Saturday, October 1, 2016


- September 30, 2016 -


A New Politico Story Has Revelations Ranging From Using Personal, Unsecured Email Accounts To Print Classified Documents To Hacking Threats To Technological Illiteracy

Revelation One
: Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Would Forward Classified Emails To Her Yahoo! Email, Clinton Email And Anthony Weiner Campaign Accounts To Print Out For Clinton.
“Since Clinton did not have a classified email account herself, all classified material went to her in hard copy—a process overseen by her executive assistants, Joe McManus and, later, Alice Wells. … Abedin, for her part, found that it was difficult to print from the State Department email system, so she’d often forward emails to her Yahoo email, accounts, or even another account that she’d previously used to support the campaign activities of her husband, Anthony Weiner.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Two: Clinton Forwarded Emails From Her Private Email Account To Clinton Family Staff To Print Out For Her To Read. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. Deluged by tasks and information, Abedin reported that she’d often print and pass along documents to Clinton ‘without reading them.’ The FBI also uncovered hundreds of emails sent to one of the Clinton family’s staff on the domain requesting that he print emails for her to read.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Three: Clinton’s Personal Aide Monica Hanley Would Send State Department Emails To Her Personal Gmail Account To Print For Clinton To Read Even While She Was Overseas. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. … Printing problems dogged Clinton’s team as they traveled the world, too. While special Mobile Communications Teams would outfit hotel rooms overseas with computers hooked up to the State Department network for Abedin or Hanley to use, the FBI found, ‘it was not uncommon for [aide Monica] Hanley to use her personal Gmail account to print from the mobile DoS unclassified terminal because even though she was using a DoS computer, the DoS connection was unreliable.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Four: Clinton IT Aide Bryan Pagliano Went To Clinton Chief Of Staff Cheryl Mills Over Concerns On The Secret Email Server, But Mills “Dismissed The Worries, Saying Other Former Secretaries Of State Had Done The Same Thing.” “But not everyone at the State Department was pleased with the setup. At some point in the summer of 2009, two State IT specialists summoned Pagliano and asked whether he was aware of the domain. He said yes. When Pagliano relayed this to one of Clinton’s aides, that person, Pagliano told the FBI, had a ‘‘visceral’ reaction and didn’t want to know any more.’ Later in 2009 or early 2010, one of the same State Department employees asked Pagliano again about server, saying it might be a federal records-retention issue and asked him to relay that concern to Clinton’s ‘inner circle.’ Pagliano approached Cheryl Mills in her office and passed along the information. Mills dismissed the worries, saying other former secretaries of state had done the same thing.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Five: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan Said “He Sometimes Used Gmail On Weekends Or While Traveling.” “[Sullivan] said he knew about records-retention rules, and so he didn’t delete anything from his email and he handed over his official papers when he left the State Department, but he also told the FBI he sometimes used Gmail on weekends or while traveling.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Six: Pagliano Did Not Install An Encryption System Onto The Private Email Server Because “He Figured There Wasn’t A Need For Encryption On A ‘Personal’ Server.” “[Pagliano] also never installed what was known as Transport Layer Security, which would have encrypted messages as they passed between the Clinton server and the State Department’s servers, telling the FBI that he figured there wasn’t a need for encryption on a ‘personal’ server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Seven: Several State Department Staffers Had Their Personal Emails Hacked, With Email Settings Being Changed To Auto-Forward Incoming Mail To Other Accounts. “Yet across the department, email security concerns lingered through that spring of 2011. In February, several State Department employees had their personal Gmail and Yahoo accounts hacked after they responded to a ‘phishing’ email asking them to change their passwords. The hackers, unbeknownst to the employees, then changed the email settings to auto-forward copies of incoming mail to other accounts controlled by the intruders.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Eight: Clinton Aide Monica Hanley Transferred Clinton’s Emails Onto Apple Mail After She Switched Email Addresses. “The exposure of the email account encouraged Clinton’s aides to change the secretary of state’s address. Abedin selected, but the staff feared that they’d lose her existing emails when they changed addresses, so Monica Hanley retrieved an old MacBook laptop from Bill Clinton’s Harlem office and spent several days at her apartment transferring years of Hillary’s emails from the server files into Apple’s Mail program on the laptop.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Nine: Clinton “Didn’t Know How To Use A Desktop Computer.” “Yet something was going to have to change: Hillary Clinton, after all, didn’t know how to use a desktop computer.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Ten: Clinton Was Supposed To Work The Secure Fax Machine Herself, But Was So Technologically Un-Savvy She Relied On Staff To Operate The Machine. “Each secure room was also equipped with a secure fax, but while Clinton was supposed to pick up the faxes herself at home, she often struggled to use the technology and had to rely on staff for help operate the machines. As one aide described it, Clinton ‘wasn’t very tech savvy and would get frustrated with the process.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelations Eleven: All Clinton’s Emails Prior To March 18, 2009 Were Deleted When She Switched Email Accounts, Including All Emails From Her First Seven Weeks As Secretary Of State. “On March 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton stopped using her longstanding email,, and switched to a new account: When she switched accounts, all of her old email disappeared—including all of the email from her first seven weeks as secretary of state. To date, neither Clinton nor the FBI have located any of her email from that period.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Twelve: Many State Department Employees With Clinton’s Email Address “Didn’t Understand She Had A Private Server.” “While ‘at least a hundred, if not several hundred’ State employees had her address—emails from Hillary often arrived with just an ‘H’ in the ‘from’ field—and many of those employees, like Kennedy, were aware she used a personal email account, most didn’t understand she had a private server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Thirteen: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan “Said He Would Regularly Review ‘Situation Reports From Around The World In An Unclassified Email.’” “As for what arrived via unclassified email, Sullivan and Abedin both said, repeatedly, that they didn’t question the judgment of people sending that information and relied upon senders to properly mark sensitive information. Sullivan said he would regularly review ‘situation reports from around the world in an unclassified email.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Former Miss Wisconsin says Donald Trump "has been such a wonderful support system for me and my son"

