitch reporter and Trump's teleprompters

Lying bitch writer of this article says Donald J. Trump took down the teleprompters during his Charlotte, NC rally yesterday "without explanation." I saw the video (see below).  He explained from the beginning that they were malfunctioning.

The teleprompter matter begins at the 23:36 point (direct link to that point ).

Here are a couple of lies from the lying bitch's article:
About 20 minutes into his Charlotte appearance, Trump without explanation suddenly leaned forward and physically removed one of the teleprompter screens — prompting a shout of approval from the crowd. Then, a few seconds later, he removed another — making a face at the audience through the glass screen.

Later, she tried to cover her bases by admitting what he said at the end, but ignoring the very beginning of the matter:

It was unclear what precipitated the move. Through Trump suggested he removed the equipment because he wanted to speak freely, the GOP candidate later complained that he would not pay the company his campaign had hired to operate the device because it was broken.

This is getting repetitive... Another Trump accuser bites the dust

(From 10 OCT 2016) ACT! for America: America’s Choice: Open Borders vs. Safe Borders


America's Choice: Open Borders vs. Safe Borders
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America's Choice:
Open Borders vs. Safe Borders

By: Brigitte Gabriel

Last night's Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton illustrated perfectly, the two contrasting choices facing our nation. One candidate puts Americans first, and the other seeks to flood our country with massive waves of un-vetted Islamic refugees.

Prior to the debate, as the media obsessed over comments made by Donald Trump on an audio tape from over 10 years ago, little attention was paid to the revelations made by WikiLeaks that Hillary Clinton desires an "Open Borders" society.

Secretary Clinton's globalist dream was no surprise, given her heartfelt affection and admiration for the woman who almost singlehandedly transformed Europe into Eurabia, Angela Merkel.

The question for the debate was, "would Trump be able to emphasize and expose Clinton for her vision to subvert American sovereignty and endanger us all?"

As the debate unfolded, it became clear that moderators Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz had no intention of remaining objective. What should have been a debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, revealed itself as a 3 on 1 grudge match.

Anderson Cooper led off the debate by actively scolding and accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault. Despite Cooper's egregious abdication of objectivity, Trump turned the tables and spoke directly to the American people.

This was what made Trump so effective in the Republican primary. His refusal to back down, willingness to return fire, and ability to directly reach the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans, despite efforts by the elites to silence him.

Clinton made it clear early on that she had no intention of discussing the issues actually affecting the future of this nation, and that she would much rather play the same old song of sexism, racism, and xenophobia that we've heard too many times to bear.

While this tactic may have worked on other members of the GOP establishment, who likely would've cowered in the corner, and self-shamed profusely for their past transgressions, Donald Trump is no ordinary candidate.

Mr. Trump understands the critical issue of our time is in fact, radical Islamic terrorism. So while Secretary Clinton and the moderators were busy working hard to disqualify Trump from ever becoming Pope, he was busy disqualifying Mrs. Clinton from becoming President.

The President's responsibility as our founders envisioned it was to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Military, and to protect both the Constitution, and citizens of this nation.

Consequently, any candidate expressing a desire for an open borders society such as the one Secretary Clinton spelled out prior to and during the debate, is directly attempting to abdicate their duties as Commander-in-Chief, and expressing a desire to subvert American sovereignty. Disqualifying.

Secretary Clinton's primary tactic focused on attacking Mr. Trump's "sexist" and derogatory comments about women.

Unfortunately for Mrs. Clinton, it's hard to portray yourself as a champion of women's rights while taking money from countries like Saudi Arabia that oppress them in horrific ways.

More to it, Clinton's desire to increase un-vetted Islamic refugees by over 500% would leave women particularly vulnerable. Westerners in Europe are tragically experiencing just how dangerous and destructive unfettered Islamic immigration can be for women in particular.

Sweden has become known as the "rape capital of the west," with a staggering 77.6% rapes being committed by foreigners. As was widely reported, Germany witnessed a horrific chain of gang rapes this most recent New Year's Eve, as a direct result of Mrs. Clinton's hero, Angela Merkel's refusal to control her borders.

This is the future that awaits American women if we should allow a self-avowed open borders champion like Hillary Clinton to capture the Presidency.

So while those on the left claim to be the true advocates of equality and women's rights, just remember, those most vulnerable will be the first to suffer as a result of this naïve and politically correct dogma.

Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump was also asked a question about the rise of Islamophobia in the United States during the debate.

Coincidentally, terrorist attacks committed by radical Islamists are also on the rise. In fact, our nation suffered three of them in the month of September alone, all by Islamic immigrants.

