Friday, March 18, 2011

From ACT! for America: FOR REAL! Judge orders Muslims to follow sharia law!

This is absolute proof of the need to expressly ban Sharia law in American courts.  All critics of such efforts now need to shut up! 

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Act for America <> wrote:

Subject: Judge orders Muslims to follow sharia law!
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 10:16 AM

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March 18, 2011
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June 22 – 24, 2011


Florida Judge orders Muslims to follow sharia law!

Dear Lee,

The eyes and ears of ACT! for America are everywhere. Make sure you're sitting down when you read what we became aware of this week!

In Tampa, Florida, a dispute arose over who controls the funds a mosque received in 2008 from an eminent domain proceeding.

Former trustees of the mosque are claiming in court they have the right to the funds. Current mosque leaders are disputing that claim.

The current mosque leaders want the case decided according to secular, Florida civil law, and their attorney has been vigorously arguing the case accordingly.

The former trustees of the mosque want the case decided according to sharia law.

Here's the kicker.

The judge recently ruled "This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic law," (sharia law), "pursuant to the Qur'an."

You can read the judge's ruling here.

Now it's not unusual for a dispute to arise within a religious institution and for a court to order a mediation or arbitration, in order to resolve this without the court having to render its own judgment.

But what makes this case unusual, and highly troubling, is that a group of Muslim leaders—the CURRENT mosque leaders—who do NOT want to be subject to sharia law, are being compelled to do so by an American judge!

This is reminiscent of the 2009 New Jersey case, where a Muslim woman sought a restraining order, in civil court, against her Muslim husband, who was raping her several times a day. The judge denied the restraining order because, in his opinion, the husband did not commit a crime because he was following his Islamic beliefs.

In the New Jersey case, and now in this recent case in Tampa, Muslims found themselves being subjected to sharia law against their will.

Last October, ACT! for America aired a radio ad across Oklahoma in support of the referendum preventing Oklahoma judges from using sharia law in their decisions. The referendum won with 70% support.

The point we made then, which now bears repeating, is that such legislation protects non-Muslims AND Muslims alike from being subjected to sharia law.

When someone claims that opposition to sharia law in America is "anti-Muslim," make sure you tell them about the New Jersey woman and the mosque leaders in Tampa.

  Don't forget our EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION for the 2011 National Conference and Legislative Briefing! Register by March 25th and save $40. Gala banquet keynote speaker will be Rep. Allen West. To find out more or register click here.


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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Congressman Ellison: I Became A Muslim For "Social Justice & Social Change"--But Terrorism's Political

Bill Mayer is and always will be an asshole.  But he's a thinking and useful asshole.
Greg Hengler

Greg Hengler

Congressman Ellison: I Became A Muslim For "Social Justice & Social Change"--But Terrorism's Political

Listen closely and tell me theologically how at the heart of Islam, it is not a religion of church AND state. Note how Ellison applauds why he chose Islam and then listen to how he criticizes Muslims for politicizing the faith. He appears a bit confused about the "religion of peace." Note too that the peaceful passage he is quoting is from the earlier parts of the Quran which are 86'd by the later and more hateful, violent, and intolerant parts.

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COMMENT: Ellison (D-Mecca) adopted the Islamic faith for "social justice," but it's not "political"?  Well perhaps, if one draws a distinction between politics and terrorism.  But then, sheetheads don't.