Trump vs. Hillary on women

Women who know Trump defend the GOP candidate's character

Friday, September 30, 2016

A.J. Delgado slamming back at lying BS-DNC hypocrite about Miss Piggy and other things

BS-DNC "journalist" is a lying fucking hypocrite.  I'm looking forward to PRESIDENT Trump changing defamation laws so people like him can be put down.

True story on Trump and Cuba

Donald Trump: The leader who will take us forward

Robert Gates disarmed America, dares to attack Trump

People missing brilliance of Trump's tweets this morning

Isn't Trump doing what he's supposed to do--showing Hillary's bad judgment in latching onto Miss Piggy?  He's pointing out the campaign didn't seem to vet her at all.  It was just, "Hey, this broad's got a beef with Trump.  Let's use this 'bimbo eruption'!"  Trump will take a few pokes for saying it, but it's got the liberal media having to point that out to people. 

But here's the brilliant part: For Hillary and the media to use the tweets against him, they have to expose the voting public to something they don't want the public to see--that Miss Piggy is a mess with no credibility. 

Think about it.

Trump, you magnificent bastard.

More background on Miss Piggy

After Chelsea: Gen. Michael Flynn on Our Deficit of Leadership

Another Op-Ed about Piggy-gate and Trump

(Taken from a reply to an opponent discussing the matter)

Maybe he's a true jerk in the final assessment.  I really don't mind, and I'll tell you exactly why.  Someone arguing with me called him an asshole.  It reminded me of that routine in "Team America: World Police," where the drunk says there are three kinds of people--dicks, pussies, and assholes.  He said that pussies hate dicks, because dicks fuck pussies.  But dicks also fuck assholes (in other words, people who need fucked).  Sometimes we need a dick or "prick" (better suited to my point here) to fuck the assholes the country faces, both foreign and domestic.  Crude language, rejection of PC, and a willingness to offend sensitivities is what we need.  If that means he indeed labeled that lardbutt, "Miss Housekeeping" (which I doubt), then my only question is whether it fit into the context.  Otherwise, it's a bit lame.

It's on the record that he tried to help Miss Piggy.  He saved her from being removed due to her weight gain, and did what he could to help her lose it.  It's also noted that she was and is a real mess in her personal life.  If that led to him taking a shot that today is utterly forbidden thanks to SJWs and their PC sensitivities, but at the time merely crude (look at the humor on shows like "Married... With Children" at the time--it did get racial or ethnic at times), that's fine

Hillary Furious as Linda Tripp Returns, Reveals “Beyond Chilling” New Hillary Info

How Trump REALLY treated Miss Piggy

Trump campaign hits Hillary with Bill's affairs

Trump is always learning.  He's letting the surrogates take the shots.  Excellent.

Why Donald is winning--Hillary’s record is what voters call the wrong track

[Y]ou cannot overwhelm your audience. You cannot bring your audience to confusion. You can only give them so much to think about. For September, Donald gave his audience quite enough. There are two more debates for him to outline the full case against Hillary.

Fact-Check: ISIS Hates Us Because We Don’t Embrace Islam, Not Because of Donald Trump

Op-Ed: Why Evangelicals support Trump

(Originally written in reply to a Facebook post about Evangelical writer Philip Yancey's wondering why Christians would support Donald Trump.)

... It's because they have learned to be practical. If a Christian is trying to get to church and has car trouble, he will use whatever vehicle service is available, even if run by a militant atheist. His excuse will be that church is important, and he is simply using that service to facilitate his attendance. Likewise, if it was a matter of their business or livelihood, they would make such an excuse. But for some reason, Christians have seemed to often reject this same logic when it comes to politics. They seem to hold their vote as some sort of sacrosanct act which must be given only to pure people. So they have at times refused to vote for the lesser of two evils, with the almost inevitable result of getting the GREATER of the two. Their selfish self-righteousness--which never applied when they as individuals were directly affected (hence it being selfishness)--ended up hurting them and the community. And all they did was shine their halos.