The American people understand what's going on, despite the mainstream media's attempt to divert their attention. We're fed up with being lectured about tolerance as our quiet, American communities continue to be transformed by those who refuse to assimilate.

Mr. Trump understands what the average American, who simply wants to work hard, and provide a nice safe life for themselves and their families is thinking. Those who continue to live in their own bubble of pretentious and condescending elitism do so at their own peril.

The choice is clear, open borders, or safe borders. Americans first, or Americans second. Choose wisely this November.
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Seven more Hillary scandals exposed by WikiLeaks

One guy's (good) opinion

I do not care if Donald Trump called a woman fat. I do not care if he tried to sleep with a woman or if he likes "beautiful" women. I care that he sent a plane to pick up 200 Marines who were stranded after desert storm. I care that he supports our police officers and first responders. I care that he supports guns and standing behind our military. I care that he supports the death penalty and is AGAINST abortion. I care that he supports enforcing immigration laws. I care that he wants to destroy radical Islamic groups. I care that he supports COAL. These are things I care about. Him talking sexually about women does not bother me. Were they mean words? Yes. Were they words spoken in PRIVATE? Yes. Have you ever talked to your friends about the opposite sex in private and said things? I'm positive all of you have. But, News Flash!! Women have been sexualized for centuries!! Jay-Z, Lil' Jon, Lil' Wayne and every single other rapper helped establish that platform, but people are ok with music blasted all over the radio degrading women. Ever heard of Victoria Secret? Or their fashion show? Ever heard of Hooters? People are ok with that too. Until all of these things are different, women will be viewed this way. Your precious Obama couldn't change that and Hillary can't either. I feel sorry for the women Donald has belittled and said terrible things about. But I'm still much more offended by what Hillary Clinton has DONE over what Donald Trump has SAID... PERIOD!!!! So Trump doesn't do well at the debates, maybe he even sounds childish and incapable. But he is speaking the truth! Just because he's not a polished politician like Hilary or Obama doesn't mean he's unqualified to be president. He cares for this country, not growing the size of his pockets. That man has so much money he could never spend it all. He gets NOTHING out of being president! I'm standing for the man accused of saying mean words. I'll never back a woman under three different scandal investigations, possible murder at Benghazi, and the secretive email scandal which has been nothing but lies from the beginning. Trump 2016!!!

Mark Dice and Team Trump debunking another assault claim against Trump (Summer Zervos)

See also here.

(With Op-Ed) Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Greensboro, NC 10/14/16

I appreciate the advice of supporters saying he should cut back on responding to the assaults of allegations, but there are a few factors they need to consider:
1. Only when it comes from he himself does his defense have credibility.
2. He has to watch his own legal and personal situation.
3. KEY: He weaves the issue of the allegations into his overall narrative of corruption and collusion.  It's all part of the "one big lie."  (I hate the "conspiracy theory" kind of language, but here it's appropriate.)  So it does fit with being on message--"Look, I stand here as an ongoing recipient of what the corruption and incompetence has brought."

(But see my comment) Huckabee to Trump: Leave the press attacks to the surrogates

COMMENT: Huckabee makes his point, but Trump IS by and large allowing others to fight the press. He's only made three or four tweets about the press in the last few days.  Most are extremely substantive and on message.  In this latest bout, he is being attacked very personally with charges that only he himself can answer.  He had to respond personally in order for it to have credibility.  His speech yesterday in West Palm Beach interwove the attacks on him with his message.  And indeed, they are related.

Besides, it's his style to get down and fight.  He's Donald Trump!

Lest coal miners forget

Voter Fraud is here. Here's the Proof

The press buries Hillary Clinton’s sins

WATCH – Trump Fans Release EPIC New Video to Make Trump President, It’s Going VIRAL!

WATCH – Trump Fans Release EPIC New Video to Make Trump President, It’s Going VIRAL!: The newest Donald Trump video, created by his die-hard, patriotic, and passionate supporters, surpasses the meaning of the word “epic.” It is brutally honest in its depiction of what is actually going on in America and just how close we are to losing it all.
Hillary Clinton has frequently lambasted...

<iframe src="" width="500" height="423" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Holmes Norton: Norton: Clinton Accusers 'Middle Aged-Looking Women,' 'Not Looking Their Best'

Sources: FBI Agents & DOJ Attorneys Question Comey Decision To Let Clint...

Upshot: Investigators knew Hillary could be charged, and it was all politics from the top.  Hillary should be in jail, you all know it, so don't let her become President!

Gorka: "The Clintons will do whatever the highest bidder wants! Their foundation & their friends profited from the earthquake in Haiti!”

