Friday, December 23, 2011

Video: Cat vs. Snake (I think you can guess the outcome)

Never mess with the superior feline species.

A demonstration of how "freedom" destroys freedom

To guarantee equality in what are effectively non-governmental relationships contradicts the right to personally hold others to be different. Freedom of association is the freedom to discriminate.

ADF Seeks Supreme Court Review for Christian Student Groups

From NRA-ILA: Freedom Times, Issue no. 65

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:09 PM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 65
Freedom Times 65
Issue No. 65
December 2011
Obama administration officials are deliberately keeping gun owners in the dark about the president's gun-control agenda as we head into next year's national election...
Taking a break from inciting "occupy protests" around the country, professional huckster Jesse Jackson recently returned to one of his longtime battle-cries: "Limit guns now."...
The botched gun-tracking operation Fast and Furious was a plot hatched by the Obama administration to impose stricter gun laws, a House Republican said...

Editorial: Fast and furious lies
By Michael A. Walsh, New York Post
It was all a lie. The angry denials, the high dudgeon, the how-dare-you accuse-us bleating emanating from Eric Holder's Justice Department these last nine months...

Grassley: Justice Dept.'s Breuer needs to go
By Jerry Seper, Washington Times
The ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday called for the resignation of Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who heads the Justice Department's Criminal Division...

Wisconsin Governor Signs NRA-Backed Castle Doctrine into Law
By The National Rifle Association
Governor Scott Walker has signed Wisconsin Castle Doctrine legislation into law. This common-sense measure strengthens the right of law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes...

Gun lobby rejoices over ruling on FOID privacy
By Pam Adams, Peoria Journal Star
Gun-rights advocates are doubly relieved with Peoria County Circuit Judge
Michael Brandt's ruling that blocks the names of Illinois' 1.3 million gun-card holders from being released to the public...

Ohio and New Mexico Sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreement

Office of the Ohio Attorney General
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and New Mexico Department of Public Safety Cabinet Secretary Gorden E. Eden, Jr. have signed an agreement that permits reciprocity between their states...

Rep. Walsh Defends Constitution from United Nations
Office of U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh
Congressman Joe Walsh (IL-8) introduced the Second Amendment Protection Act that would cut off all funding to the United Nations if the United States agrees to any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of American citizens...

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Important website regarding aerial safety during holidays

Our military does more than kill bad guys and defend the Free World.  It also tracks Santa Claus!  (available also in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and two Asiatic languages).  Every year the combined American-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tracks Santa--"St. Nicholas," "Father Christmas," or whatever you call the fellow where you are--and his reindeer-powered sleigh on their yearly trek around the world.  It even providing them an escort of fighter planes while over North America.  If you know any young people (or not so young people) who might want to look at this, please pass it on.

"Early Muslim Extremists In American History"

I'm not a big fan of Glenn Beck, but this segment definitely is worth posting.

My plan for dealing with illegal aliens already in the country

Need say no more.


Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin

Rollin rollin rollin
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them doggies rolling
Rain and wind and weather
Hell bent for leather
Wishing my girl was by my side
All the things Im missin
Good victuals, love and kissin
Are waiting at the end of my ride

Move em on (head em up)
Head em up (move em up)
Move em on (head em up)
Cut em out (ride em in)
Ride em in (cut em out)
Cut em out (ride em in)

Keep movin movin movin
Though their disapprovin
Keep them doggies moving
Dont try to understand them
Just rope, throw and brand them
Soon well be living high and wide
My hearts calculating
My true love will be waiting
Be waiting at the end of my ride

Move em up (head em up)
Head em up (move em on)
Move em on (head em up)
Cut em out (ride em in)
Ride em in (cut em out)
Cut em out (ride em in)
Move em on (head em up)
Head em up (move em on)
Move em on (head em up)
Cut em out (ride em in)
Ride em in (cut em out)
Cut em out (ride em in)
Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin
Rollin rollin rollin
Yah! rawhide!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

From ACT! for America-Houston: Between Responsible and Irresponsible Isolationism

I agree with the article as far as it goes, but overall I disagree with isolationism, period. Leaving a power vacuum in the world endangers us, our allies, our interests, and our sovereignty. Some power(s) will rise to take our place, and that power might not be as benevolent as America (and before us, our British cousins) have been. Holding world hegemony may be costly, but ultimately not as costly as losing it.

