Saturday, August 27, 2016

MUST WATCH: Hillary Clinton's very bad week


Update: Police Stood Back as Trump Supporters Were Assaulted, Robbed and Spit On by Pro-Hillary Mob

More poll-cooking... WOW! Monmouth Refigures Poll After Trump Comes Out With Lead Over Hillary Clinton

Kellyanne Conway on Trump plan for illegals

Trump shoots back at Clinton's racism allegations: 'Same old disgusting argument'

Definition: "Kitten"

True, but I still prefer senior or disabled cats. They have so much love to give. #AdoptDontShop

On Second Amendment: Sorry, Hillary: Trump’s policies are clearly better for blacks

For example, in Colorado in 2013, when the state enacted a tax on the private transfer of guns, all but two Democrats voted down a Republican amendment that would have exempted people below the poverty level from paying the new state tax.

Trump talks to Anderson Cooper on illegals issue

Upshot: The not-so-bad illegals still have to leave for legalization. Active deportation is based on circumstances after mass removal of gangsters and thugs.  Maybe more realistic, but I still go for "Operation: Rawhide--'Head'em up! move'm out!'"  But he just had to promise way back to be "humane"!

The #HillarysAltRightSpeech summed up in one minute

We here at CGNS--actually, it's just me and my dear cat--earnestly desire to be fair and balanced.  Okay, that's not at all true, but let's pretend.  So, in the interest of fairness, we are posting here a summation of the Hildabeast's speech yesterday.  It captures the entire substance of her rant--ur, expression.

Hillary Clinton Is About To Embarass Herself On The Alt-Right

For more information on the "Alt-Right," see An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right

In truth, this is nothing new.  In the mid-2000s (decade), I was using "Alt-R" (same meaning) to categorize links and such to Rightwing groups I saw as related but deviating.  VDare, AmRen, etc., fell into this category in the broader sense, though I used it primarily to describe troublemaking elements which were Right on the standard spectrum.  I was ahead of my time.

"Hillary Clinton needs to address the racist undertones of her 2008 campaign."

Which woman was stabbed to death by a man shouting Allah Akbar?

Discussion of this matter:

Statement From Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway On Clinton’s Latest Attack

"Hillary-in-Hiding Tour." HEE HEE!

- August 25, 2016 -

Statement From Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway On Clinton’s Latest Attack

“Today proved to the American public what we have known all along – Hillary Clinton has no hope, no vision and no ideas for the future of our country. Clinton lied about her emails, she lied about Colin Powell, and today she lied about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is talking about issues; Hillary Clinton is talking about Donald Trump. Today, as she took a break from her Hillary-in-Hiding Tour, she missed another opportunity to talk about education, infrastructure, terrorism, healthcare, the economy and energy. We’re living in her head rent-free, and that must terrify the political insiders who want to keep things exactly the way they are.” – Kellyanne Conway, Trump Campaign Manager

Europe needs a Second Amendment

Trump's response to "racism" charges: "It's all they have left"

August 25, 2016 -

Statement On Hillary Clinton’s Disgraceful New Ad

"Hillary Clinton and her campaign went to a disgusting new low today as they released a video tying the Trump Campaign with horrific racial images. This type of rhetoric and repulsive advertising is revolting and completely beyond the pale. I call on Hillary Clinton to disavow this video and her campaign for this sickening act that has no place in our world." - Pastor Mark Burns

And yes, Hillary's going over the edge.

Hypocrisy in feminism

Sheriff Clarke explains it all


This one is too good, folks. Instead of distancing Hillary from the scandal, this crazy spokesidiot makes the controversy part and parcel of Hillary's campaign.

Fails like this happen to campaigns on both sides. Even though happening to the other side, it still gives me a cringe.