Yes, Bill Clinton's on the ballot--Billary

"He has treated us...with nothing but respect and appropriately" - Jill Martin, Trump Org. VP & Asst. Gen. Counsel

Delgado: "Any worse than Nina Burleigh's famous kneepads remark about Bill?"

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hillary Exposed Surprise Kurdish Attack Tactic Against ISIS in Unsecured Email To Podesta

is reliable.

Media To Voters: Drop Dead, We're Getting Hillary Elected

A.J. Delgado on media selectiveness in believing allegations

Undercover video: "get guns away from everyone in this country"

Gorka: Clinton Email Leaks Show ‘Her Whole Campaign Is Built on a Lie

Exclusive Sen. Jeff Sessions on WikiLeaks Revelation of Hillary Clinton’s Support for ‘Open Borders’: ‘ - Breitbart

How to determine truth from lie in media bias

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Drops ‘October Surprise’- Hillary DESTROYS Blacks And Muslims


NY Times Gets Punked=> Fake Groping Victim Used Velvet Underground Song to Describe Trumped-Up Attack

Astroturfing taken to next level -- Hillary Pays Her Trolls HOW MUCH?!

Trump should do the same! I'd love to get paid for what I'm already doing.

Hillary got Roseanne fired? ALERT – Roseanne Barr Breaks Her Silence, Reveals HORRIBLE Thing Hillary Did to Her

ALERT – Roseanne Barr Breaks Her Silence, Reveals HORRIBLE Thing Hillary Did to Her: When you cross Hillary Clinton, you are “dealt with,” period. No ifs, ands, or buts, and Roseanne Barr found this out the hard way.
While hosting her own show, Roseanne Barr decided to have Paula Jones on as her guest. And while the show was a major success, Barr soon found out when you cross the C

Trump campaign response to NY Times allegations

Narrative falling into line.  Friday started off this narrative, and Wednesday's stories are building up to a big hit at the weekend.
- October 12, 2016 -

Trump Campaign Statement

“This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous. To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.

"It is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable business leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story, and for this to only become public decades later in the final month of a campaign for president should say it all.
"Further, the Times story buries the pro-Clinton financial and social media activity on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, reinforcing that this truly is nothing more than a political attack. This is a sad day for the Times.” - Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Demand for New York Times Retraction

Demand for New York Times Retraction:


Ann Coulter:

Now the networks are holding casting calls for some loon willing to falsely accuse Trump of sexual assault, so they can hype it like the Duke lacrosse case, Mattress Girl and Rolling Stone's fraternity rape. Unfortunately -- for us, fortunately for the media -- by the time the truth comes out, the election will be over.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Caroline Glick: The Liberating Responsibility Of Atonement

David Horowitz Freedom Center |
David Horowitz Freedom Center

The Liberating Responsibility Of Atonement
How Israel can secure its freedom and its future.
October 11, 2016
Caroline Glick

Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year because it is the day that the Torah sets aside for us to reckon with ourselves. We are commanded to give an accounting – before our fellow men and before God – for our actions in the previous year. We must make amends to both for our misdeeds. And since none of us is perfect, every one of us has things to atone for.

Yom Kippur's power stems from a basic assumption that forms its core. That assumption is that we are all moral agents. We all have to make an accounting.

This basic assumption is the most liberating notion ever created. Moral agency is what makes us free. It doesn't matter how wretched or rich our external circumstances, the fact that the Torah enjoins all of us to take responsibility for our behavior means that as far as God is concerned, we are not slaves and never will be slaves.

The converse is also true.

We are only free for as long as we are capable of accounting for our actions. This means that preserving our ability to properly judge ourselves is the key to preserving our liberty.

This is true not only for the Jewish people as individuals. It is true as well for the Jewish state, Israel.

The question then is how do we do that? As far as Israel is concerned, the answer to this question has become one of increasing urgency over the past generation or so.

Over the past couple of decades, we have seen the world – and more importantly our own elites in Israel – rushing to judge our society and find it lacking seemingly on a daily basis.

Our journalists, professors, judges and generals routinely tell us what is wrong with our society. And each year, their harangues become shriller and angrier.

Indeed it is becoming hard to avoid the conclusion that for our elites, Israeli society is morally irredeemable.

Consider the behavior of our generals in the IDF. Sunday night, after the terrorist attack in Jerusalem, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot spoke at a memorial ceremony for the armored corps. There he restated for the umpteenth time in recent months that the key to defeating terrorism is maintaining the IDF's values.

Eisenkot and his fellow generals never seem to tire of talking about the IDF's values and of insisting the IDF is the most moral fighting force on earth.

The problem is that the more they make these statements the more they alienate the public.