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Between Responsible and Irresponsible Isolationism

by actforamericahouston
By Daniel Greenfield ...An irresponsible isolationist foreign policy however acts as if we have no enemies and that any talk that we have enemies is a conspiracy to bring us into a war. It accepts every bit of enemy propaganda as gospel and assumes that if we just "stop bothering them", they'll "stop bothering us". [...]
actforamericahouston | December 22, 2011 at 12:46 pm | Tags: Infiltration, Islam, Islamization, Isolationism, Ron Paul, sharia law | Categories: Islam, Useful idiots, Weakness | URL:
Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:

Between Responsible and Irresponsible Isolationism

By Daniel Greenfield
…An irresponsible isolationist foreign policy however acts as if we have no enemies and that any talk that we have enemies is a conspiracy to bring us into a war. It accepts every bit of enemy propaganda as gospel and assumes that if we just "stop bothering them", they'll "stop bothering us". It assumes that the enemy is entirely motivated by our actions, that any conflict we are in is the result of our foreign policy and that isolationism will avert any such conflicts.
This is the version of isolationism that you hear in the Republican debates from Ron Paul. It's the version that Americans heard back in the 1930′s from Lindbergh. Rather than recognizing that a military buildup is an important deterrent to war, it attacks military buildups as provocative. It assumes that the only possible reason why we might be attacked are foreign entanglements and if we just tuck our heads in then there will be no conflict.
The absurdity of this approach when it comes to the current clash of civilizations with Islam is obvious enough. This isn't a conflict that dates back from 1991 or 1948 or even the First Barbary War in 1805. It's a war that predates the United States and modern day Europe. It is a conflict that goes back over a thousand years to the decline and fall of the eastern remains of the Roman Empire and the rise of Islam as a militant unification ideology to fill that void.
American foreign policy can't turn back the clock on that history. It can affect events in the present day, but it can't undo the roots of a conflict that it has inherited. American foreign policy had a good deal to do with the rise of Islamic states built on petrodollars, but isolationism is certainly not going to make them go away. Certainly not Ron Paul's brand of isolationism which pretends that there is nothing wrong with Islam that can't be fixed with an American isolationist foreign policy.
During the last debate, Ron Paul asked why they're bombing us and not Sweden or Switzerland. The answer is very simple. You only bomb people who resist. Stockholm is 20 percent Muslim. Muslim terrorists operate out of Sweden, including a top Al-Qaeda leader, but they don't need to attack a territory that they're already on the way to ruling through natural demographics.
44 percent of Europe's population is over 45. Under 34 percent is under 30. Meanwhile half of European Muslims are under 30. The math isn't very hard to do. The only countries that need to be targeted by Muslim terrorists are those which have a high enough birth rate that demographics alone won't do the trick.
The First World country with the highest birth rate is Israel. It's also the country most targeted by Muslim terrorists. The First World country with the second highest birth rate is the United States. It is the country second most targeted by terrorists. The next major countries on the list are France and the UK. There's a term for this sort of thing. It's demographic suppression and political intimidation.
Back in the 19th century the Kasier hoped that shelling Manhattan and seizing a few cities would bring the United States to the negotiating table. Japan thought that bombing Pearl Harbor would accomplish the same thing. But while Tojo was wrong, the House of Saud was correct. September 11 brought the United States to the negotiating table with Islam. Muslims have been granted special privileges and their immigration rate has increased. That's one path to an eventual demographic domination.
Islamic attacks against the United States may emerge from various micro-events, but the macro-event from which they originate is the shared history of the Western world and the ongoing conflict between the Muslim world and the West. Some isolationists may act as if the United States can break with European history through assertion alone. It cannot. Like it or not it shares a common history and a common culture. America derives from Europe, and whether Americans recognize it or not, the rest of the world does. To Islam, America is not an island, it is another outpost of an enemy civilization that must be subdued so that the way of Mohammed will triumph around the world.
Ron Paul type isolationists fail to distinguish between the proximate causes of war and the ultimate causes of war. A proximate cause of war may be a ship that has wandered into the wrong area which may have been caused by a trade dispute which may have been caused by debts which may have been caused by growing militarism and greed for land. But none of those are truly the ultimate cause of war. The ultimate cause of war is the incompatibility of two systems and two civilizations within the same space.
Technological development means that the old boundaries are all but gone. Immigration means that the enemy population is already here. The rise of Islam means that war is inevitable, all that remains are the details, which battle, on what terms and in what form, and the larger detail of who will win.
Rationalism isolationism accepts that war may be inevitable but chooses to meet it on our terms. Irrational isolationism, which often carries with it defeatist and treasonous overtones, accepts the enemy's justifications for the conflicts and assumes that if we modify our behavior accordingly that there will be no need for war.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum," was a rule that the old Romans knew. If you would have peace, prepare for war. The emblem of the Strategic Air Command was an olive branch and thunderbolt held in a mailed fist. Its motto was "Peace is Our Profession". The SAC kept the peace through the threat of war. Only an isolationism that understands the meaning of that motto can be successful.

