Saturday, September 8, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner


Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 1:08 AM
Subject: [New post] Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
actforamericahouston posted: "[youtube=]"
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From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Nashville Muslima threatens coworkers, saying she was “ready to die for Allah” and should “shoot all these people”


Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2012 4:05 PM
Subject: [New post] Nashville Muslima threatens coworkers, saying she was "ready to die for Allah" and should "shoot all these people"
actforamericahouston posted: "By Robert Spencer Ready to die for Allah in Nashville, Tennessee And that this whole country would be Muslim soon. Time for the Tennessean's Bob Smietana to work up a big weeper piece about how Nashville Muslims are victims of "Islamophobia." Get on i"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston

Nashville Muslima threatens coworkers, saying she was "ready to die for Allah" and should "shoot all these people"

by actforamericahouston
By Robert Spencer Ready to die for Allah in Nashville, Tennessee And that this whole country would be Muslim soon. Time for the Tennessean's Bob Smietana to work up a big weeper piece about how Nashville Muslims are victims of "Islamophobia." Get on it, Bob! "Nashville woman accused of making terrorist threats toward co-workers," by [...]

Friday, September 7, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Frank Tipler on Muslim Contributions to Physics and Astronomy

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 1:02 AM
Subject: [New post] Frank Tipler on Muslim Contributions to Physics and Astronomy
actforamericahouston posted: "By David Wood Frank Tipler is a world-class mathematician, physicist, and cosmologist. Here are his thoughts on some popular claims about Islamic contributions to physics and astronomy. PJ MEDIA--In his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo, Preside"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston

Frank Tipler on Muslim Contributions to Physics and Astronomy

by actforamericahouston
By David Wood Frank Tipler is a world-class mathematician, physicist, and cosmologist. Here are his thoughts on some popular claims about Islamic contributions to physics and astronomy. PJ MEDIA--In his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo, President Barack Obama claimed: "As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam [...]
actforamericahouston | September 7, 2012 at 12:02 am | Tags: Islam, Muslim contributions | Categories: Backwards, Deceit, Evil, Islam | URL:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

From ACT! for America: Video: "This is ACT! for America"; and "A compliment from our opposition!"

act4america just uploaded a video:
This video documents the remarkable growth of ACT! for America to national prominence and influence. The largest national security grassroots organization in America, ACT! for America reached nearly 240,000 members and over 700 local chapters by 2012. More

Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: A compliment from our opposition!
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ACT! for America

Visit us on Facebook and give us your feedback on Wajahat Ali's comments!
A grudging compliment
from our opposition

Dear Lee,

On August 15th, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) held what it called on its website

a national town hall-style conference call on "The Real World Impact of Hate Rhetoric in America…"

One of the presenters on the telephone town hall was Wajahat Ali, one of the co-authors of a so-called "report" put out by the far left, George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, entitled "Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America."

Towards the end of the hour-long call, Ali recommended eleven action items to combat what he calls "Islamophobia" in America.

What he said in 23 seconds about ACT! for America was illuminating. Click here or the image below:

We disagree with Ali's characterization that ACT! for America is an "anti-Muslim group," given our support for Muslim leaders and organizations that include people like Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Manda Ervin, and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.

But we appreciate his acknowledgment of our success!

Ali's remarks echo what is contained in the "Fear, Inc." document, which devotes five pages to ACT! for America. Most of the five pages contain the typical propaganda and name-calling that groups such as CAIR and its enablers like the Center for American Progress engage in.

But tucked away in those five pages are these statements:

But what makes Gabriel's organization unique is the sophistication with which it has applied its organizing goals.

Gabriel's relationship with lawmakers is pivotal to her group's success.

This dedication to cause over embracing the limelight speaks to the serious nature of ACT!.

When even our opponents grudgingly concede that we are successful, and why we are successful, none of us in ACT! for America should have any doubts that we are effectively pushing back against the threat of radical Islam.


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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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From ACT! for America: U.S. Legislators Taking on Radical Islam

Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: U.S. Legislators Taking on Radical Islam
homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

by Lisa Piraneo, Director of Government Relations

Dear Lee,

As the 112th Congress winds down (it officially ends on January 3, 2013), we thought you might be interested in a review of the Members of Congress who have been particularly strong on national security issues over the past two years and, in particular, staunch defenders against the threat of radical Islam to our nation.

NOTE: You will be able to track the national security grade we've given to YOUR individual Member of Congress via our soon-to-be-released Congressional Scorecard. Stay tuned!