- August 25, 2016 -


If The Clinton Campaign Wants Voters Who Dislike The Corrupt Clinton Foundation To Vote Against Clinton, Polling Suggest There Will Be A Problem

SHOT – Yesterday The Clinton Campaign Said Voters Shouldn’t Vote For Clinton If They Have An Issue With The Foundation:
Yesterday Clinton Spokesperson Brian Fallon Said If You Had Issues With The Clinton Foundation, “Then Don't Vote For Her.” “Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon defended the foundation and the work that it does on ‘Morning Joe,’ saying more than half of the people in the world receiving AIDS drugs got them from the Clinton Foundation. ‘So no, the Clinton Foundation will not be completely shuttering its work even if Clinton wins the presidency and for good reason, they want to continue this work,’ Fallon added. ‘If any American voter is troubled by the idea that the Clintons want to keep working to solve the AIDS crisis on the side while Hillary Clinton is president, then don't vote for her.’” (Rebecca Savransky, “Scarborough Calls Clinton Camp Defense Of Foundation 'Pathetic',” The Hill, 8/25/16)
CHASER – The Illegality Of The Clinton Foundation Has Left It Woefully Unpopular Among Voters:
A Poll Released Last Week Found The Perception Of The Clinton Foundation Is “Generally Negative,” With More Voters Holding A Negative Than Positive View. “The public has heard quite a bit about The Clinton Foundation, founded by Bill Clinton in 1997 after he left the White House, and the perception is generally negative when compared with other well-known charities. More than half of voters (51 percent) have heard a lot or some about the foundation, and while one-third of voters view it favorably, almost four in 10 (38 percent) have an unfavorable view.” (Cameron Easley, “The Clinton Foundation Has A Perception Problem, Poll Shows,” Morning Consult, 8/19/16)
More Voters Believe The Clinton Foundation “Is A Mostly Political Organization That Raises And Spends Money To Further The Interests Of The Clinton Family” Than A Charity That “Raises And Spends Money To Provide Help For Those In Need.” “Voters’ negative views of the foundation appear to be rooted in how it is perceived: While 29 percent of voters say the foundation’s purpose is mostly charitable in that it raises and spends money to provide help for those in need, almost four in 10 voters (36 percent) say it is a mostly political organization that raises and spends money to further the interests of the Clinton family.” (Cameron Easley, “The Clinton Foundation Has A Perception Problem, Poll Shows,” Morning Consult, 8/19/16)
“A Fair Amount Of Voters Are Also Suspicious Of The Influence That Foreign Interests May Have Had On Clinton During Her Tenure As Secretary Of State.” (Cameron Easley, “The Clinton Foundation Has A Perception Problem, Poll Shows,” Morning Consult, 8/19/16)
55 Percent Of Voters Believe Clinton Was Influenced By Donors To Her Foundation From Outside The U.S., With 34 Percent Saying She Was “Influenced A Lot.” “A little over one-third (34 percent) of respondents said she was influenced a lot by donors outside the U.S. when she was secretary of State, and about one-fifth (21 percent) said foreign donors had some influence on her.” (Cameron Easley, “The Clinton Foundation Has A Perception Problem, Poll Shows,” Morning Consult, 8/19/16)


Issue involving Trump policy on illegals

Donald Trump raised a question that has been causing controversy the past few days, namely what the policy should be regarding illegal aliens with families who have been in the country for long periods of time.  People need to listen to what was actually said before judging.

And to do something I haven't done online for awhile: Erick Erickson of Redstate is a fucktard.

See also Trump's talk on the general subject the next night at his Jackson, MS rally 24 AUG 2016.  Pertinent section begins at the 1:22:00 point.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What you need to know about the Clinton Foundation lies

Newt Gingrich: There's no good reason to keep the Clinton Foundation open

'Mr. Brexit' Nigel Farage Speaks at Donald Trump Rally in Jackson, MS

Don't we all really know this?

Europe's continued decay into Islam-induced anarchy

Crooked Hillary's run-out-the-clock strategy

This is how stupid the Hillary camp is acting.

James Carville: "“Why did no one care that Bob Dole was majority leader and his wife ran the Red Cross?” Ridiculous comparison.

Emails Show Huma Used To Put Hillary Down For Nap Time

And look who Hillary requests assistance from.