"Boots and Mouth: The Early Days"

Here are Boots and Mouth on their first day at my friend's farm.  We kept them indoors at first to clean them up and let them get used to being in a new place.  Here we see them already exploring their new surroundings and paying no-nevermind to the dogs.  These two cats are wise about dangers, but scared of NOTHING!

From ACT! for America: Merry Christmas

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 9:40 AM
Subject: Merry Christmas
homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

!! Merry Christmas !!

Dear Lee,

On behalf of everyone here at the ACT! family, we would like to wish "Merry Christmas" to all our members who celebrate Christmas and the birth of Christ.

May you enjoy an abundance of love, joy and blessing this special day and this special season, and may the angelic message of "Peace on earth, good will toward men" dwell in your hearts for the New Year!

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel


Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your "Bulk" or "Spam" folder, please click the "Not Spam" button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
Send a personalized version of this message to your friends.

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A thought on the War Powers Crap no one seems to get

Under the War Powers Crap, a President can spend up to three months blasting the pogies out of any country he or she wishes with no Congressional intervention.  Then the forces must be withdrawn (at least for a short time, and then it can start again).
Here's the problem (aside from that "re-start" thing): What happens after the forces are withdrawn?  We've just spent three months blasting the pogies out of some country, and withdrawing will not end the "war".  Those hippie-intimidated members of Congress back then never thought that after said blasting, the target country might be a little perturbed.  They might even want to retaliate. 
In other words, the idea that the War Powers Crap will prevent a President from unilaterally "declaring war" is completely wrong on all points.  A President ordering troops someplace does not legally "declare war" and a Congressionally- or legally-mandated withdrawal after such a time would not prevent or end a "war".  WE WILL BE AT WAR, no matter what Congress may say.  And fighting the war on the enemy's soil, with the strategic and tactical advantages gained in those three months of blasting, is far more advisable than fighting under the military, political and legal consequences of a Congressionally-mandated withdrawal.
Indeed, Congress has checks on the President's power, even as Commander-in-Chief.  And rightly so.  They can do two things: 1. Defund the operation; and 2. Remove the President through impeachment.  These are constitutional, unlike the War Powers Crap.  They are also legally and politically difficult, and rightly so.  To overrule the Commander-in-Chief in a time of war--to overrule the choice of the American people for a co-equal branch of government--should be difficult, and a step not taken lightly.  It should be taken ONLY when it is shown conclusively that the President (or pResident) is acting in a manner which is not only questionable or contrary to one's preferences, but rather with either an anti-American agenda (such as, say, supporting Jihadists for the purpose of furthering the pResident's closet religion) or with such utter incompetence and irresponsibility as to render the action not only risky or questionable, but fundamentally, conclusively, and irrationally dangerous to American security, or with unjustifiable compromising of the mission and force protection.  Nonetheless, it does offer the needed check, without opening the way for a forced weakening of American foreign policy, or encroachment by Congress on military decisions.
Just a thought.

My dream for 2013--GWOT II!

Below is a fan video to the Sabaton song, "Panzer Battalion," with lyrics included (typos uncorrected).  Some people are scared of the lyrics (even if they permit the posting of the link on their blogs, and even specifically cite the most controversial word--"panzer"--in discussing it).  In any case, no matter what restraints are put upon me, I don't fall into such wimpiness and Teabrainery.