We feel that the following Members of Congress are at the top tier when it comes to consistently stepping up to the plate in the fight against radical Islam in the United States. Here's why:

Congressman Peter King (NY-3) – As Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Congressman King has a history of being active in the fight against radical Islam, but particularly during the 112th Congress. Over the last two years, Chairman King has held five hearings on various aspects of Islamic radicalization. In addition, he has been a guest on the ACT! for America TV show, a speaker on one of our monthly Chapter Leader conference calls, and has actively participated in our annual Legislative Briefings. Chairman King is a sponsor of two legislative priorities of ours, H.R. 495, the "See Something, Say Something Act" and H.R. 2623, the "9/11 Commission Review Act." He has been a recipient of multiple ACT! for America awards, including the National Security Eagle Award, our highest legislative honor.

Congressman Allen West (FL-22) – Congressman Allen West, a freshman in the 112th Congress, hit the ground running on our issues. Already well-educated on radical Islam, he has consistently spoken out about the threat, and what our nation must do about it. The Congressman is a sponsor of one of our legislative priorities: H.R. 1142, the "Global Combat Zone Recognition Act" which would award the Purple Heart to victims of the Ft. Hood and Little Rock Arkansas jihadist attacks. He also has been a guest on the ACT! for America TV show, a speaker on one of our monthly Chapter Leader conference calls, a participant in our annual Legislative Briefings, the Keynote Speaker at a National Conference Gala Dinner and the Keynote speaker at this year's Congressional Awards Luncheon. Congressman West has also received the National Security Eagle Award for two consecutive years, our highest legislative honor.

Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-1) – Congressman Louie Gohmert has been a strong ally in the defense against radical Islam. A former federal judge, the Congressman has spent much time on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives educating his colleagues and C-SPAN viewers about these issues. In addition, earlier this year, Congressman Gohmert introduced an ACT! for America petition into the Congressional Record. The petition was signed by thousands of Americans expressing their concerns about changes to government counter terrorism training materials. The Congressman has been a guest on a monthly Chapter Leader conference call, has participated in our annual Legislative Briefings, and has received our National Security Eagle Award, our highest legislative honor.

Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC-9) – Congresswoman Sue Myrick was one of the first in the U.S. Congress to take a public stand against radical Islam. She was a co-founder of the House Anti-terrorism Caucus and addressed the issue of radical Islam in the House Intelligence Committee, where she led a hearing on the Muslim Brotherhood. Congresswoman Myrick has been a steadfast ally of ACT! for America. She is a sponsor of H.R. 504, the "First Responders Fighting Terrorism Protection Act," one of our legislative priorities; she has participated in our annual Legislative Briefings, and has appeared as a guest on the ACT! for America TV show. The Congresswoman has received multiple awards including the National Security Eagle Award, our highest legislative honor for three consecutive years. Congresswoman Myrick is retiring from the U.S. Congress at the end of this year, but we know she will continue her crusade to protect our nation as a private citizen.

Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-2) – Congressman Trent Franks has been a strong ally of ACT! for America for years, speaking out in defense of our nation's religious and democratic freedoms and against the threat of radical Islam. Through these actions and as a sponsor of H.R. 668, the SHIELD Act, legislation that would protect our nation against the threat of an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack (one of ACT! for America's legislative priorities), the Congressman has demonstrated consistent leadership in the area of national security. Congressman Franks has been a speaker on a Chapter Leader conference call; he has appeared as a guest on the ACT! for America TV show, and he has participated in our annual Legislative Briefings. Mr. Franks also has received our National Security Patriot Award for four consecutive years.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-6) – A participant in the Republican Presidential primary race, Congresswoman Bachmann has demonstrated time and again her leadership in the fight against radical Islam. She has taken the time to become educated on the threat (even attending some sessions of our annual National Conference on her personal time) and recently joined four of her colleagues in the House of Representatives to call for Inspector General-level investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has impacted some of our federal agencies. Despite a vicious attack against her by the mainstream media and even some of her Republican colleagues, the Congresswoman did not back down. Mrs. Bachmann has been a guest speaker on a Chapter Leader conference call and has attended our annual Legislative Briefings.

Congressman Dan Lungren (CA-3) – Congressman Lungren, a former California Attorney General, has made national security issues a priority during the 112th Congress, in particular, the issue of radical Islam's threat to our democratic freedoms. Particularly in his work on the House Homeland Security and Judiciary Committees, the Congressman has consistently grilled Administration officials on these matters, holding their feet to the fire. If you missed the Congressman's grilling of Paul Stockton, Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense, you can view it by clicking HERE (trust us, it's worth watching). Congressman Lungren has taken the time to get educated on the issue of radical Islam and further, has not been timid about speaking out about it. The Congressman addressed our members at the 2012 ACT! for America Legislative Briefing and was a recipient of this year's National Security Patriot Award.

Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21) – As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a member of the Homeland Security Committee, Congressman Smith has spent the 112th Congress focusing on many issues concerning our nation's security—in particular strengthening our nation's borders and ports. One of the bills that he introduced during this Congress, H.R. 1741, the Secure Visas Act, is a legislative priority of ACT! for America and he included an ACT! for America letter of support for the bill into the official Judiciary Committee Record. Congressman Smith has been a consistent ally of ACT! for America. He has participated in our annual Legislative Briefings and has been a recipient of the National Security Patriot Award for multiple years.

Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-3) – A freshman member of the 112th Congress, Congressman Duncan was another federal legislator who "hit the ground running" on national security issues, immediately educating himself on the threat of radical Islam and then aggressively addressing that threat through his work on both the House Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs Committees. Congressman Duncan is a sponsor of H.R. 3783, the "Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act" one of ACT! for America's High Priority legislative proposals. In addition, he has sponsored one of our Hill Staff Briefings (on the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood), has addressed our members during our annual Legislative Briefings and has been a recipient of our National Security Patriot Award for the last two years.

Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-8) – A freshman member of the 112th Congress, Congressman Cravaack has made national security issues a top priority, educating himself on Islamic radicalization and addressing this issue through his work in the House Homeland Security Committee. As both a former pilot and veteran, the Congressman has focused in particular on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Congressman Cravaack has been a guest speaker on a monthly Chapter Leader conference call, has spoken at our annual Legislative Briefing, and has been a recipient of our National Security Patriot Award for two consecutive years.

Congressman Frank Wolf (VA-10) – As Chairman of a House Appropriations Subcommittee that funds key counterterrorism agencies, the Congressman has a history of being focused on national security issues. He has been a vocal critic of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and was a witness at Congressman Peter King's first hearing on Islamic radicalization. Congressman Wolf is the sponsor of H.R. 1502, the Team B Act, one of ACT! for America's legislative priorities, and a co-author (with Chairman King) of legislation that would bring back the Co-Chairs of the 9/11 Commission to evaluate the implementation of their recommendations. In addition the Congressman has been a guest speaker on one of our monthly Chapter Leader conference calls and has spoken at our annual Legislative Briefings. He has also received our National Security Patriot Award for multiple years.

Senator Joseph Lieberman (CT) – As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Senator Lieberman has been consistent in his focus on the threat of radical Islam. Under his leadership, the committee has investigated violent Islamist radicalization through multiple hearings (including a joint House Senate Hearing he held with Chairman King), and he ordered a formal investigation into the federal government's conduct with regard to the Ft. Hood attack. The Senator has been a past recipient of the National Security Patriot Award.

# # # #

Remember, as an ACT! for America grassroots activist, you are a crucial member of the resistance against radical Islam. Our country's citizens are preparing to determine the makeup of the 113th Congress, as well as who will lead our country in the White House over the next four years. These are incredibly important decisions. Over the next two months, it is critical that you educate yourself on how the candidates running for elected offices in your community feel about the important issues—especially those relating to our national security.

Again, please look out for our upcoming Congressional Scorecard, which will grade your members of the U.S. Congress based on some key national security votes. We hope this information will be helpful to you as you decide who you will support on Election Day this November.

Again, thank you for all that you do. With your help, we ARE making a difference—both in your state and across the nation.



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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] No Go Zone: No Female Cops Allowed Near Spanish Mosque

Say what you will about the wisdom and propriety of having members of the weaker sex (OINK!) as any sort of patrol officers, the fact is that they are, and those camelfuckers need to be made to respect it.  And there is only one thing their inferior minds understand (besides sodomizing young boys and animals).
NOTE: To clarify my stance on this matter, please understand two things about my personal ideology:
1. I view "hate" as a legitimate attitude, and thus hate Mooslims.
2. I am not a Christian, and thus am not bound by the words of Jesus.

Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 1:34 PM
Subject: [New post] No Go Zone: No Female Cops Allowed Near Spanish Mosque
actforamericahouston posted: "by Daniel Greenfield Only male traffic wardens are now active in the mosque area in Palma's Pere Garau district. Dornier, the company responsible for the concession, made the decision after various incidents occurred. Female employees were insulted"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston

No Go Zone: No Female Cops Allowed Near Spanish Mosque

by actforamericahouston
by Daniel Greenfield Only male traffic wardens are now active in the mosque area in Palma's Pere Garau district. Dornier, the company responsible for the concession, made the decision after various incidents occurred. Female employees were insulted by men who were visiting the mosque, the company said. Initially it was decided that the traffic wardens [...]