Trump town hall on immigration

Trump shows openness to moderation in certain nuances.  With all due respect to nuances, this will forever be my policy on illegal aliens:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

This true joke practically wrote itself ("Clinton Email Server")

Trump campaign reaction:

CNN thinks "blacks" synonym for "felons"

Army confirms: Training slide lists Hillary Clinton as insider threat; Flynn: Why am I not surprised?

Army confirms: Training slide lists Hillary Clinton as insider threat

People want the right to self-defense--even in Europe

Adopt, don't shop -- see what a difference it can make

Diana West: They Call It Intelligence

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West Home - They Call It Intelligence

Sometimes your target makes your case for you

NCTC Director Michael Leiter was quick to insist "there was no PC-ness" on his watch. "If someone is inspired by Islamic ideology --" he began, then stopped. "Let me rephrase that: al-Qaida ideology ..."

Fmr Navy SEAL: While We're Teaching Our Kids About Microaggressions, ISIS Is Training Their Kids to Kill Our Kids

Despite Extra Security, Sex Attacks Double at Swedish Festival

Bolton: "What Trump’s Foreign Policy Gets Right"

Davi on "New Trump vs. Old Trump"

It's a shame no one pointed out these #HumaAbedin ties to radical Islam & sharia journal 4 yrs ago, no?

When Teddy Roosevelt Banned Muslims from America

When Teddy Roosevelt Banned Muslims from America: The bill would prohibit the entry of the “entire Mohammedan world.”

Where are all the Supposed HIllary Supporters?!

Posting this as a picture because... DUH!

Here's the video.  

Is the New York Times inciting hatred toward Trump supporters?

What Donald Trump is up against this November

Hillary trying to make a Black man take the blame

"When asked why Clinton's team were attempting to blame him, [Powell] responded, 'Why do you think?'"

Yes, Hillary's "special friend" is on the other side.



Hillary Clinton is the defender of the corrupt and rigged status quo. The Clintons have spent decades as insiders lining their own pockets and taking care of donors instead of the American people. It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. What they were doing during Crooked Hillary’s time as Secretary of State was wrong then, and it is wrong now. It must be shut down immediately.
– Donald J. Trump

Sunday, August 21, 2016

CNN even lies about Democrat warning to Trump

Trump meeting with Hispanic advisors -- get the truth, not Teabrainer freakouts

Trump to Hispanic Advisers: Find 'Humane, Efficient' Ways to Address Illegal Immigration

Donald Trump told Hispanic advisers on Saturday that he wanted a "humane and efficient" way to deal with illegal immigrants in the United States, but that all recommendations must fit within his strong border security policy, according to participants in the session.
"He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner," Jacob Monty, an immigration lawyer from Houston, told BuzzFeed News after the session at Trump Tower in New York.
Jose Fuentes, who headed Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, said that "the idea is that we're not getting someone in front of the line.
"We’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents," Fuentes said.
Members of the Republican National Committee participated in the meeting with the National Hispanic Advisory Council for Trump.
The nominee was scheduled to meet with the group on Friday, but instead visited flood-ravaged Louisiana with vice presidential candidate Mike Pence.
The council marks Trump's first serious effort to reach out to Hispanics, after making disparaging comments about illegal immigrants throughout the campaign and calling for his building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.
He also questioned the objectivity of a federal judge overhearing a lawsuit against Trump University because of his Hispanic heritage.
But a Trump campaign spokeswoman told Fox News that the issues discussed at the meeting did not mark a softening of the developer's stance on immigration.
Trump has long called for deporting illegals and doing so in an efficient way, she told Fox.

For background, see this from November 2015: 
Donald Trump on immigration strategy: Deportation will be done in a very humane fashion


I give credit for bravado on this.  The article mentions the dismissing of the report as "clickbait journalism," and then engages in the same thing.  Proof Trump is right about journalists being a bunch of lying snakes: "In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants".

Donald Trump Takes Aim (NY Times article about Trump and Second Amendment)

Cynical in tone and phrasing, but good in substance.