LYRICS (yes, I will post them here on CGNS):
Under this sun no shadows will fall
Piercing our eyes as we charge
An armoured battalion on course to the east
Closing the end of it's march
This time we're here to finish a job
Started a decade ago
Driving the animals out of their holes
To bury them 6 feet below
Armoured tanks of mass destruction
Killers in the east
Rats who dares to stand before us
Feel our guns go live
Death in the shape of a panzer battalion
Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a
Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion
Thousands of tons of armour and guns
Making it's way through the sand
Our panzer battalion is back for revenge
Artillery sweeping the land
First strike is ours no mercy is shown
There's rivers of blood in our track
Breaking their lines of defence with our tanks
Infantry watching our back
Blow their SAM sites clear for air strike
Ready for the storm
Minefields swept there's no surrender
Feel our napalm burn
Under this sun no shadows will fall
Piercing our eyes as we charge
An armoured battalion on course to the east
Has reached the end of it's march

Two cats worth meeting

A picture of two kittens my friend adopted back in April of this year. 
"Boots" and "Mouth," two daughters of Leonard the three-pawed Supercat, are two of the strangest cats I've ever met.  From the day at age four weeks they were adopted from my family's farm (their mother wasn't feeding them) and taken to my friend's farm, they have been basically taking over.  Honestly I suspect they are descendants of the great Sunny (picture here: ), the smartest cat I ever knew, who God took off to Heaven to manage the celestial barn and keep the cats there in order.  They quickly found an escape hole from the shed where they were kept, they have made numerous friends among the other barnyard animals, and they have joined the donkey Jennie in the security of the place.  "Mouth," the smaller one, has attacked foxes on at least one occasion, and both work diligently to keep down the mouse and bird population.  And they are utterly friendly to humans, a trait no doubt stemming in part from they early days being cared for by humans.
Here we see how those little kittens are now BIG.  No longer kittens, but actually cats!  They are putting on weight and coats for winter, and steps are being taken to ensure they have plenty of warmth for the season.  No doubt they already have arrangements to cuddle with the goats and other animals there ("Boots" has even been seen cuddling with ducks!).
With the resurrection of this blog, I hope to post more pictures of these two amazing felines.


The only two viable and worthy Presidential candidates in the GOP race

Gingrich and Romney.  The others are either whack jobs (Johnson and Paul), liberal (Huntsman), Teabrainers (Bachmann and maybe Perry), or simply not viable (Santorum).  Only these two have 1. the viability of getting elected (or even nominated); 2. reasonable ideas; and 3. the basic knowledge and intellect (i.e., they aren't Teabrainers). 
Attacks on both have both validity and irrelevance.  Both would maintain national security, allow people to keep guns (Romney's Massachusetts record, though inexcusable, was at the state level in a very blue state and pre-McDonald), and have no public record opposing cats (Romney's distant relatives in the UK even run a cat shelter: ).  Hence on the important issues of the day, both are acceptable. 
Both are attacked without warrant.  Romney's recent talk with a homosexual veteran in New Hampshire, though played by many as a founder, was actually spot-on, and almost exactly how I myself--the smartest person I know--would have handled the situation (though I would have slapped the aide who sought to extricated me from the situation).  Video here:  Gingrich is criticized for a reference to certain young people not learning to work, with criticisms saying it would alienate people like.  However, Gingrich was in fact brilliantly using code talk to distinguish between rural farm youth and inner-city youth (you know what is meant there), and if played right, would go a long way to exploiting the only real advantage the GOP has going into the election.  Article here:
Thus, in conclusion, and this is likely to be one of the few things I say here about the 2012 GOP primary race (except that Sarah Palin, after the betrayal she suffered in 2008, is the only one who morally deserves the position), these two middle-age White Christian males are the only reasonable candidates for the nomination.  Thus, chalk up CGNS's dual endorsement for these two.

Court: Iran and Hizballah Helped Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks

Remember that Ron Paul, supporter of traitors, says Iran is not a threat to America.  After all, even though they have a navy and are developing nukes with delivery systems, they don't reach all the way to America.  Oh wait, look below.