Dems cave, acknowledging God and Jerusalem--Mooslims hardest hit

"Some delegates were angered by the change.
"'There was no discussion. We didn't even see it coming. We were blindsided by it,' said Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim delegate from Salt Lake City, who questioned whether the convention had enough of a quorum to even amend the platform."
"Even as Democrats worked to quell the political fallout from the omission, some Democrats in Charlotte were in open revolt. Angry delegates screamed and threw their hands in the air as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the convention chairman, declared the amendments approved.
"'The majority spoke last night,' said Angela Urrea, a delegate from Roy, Utah. 'We shouldn't be declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.'"
1. The only Muslim in Utah is a Democrat and opposes this change.
2. The "majority" at the DNC disagrees with the change.
3. The mainstream libertarian and Paultardian position on the matter is actually more in line with the "majority" Democrat position than with the GOP one.
"Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim delegate from Salt Lake City, Utah, said she felt it went against the principle of the separation of church and state.
"'There are people who don't believe in God and you have to respect that as well,' Ul-Hasan said. She also questioned whether the convention had enough of a quorum to even amend the platform. 'There was no discussion. We didn't even see it coming. We were blindsided by it.'"
This reminds me of an event during my days counter-protesting treasonous "anti-war" jerks. A Muslim woman in her headsheet was holding a sign saying in effect, "Respect those who refuse to fight." Seeing as how Islam requires jihad, her carrying that sign was disingenuous garbage. Interestingly, that day some foreign visitors, including an Oriental Mooslim from one of those "stan" countries (don't remember which, and don't care) asked us in good liberal disingenuousness about our countering. I pointed out the disingenuous statement of the jihadiette, and he had no response.
(My only regret from the incident is that I didn't press the Mohammedan further and, shall we say, "draw the foul" and get his *** in jail.)
LESSON: Research "taqiyya" and "kitman"–Mooslims lie.
Here's the voice vote "approving" the change:  In the judgment of the smartest person I know, the "No's" have it, in agreement with that armwaving Mooslim.  Certainly there is no 2/3 majority in favor. 
BTW, this is the sort of thing libertarians would do if they ever gained power.  One explained to me (you know who you are) how they would manipulate and change rules to prevent opposition in such settings, even government ones such as Congress itself, from countering their agenda. 
LESSON: Libertarians are actually NAZIS!  (But not completely in a good way.)

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Islam vs. Man’s Best Friend?

The two bitches are using our tolerance in conjunction with their Jihad cohorts' violence to supplant our superior Western culture.  Islam must come to be viewed as less worthy of protection--that is, NOT worthy of protection--in our society.  Either that or, as a liberal once told me, we need to pay them off or kill them off.  And I'm not in favor of paying.  (A liberal made the observation, so it's acceptable.  Gotcha, PC fuckers!)

Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 12:58 PM
Subject: [New post] Islam vs. Man's Best Friend?
actforamericahouston posted: "By DAVID SOLWAY Not long ago, I took my dog Shiba for an afternoon workout at our town beach on the Ottawa River, a lovely crescent of yellow sand and shade trees patronized by visitors from as far away as Montreal. A pure Siberian husky packing th"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston

Islam vs. Man's Best Friend?

by actforamericahouston
By DAVID SOLWAY Not long ago, I took my dog Shiba for an afternoon workout at our town beach on the Ottawa River, a lovely crescent of yellow sand and shade trees patronized by visitors from as far away as Montreal. A pure Siberian husky packing the energy of the Big Bang in her muscles, [...]
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(National Geographic video) "When Aliens Attack" (1 hour, 32 minutes).
When Aliens attack,do we have a chance on victory,or whill we be exterminated ?
This documentary gives the facts what will happen,millitary experts gives us there vieuw on a plausible alien invasion.
Libertarians will hate this.  It discusses such evil ideas as working together, submitting to a higher cause, and self-sacrifice in altruism.
Good points in this, but there are flaws in using Mujahadeen comparisons. Basically, in that and similar situations in our recent history, there has been a restraining force acting against the invading force using their full strength. In the case of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it was America. and its nukes. This kept the Soviets from simply nuking their way to victory.
In an alien invasion, we can't count on the Venusians acting to restrain the Martians.
The comparison to the Iraq War is also flawed because much of the restraint was applied by a seditious domestic American media and certain political movements. There is no guarantee that invading aliens will have such domestic disloyalty which we could exploit.
And finally, the video does not consider how humans will have to content with their own traitors. Libertarians will seek only personal survival, and might seek to collaborate. Leftists will see the invasion as good for destroying America (ditto libertarians). And conspiracy theorists won't believe it's real. Your Alex Jones types will be yelling "False flag!" even past the time they're knocked offline or off the air.
Humanity will need some cold-hearted disciplining of their own to survive.