Saturday, August 4, 2012

From ACT! for America: Hijab controversy at Olympics

 Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 9:19 AM
Subject: Hijab controversy at Olympics
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ACT! for America


Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shahrkhani parades with her headscarf.

Unlike the Olympics with its gold, silver and bronze, life sometimes dishes up events in which nobody feels like a winner.

Look at the bevy of controversies popping up at the Olympics.

Such a moment is unfolding in the box-like judo venue a short ride from Olympic Park, where an effort to include more women in the games has slammed headlong into efforts at multiculturalism and questions of basic sporting fairness.

In the center of it all is Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shahrkhani, a wide-faced Saudi teenager whose desire to compete against the world's best judo fighters - without violating conservative Islamic mores - has forced organizers, the international judo federation and the Saudi Olympic Committee to huddle repeatedly in search of a solution.

What they've come up with, that Shahrkhani can compete in an as-yet-unspecified, modified version of the hijab, is unlikely to satisfy everybody.

Already, Monday night's ruling is being panned by hard-liners in the Middle East, who say they cannot see how it will be sufficiently modest, and from rights groups that say the inclusion of Shahrkhani and another female Saudi athlete, the first women ever to compete for the kingdom, amounts to window dressing, since millions of other Saudi women are effectively barred from openly playing sports, or even watching.

"I doubt it is Islamic to play judo," Sheikh Abul-Kheir Ahmed, a cleric who teaches law and Islamic jurisdiction at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, the region's premier religious institution, told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "Men will be looking at her and she will likely be wearing form-fitting attire."

Others, including some hard-line women, were even more insistent that a compromise, any compromise, cannot be adequate.

"Any agreement (with the Olympics Committee) has come at the expense of her hijab and her commitment and faith," said Alaa Ahmed, a producer for Maria TV, the first pan-Arabic channel to feature only fully veiled women. "She can play for herself in a place for women only, but not on an international stage in front of men to win a medal at the expense of countering her religion. ... She should not please this world in exchange for the hereafter."

On another plane of debate entirely are competitors who may be sympathetic to Shahrkhani's plight, but say she never should have been allowed to compete in the first place because she is not nearly at the level of the other Olympians - a blue belt in which everyone else owns a high-level black belt. One former medalist called her a novice, and another competitor warned that judo fighters are not trained to go easy.

Some have also voiced concern that the hijab - if not sufficiently form-fitting - could lead to choking, or even offer Shahrkhani a competitive advantage, though one she is presumably not skilled enough to take much advantage of.

The aim of judo is to throw opponents flat on their back or pin them to the ground for 25 seconds. Players can also win if they get their rivals to submit in a chokehold or stranglehold.

Most judo matches are dominated by aggressive attempts by players to grip their opponents' uniform - which nearly all come untucked from their belts as the match proceeds. Taller judo players - like those in Shahrkhani's heavyweight category - are more likely to try to reach behind an opponent's head to grip the uniform at the base of the neck for a dominant grip.

"If (Shahrkhani) wears a tight-fitting headscarf, that would be fine, as long as it is close to the body," said Eva Csernoviczki, a Hungarian judo fighter who has already taken home a bronze medal. "But if she's wearing a looser one, that should not be allowed. It is too loose and could be difficult for other judo players to grip her. ... It could also be dangerous if you grab her headscarf accidentally and try to choke or strangle her because it could get in the way."

There is also the risk that Shahrkhani's headscarf could come off as she grapples with her opponent in her match Friday, leaving her exposed - quite literally - to hard-liners who will see her as having dishonored herself.

It's a tremendous amount for an 18-year-old and her family to take, particularly given the normal pressure Olympians feel ahead of the most important competition of their lives.

Shahrkhani's father, Ali, said his daughter is focused on the competition and training at a secluded facility in London. He would not describe the modified hijab or answer any other questions about the controversy.

"It's her first time in competition and it's the Olympic Games, so she is focused on that," the elder Shahrkhani said in a telephone interview.

While the controversy is unlikely to go away, at least some people are being won over by his young daughter's courage and determination.

"She is a pioneer. She is also a tough cookie," said Fawaz A. Gerges, director of the Middle East Center at the London School of Economics. "When we look back this Olympics, we will say that moment in London was a historic step forward for Saudi women and their place in society."