Court: Iran and Hizballah Helped Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks

In a blockbuster ruling, Federal Judge George Daniels in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York issued an order stating that Iran and its Lebanese Shi'ite terror proxy, Hizballah, are jointly responsible together with al-Qa'eda for the attacks of September 11, 2001.
The long-awaited ruling came in the cases of Havlish, et al. v. Islamic Republic of Iran, et al., and Bingham, et al. v. Islamic Republic of Iran, et al., lawsuits filed by families of 9/11 victims. The cases provided clear and compelling evidence that Iranian officials at the top levels of the Tehran regime played a key role in planning and facilitating the 9/11 attacks and, even more specifically, that they provided direct and material support to al-Qa'eda without which the attacks could not have taken place. This week, Judge Daniels agreed.
Lead attorney for both cases, Thomas E. Mellon, Jr. of Doylestown, Pennsylvania of the law firm of Mellon Webster & Shelly, and Timothy Fleming of the Washington, D.C. office of Wiggins Childs Quinn & Pantazis, in Birmingham, Alabama headed a consortium of eight law firms across the United States and built a team of investigators and expert witnesses who collectively logged thousands of hours over the course of nine long years to compile the evidence. The team was doggedly committed, on behalf of the 9/11 victims, their family members, and the American people, to provide the full truth about Iran's complicity in the horrific attacks of that day and to see Iran and Hizballah, as well as al-Qa'eda, held accountable for the devastation they caused.
Based on its last-minute discovery just days before the 2004 publication of its report of thousands of classified intelligence reports that described what the U.S. Intelligence Community knew about the Iran-al-Qa'eda relationship, the Commission called explicitly on the U.S. government to conduct further investigation of that relationship. As of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, however, there was no indication the U.S. government had conducted any such investigation nor did it appear to have any intent or willingness to do so.
So, taking the 9/11 Commission Report as its starting point, the Havlish team undertook that "further investigation," relying primarily on open source material. In addition, the Havlish attorneys took 25 hours of sworn testimony (filed under seal) from three former Iranian intelligence officers, who described the direct participation of top Iranian government officials and also of Imad Mughniyah, the Hizballah terror chieftain assassinated in February 2008, who was the key liaison for training and terror operations between Iran and al-Qa'eda for many years.
As detailed on pg. 240 of the Commission's final report, a "senior Hezbollah operative" (Mughniyah) accompanied some of the future 9/11 hijackers on their final airline flights around the Middle East, into and out of Afghanistan, Iran, and Lebanon. In addition to directing Mughniyah's extensive involvement in recruiting, guiding, and training the hijackers, Iran provided critical material support to those hijackers by ordering its border and passport officials to not stamp their passports when they crossed Iranian territory, thereby ensuring the hijackers eventually could enter the U.S. with "clean" passports.
Nor did Iranian support to al-Qa'eda end with the 9/11 attacks. Top al-Qa'eda leadership, including Usama bin-Laden, family members, and other important commanders such as Saif al-Adl, fleeing the battles of Tora Bora in late 2001-early 2002, found safehaven inside Iran. There, Ayman al-Zawahiri's decades-long personal relationships with key regime figures, including Iran's current Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, and a series of Iranian intelligence directors, smoothed the way for hundreds of al-Qa'eda operatives to live and continue directing terror attacks under the protection of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the IRGC's Qods Force, and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Even after Usama bin-Laden, Saif al-Adl, and others returned to the wilds of the Afghan-Pakistan border region, Iran continued to provide support, training, and weapons (especially IEDs and the lethal EFPs or Explosively Formed Projectiles) to al-Qa'eda terror militias in Iraq and to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Today Ellen Saracini, the widow of Victor Saracini, Captain of United Flight 175, the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center; Fiona Havlish, whose husband Donald Havlish died in the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11; Alice Hoagland, lead plaintiff in the Bingham case, who is the mother of 9/11 hero Mark Bingham, one of the passengers on United Flight 93; and thousands of other family members who lost loved ones that awful day at last know that al-Qa'eda did not act alone in carrying out those attacks. And the U.S. government now knows that the information it tried so hard and for so long to keep secret from the American people is out and that those citizens will be demanding answers and accountability, not just from al-Qa'eda, Iran, and Hizballah, but from their elected and appointed leadership.
Clare M. Lopez is an Expert Witness in the Havlish case and co-authored one of the case affidavits, which may be found online here:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