It isn't that the public doesn't view the IDF as the most moral fighting force on earth. It does. And it also believes that IDF soldiers live in accordance with the IDF's values – which are also the values of Israeli society.

The problem is that the public doesn't think that Eisenkot and his generals share its faith in the goodness of the army they command.

For the past seven months, every time that Eisenkot and his generals have invoked the IDF's values and morality, the only thing that anyone has ever heard is a rebuke of Sgt. Elor Azaria, who is standing trial for manslaughter for killing a wounded terrorist in Hebron, after the terrorist had stabbed another soldier.

The Azaria prosecution was by far the most significant national event of the past year. It exposed the wide and expanding gap between our elites – who rushed to condemn the combat soldier – and the public which gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Based on a video of the incident taken by an employee of the anti-Zionist, foreign government-funded B'tselem organization, the IDF General Staff, the media and Israel's various and sundry leftist luminaries rushed to condemn Azaria. The decorated combat soldier was filmed handcuffed, being loaded into a military police squad car and removed from the scene.

In the months that have passed since his trial for manslaughter began, the public has learned extensive details about what happened on the ground the day of the incident and since. These details easily lend to the conclusion that Azaria was railroaded by senior commanders who had uncritically accepted the veracity of the B'tselem video.

In other words, the public has learned that whereas the generals denied Azaria the benefit of the doubt, our military brass gave their full faith to a film produced by an organization that has been falsely accusing the IDF and Israeli society as a whole of criminal behavior for nearly 30 years.

Once the public discovered the nature of their behavior, it naturally followed that the more Eisenkot and his comrades speak of the IDF's values, the less they are trusted.

It didn't use to be this way. Time was that the IDF's commanders said next to nothing about the IDF's morality and its values. They simply assumed them.

They trusted their soldiers and officers. And their soldiers and officers, and the public as a whole, trusted them right back.

There is no doubt that past practices were sometimes excessive. Sometimes soldiers and officers didn't deserve the trust they received. And actions that should have been disciplined were wrongly swept under the rug.

But our military leaders have gone overboard in their rejection of the old ways. It is possible to give soldiers and officers the benefit of the doubt without giving them a pass. It is possible to accept the basic idea that they are innocent until proven guilty and treat them as innocent so long as they haven't been proven guilty.

Doing so does not impair our ability to correct and punish bad behavior, it facilitates it.

Eisenkot and his generals appear shaken by the loss of trust they have suffered for their faithlessness to Azaria.

The same cannot be said for our legal elites in the courts and state prosecution.

Consider the legal context in which Sunday's attack took place.

The terrorist who killed two innocent Israelis was a convicted felon. This past May he was convicted for assaulting a policeman and sentenced to prison.

But then the magistrate's court judge Hagit Mack-Kalmanovich decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. First, she sentenced the offender to a measly four months in prison for the crime of punching an officer and threatening to kill him.

Then Kalmanovich agreed to his request to delay the start of his imprisonment for five months. He was supposed to enter prison Sunday.

Kalmanovich's decisions were all the more startling given that this wasn't the terrorist's first conviction.

He assaulted the policeman shortly after he was paroled from a one-year prison term for inciting terrorism on Facebook.

MK Yehuda Glick, the human rights activist who survived an assassination attempt in 2014 when a paroled terrorist tried to kill him for championing the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, blasted Kalmanovich in a Facebook post on Monday.

It works out that the same judge who gave the repeat terrorist offender a light sentence and then allowed him to remain free for five months, decided to ban Glick from the Temple Mount based on no evidence of wrongdoing on his part just 10 days before he was shot in the stomach and nearly killed.

Kalmanovich, Glick intimated, falsely found him guilty of endangering the public because she didn't like his championing of Jewish rights. By siding with terrorists and their supporters against Glick, she legitimized the false claims the Palestinian leadership issued against him at the time. Those claims, that Glick was endangering the Temple Mount, surfaced days before Glick was attacked. They incited his assailant to shoot him.

In other words, Kalmanovich refused to see the good in Glick, and so she misjudged him. And she refused to see the evil in the terrorist she allowed to walk free, and so enabled him to kill innocents.

In both cases, she failed to judge well because she was unable to see either good in a Jew or bad in a terrorist.

The Jewish people and the Jewish state face extraordinary challenges today. Luckily, we can handle all of them. But to do so, we need to be capable of judging ourselves fairly – of loving what is good in us even as we work to correct what is bad.

This is how we will secure our future and this is how we will remain forever free.

Caroline Glick is the Director of the David Horowitz Freedom Center's Israel Security Project and the Senior Contributing Editor of The Jerusalem Post.
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