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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
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ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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From ACT! for America: ALAC and the GOP platform

 Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: ALAC and the GOP platform
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ALAC and the GOP platform

Dear Lee,

One of our chapter leaders submitted a request to the Republican Party platform committee that a plank be added to the platform supporting ALAC (American Laws for American Courts) legislation.

As you know, we've gotten ALAC passed in Tennessee, Arizona and Kansas. Getting a resolution of support for ALAC in the GOP platform would be a big shot in the arm!

You can help make this happen. Visit here and look for the idea that says "American Law for American Courts." When you find it, click on the option to "second" the idea. You can "second" the proposal by following the prompts to do so either through Facebook or by logging in.

Let's get their attention and log hundreds, if not thousands, of "seconds" in support of a resolution backing ALAC!

Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate a similar online process for citizen input for the Democratic Party platform. If you are aware of something the Democratic Party is doing that is similar to the Republican Party, please let us know and we'll put that out in a national email as well.


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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

From ACT! for America: The Engine Behind ACT! for America's Growth

 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: The Engine Behind ACT! for America's Growth
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ACT! for America

The Engine Behind ACT! for America's Growth By Kelly Cook, National Field Director

Dear Lee,

Many of our supporters have commented on the meteoric growth of our organization over the past 5 years.
The growth curve has been steep by design. We understand that small organizations can win small victories, but it takes large organizations to truly win the big ones—victories that are culture changing and capable of ultimately protecting the nation.

This is why everything we do contains an element of growth to ACT! for America. As we become a larger factor in Washington DC and the nation's Statehouses, our capacity to pass meaningful legislation grows as well.

I'd like to share with you the single largest element responsible for our rapid growth: Booking Brigitte Gabriel into large church and tea party events.

Wherever we go, her vital message spreads like wildfire. We see new chapters spring up and new volunteers who are energized! This activity literally spurs our growth—a growth that is vital in order to be in a position to actually arrest the growth of radical Islam and Sharia law in the U.S.

These events have quite practically become the lifeblood for ACT! for America.
Many of our major projects are primarily funded through this effort—projects like mobilizing local chapters for our nationwide textbook reform project.

I'm writing you today because you may know the leadership of a large church containing at least 600 seats or more (or a large group such as a tea party capable of bringing out at least 1500 people to a special event). We are necessarily restricted to larger venues only in order to maximize Brigitte's time and to insure our growth continues at the same pace we are currently experiencing.

If you know the leadership of a large active group, please make this opportunity known to them. We don't charge a dime (to bring in one of the top 50 speakers in the nation!) if we can recruit members for ACT! for America and hold a book signing with Brigitte Gabriel at the conclusion of the presentation.

If you know a group leadership team that is interested, please email Rosemary at:

Make sure you put "Large Event" in the subject line of the email and give us all the contact information you have for the decision makers.

We will make sure they receive all the information they need, answer any questions and book the event!

When this happens in your area, you will see an explosion of membership and chapter growth much like every other area where we have shared these truths.

As we grow, we will be able to step up to new challenges that only the largest grassroots organization in the national security movement can adequately accomplish.

Thank you!


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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover

It's amazing how Paultards, libertarians, and other conspiracy theorists will be cynical and paranoid of the slightest hint of American military preparation, yet go right along and believe these people from an inferior culture.

 Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 8:55 PM
Subject: [New post] Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover

by actforamericahouston
By Louis Palme In 539 BC, King Belshazzar of Babylon saw a dismembered hand-written four prophetic words on the wall. This "handwriting on the wall" was finally interpreted by the prophet Daniel as predicting the fall of the kingdom. He was right. Babylon fell to the Medes-Persians that very night. Like the "handwriting on the wall" [...]
                  actforamericahouston | August 1, 2012 at 7:55 pm | Tags: Civilization jihad, deception, Infiltration, Islam, lying to advance Islam, sharia law | Categories: Deception, Islam | URL:
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Monday, July 30, 2012

From ACT! for America: An unbelievable jihad fatwa

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: An unbelievable jihad fatwa
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ACT! for America

A jihad fatwa you have to see to believe

Dear Lee,

All we can say is, watch the two minute video below, a MEMRI translation that was recently posted on Jihad Watch.


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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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