(I can't make this up) Ron Paul supports Bradley Manning

As homosexual Army soldier Bradley Manning's treason trial continues at Fort Meade, Maryland, the support he has received from Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has been curiously ignored by the major media, now touting Paul as someone who could win the January 3 Iowa Republican Caucuses. Paul has called Manning, a crossdresser with acknowledged mental problems, a "hero" and "patriot" for stealing government secrets and providing them to WikiLeaks.
Manning, who served as an intelligence analyst in Iraq, is charged with one of the most spectacular and damaging leaks of classified information in this country's history. The death penalty has been strangely ruled out in his case, but he could still face life in prison.
Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the "irresponsible posting of stolen classified documents by WikiLeaks puts lives at risk and gives adversaries valuable information."
The Ron Paul 2012 website shows a young Ron Paul in a military uniform and as someone who would pursue a "pro-America foreign policy." It says, "As an Air Force veteran, Ron Paul believes national defense is the single most important responsibility the Constitution entrusts to the federal government."
It says nothing about the Congressman's support for accused Army traitor Bradley Manning.
However, speaking at a campaign rally, Paul said that while Manning may have "technically" broken the law against releasing classified information to WikiLeaks, he did so for the purpose of exposing the "horrible things" being carried out by the U.S. Government.
Referring to Manning's detention before trial, Paul said, "Should he be locked up and imprisoned?" Manning should be seen as a "political hero" and "true patriot who reveals what's going on," Paul said.
The Bradley Manning Support Network published an article saying that Paul believes that Manning is a "whistleblower" and his actions "are essential to the country."
There is no evidence that Manning, who flaunted his homosexuality in the Army, in violation of the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy, was a member of a communist or leftist group. But his supporters come predominantly from the far-left. His backers include the Movement for a Democratic Society, a group of former Weather Underground members and radicals that includes Obama associate and terrorist Bill Ayers.
The Advisory Board of the Bradley Manning Support Network includes Robert Meeropol, whose parents, communists Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, were convicted of violating the Espionage Act and executed for giving the secret of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Meeropol says "it is an honor to join a Board that includes Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, as well as Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, and filmmaker Michael Moore, among others, but also because I believe it is imperative for as many people as possible to raise their voices in support of Manning."
On October 28, speaking in Iowa, Paul praised WikiLeaks for providing secret information about the conduct of the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) propaganda channel features a Paul speech in which the Congressman offered "his support to whistleblowers, applauding WikiLeaks in particular for exposing political fallacies."
In another broadcast, Paul attacked "state secrecy" and praised WikiLeaks for revealing "spying and meddling" by the U.S. Government.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who says he publishes and comments on leaked documents alleging government and corporate misconduct, is currently facing deportation from Britain on sex crimes charges.
Vice President Joseph Biden has said about Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks disclosures, "I would argue it's closer to being a high-tech terrorist than the Pentagon Papers."
In a New Yorker article, "Manning, Assange, and the Espionage Act," Raffi Khatchadourian said that Manning "appears to have broken a very clearly defined set of laws." And First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams told National Public Radio that while media organizations which publicized the WikiLeaks material will not face prosecution, Assange himself could be prosecuted by the U.S. Government under the Espionage Act.
More than a year ago, Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to prosecute Assange under the Espionage Act. He also wants Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to designate WikiLeaks a foreign terrorist organization.
The evidence introduced this week at Manning's pretrial hearing appears to prove that Manning and Assange worked together, a development that should make it easier for the Obama Department of Justice to prosecute Assange for conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act.
In a Daily Caller article, "Why conservatives must adopt Ron Paul's foreign policy," Jack Hunter writes that Paul is asking the "basic questions that Americans desperately need to ask" about U.S. foreign policy. But Hunter, the official Ron Paul 2012 campaign blogger, didn't address or explain Paul's support for Manning.
The Ron Paul website insists that the candidate supports an American intelligence community that deals with "legitimate threats" but doesn't explain how this is compatible with a system whereby "whistleblowers" like Manning decide on their own what classified information the government should be able to keep.

From ACT! for America: Happy Hanukkah

And with this, I resume semi-regular updates to my blog, now CGNS.
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:16 AM
Subject: Happy Hanukkah
homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

Happy Hanukkah

Dear Lee,

On behalf of everyone at the ACT! for America family, we extend a warm Happy Hanukkah greeting to our Jewish family, friends and supporters. May the glow of the Hanukkah Menorah keep us ever mindful that goodness does indeed triumph over evil.

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel


Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your "Bulk" or "Spam" folder, please click the "Not Spam" button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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Monday, December 19, 2011