More Christians have come to see their political involvement as being a means to an end--that is, accomplishing good--rather than an end unto itself. They have learned from hard lessons the practical impact of such selfishness. They have learned that even as they would deal with spiritually lesser people to make money (I remember a local church elder in my former congregation doing contractor work on the home of a lesbian couple) or to maintain their spiritual standing with their church community (how many Christians would really refuse vehicle help from a wrecker with a "I VOTE PRO-CHOICE" bumper sticker?), they may have to do so in politics.

Jerry Falwell took heat for voting for the once-divorced Ronald Reagan over the Sunday School-teaching Jimmy Carter. He explained that he was voting for a President, not a Sunday School teacher. Today we would say that the "skill sets" are different. A good preacher is not necessarily a good mechanic (or a reliable customer of a contractor, for that matter).

And one last point: Before someone tries to argue that Christians have some sort of spiritual duty to (only) vote for "good" Christians, they need to ask what they would advise a Japanese Christian to do. Japan is literally 99 percent Shinto. (For the less educated, that is a form of Buddhism, and no, it's not Christian at all.) A Japanese Christian would be hard pressed to find a Christian to vote for. Yet, they have their duty to their community, even if the dominant religious culture is not Christian (Galatians 6:10). Unless this person would tell that Japanese Christian not to vote--and thus violate that duty--then they have to accept the need to refrain from letting spiritual status be the be-all/end-all of their politics.

Yancey has always been one to lean toward a certain sense of Christian separatism in society. And now, he is being a self-righteous fool, acting without regard to consequence to facilitate the fall of our nation.
Donald J. Trump is the best hope for America. A strong America means a strong Occidental civilization. And that will facilitate the lives and work of Christians.

Media coverup over alien Cascade Mall shooter--he VOTED!

Bolton: Together a Trump-led US and Brexit Britain can restore Nato and the West 

Frenchman forced to bow to the Saudi, when in truth those people should have to bow and kowtow to our people

"Trump still has a lot to learn, but Clinton can't learn lessons because she wrongly thinks that she already has the answers"

Harlan Hill: "You will never get fired for supporting Hillary"

I do know that if she wins, I'm done. The Clintons keep a list of people like me in Brooklyn and there will be swift retribution. Regardless I refuse to conform to the mediocrity of Hillary Clinton. I refuse to acquiesce to the destruction of the Democratic Party. I refuse to accept that we can't disagree, but get along.

France's New Sharia Police

France's New Sharia Police

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#France</a>&#39;s New <a href="">#Sharia</a> Police <a href=""></a> <a href="">#radicalislam</a> <a href="">#Islamists</a> <a href="">#BurkiniBan</a> <a href="">#burkini</a> <a href="">#womensrights</a> <a href="">#misogyny</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Gatestone Institute (@GatestoneInst) <a href="">September 29, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

ABC Is Alarmed Over Trump's Fat Shaming, But Fat Shamed Christie

ABC Is Alarmed Over Trump's Fat Shaming, But Fat Shamed Christie: According to the journalists at Good Morning America, it’s apparently okay to fat shame some people, so long as they are Republicans. On Wednesday, George Stephanopoulos opened the program by trumpeting, “Trump doubles down on his criticism of the former Miss Universe, saying her weight as a big problem.” Reporter Amy Robach alerted that in 1996, “Trump publicly shamed” contestant Alicia Machado, calling her an “eating machine” and “Ms. Piggy.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ABC Is Alarmed Over Trump&#39;s Fat Shaming, But Fat Shamed Christie <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Deplorable LTW (@TgGRA) <a href="">September 29, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ad: Hillary's experience

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fix is in--CBS collaborating with Kaine for VP debate

VIDEO: No, Trump wasn't a monster to Miss Piggy (she made it up, so I use it)

Katrina Pierson on Miss Pig..., ur, Miss Venezuela's accusations; key point: IT WAS A BEAUTY CONTEST!

It was about a BEAUTY PAGEANT! It has weight clauses in the contract.

As for the "Miss Housekeeping" claim, where's the reason for it? She was well-off. "Miss Housekeeping" would have been too weak a shot.

Katrina Pierson segment starts at the 28:05 point.

Gingrich on the Miss Venezuela smear against Trump

Regards the "Miss Piggy/Miss Housekeeping" scandal Hillary is trying to smear Trump with.  The scandal itself is nothing.  The former shot was certainly apt, and the second--even taken at its worst-was hardly extreme for the time (or even necessarily today).  The lesson Newt Gingrich points out is how effective Hillary's campaign was in setting it up, and how utterly in the tank IN ADVANCE the news media was on this, in order to distract from the real issues raised by the debate.


Donald J. Trump--who he is, and what he will do for America

26 SEP 2016 debate videos from Team Trump

New videos from Team Trump

Finally, Congress stands up to the Muslim in Chief on a matter of Islamic terrorism

Giuliani: "Trump Is Right About Stop And Frisk”

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lester Holt -- The Candy Crowley of 2016

Lester Holt's "The record show otherwise" line regarding Trump's position on the Iraq War was not a fact-check. It was a conclusion. It constituted shilling for Hillary.