Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore."

From ACT! for America: "We continue to warn about homegrown terrorism. Yet another example of just how hateful these radical Muslims are."
Undercover agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van full of what he believed were explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, federal authorities said.
2 seconds ago

PETITION: "Make Animal Abuse a Felony in all states for every convicted case of abuse"

I just signed this petition!
Past Member just added signature #3,960 to the petition.
This petition is to make animal abuse a felony in all states for every convicted case of abuse. The abusers need stiffer penalties and should also not be allowed to have another animal in their care. I furthermore would like to have an animal abuse registry for the abusers, so I know who they are and to watch out for the safety of my animal if they move into my neighborhood. Right now do not have felony laws for animal abuse! Lets get this done to protect the innocent out there who depend on us.
2 hours ago

"Why the 'conservatives are dumb' meme works," or "Yee-ah, I's kin reed dat dere Consteetooshun real good"


"Why the 'conservatives are dumb' meme works," or "Yee-ah, I's kin reed dat dere Consteetooshun real good"

by Lee Thomas Walker on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 6:38pm
Below is an account of my experience as an observer at the Missouri state House of Representatives on April 7, 2010, taken from a message I sent to a House member not involved in following incident. The discussion pertained to a "state sovereignty" resolution being debated. "REP[Daniel] Nieves" is the legislator pushing this particular matter. (And yes, I have sent his official a copy of the original message.)

The point of this, as the subject suggests, is to show just how stupid--ignorant--conservatives tend to be. Liberals play the "uneducated" label against conservatives. This is an anecdote as to why it works. And it will continue to work until people holding traditional views and values start actually taking these things seriously.

I'm not confident.


My complaint is about [REP Nieves'] performance in the session this morning. After a fine job of calling the one lady rep on her "living, growing" Constitution slip, he reverts to utter ignorance. Two examples:

1. REP Nieves and another fellow got into a worthless back-and-forth all built around the STUPID MISTAKE offered by the other fellow that the phrase, "All men are created equal," is in the Constitution, with the other fellow having ignorantly built up a huge constitutional schematic around its alleged presence there. REP Nieves, who claims he's read the Constitution more than once, not only failed to cut him off on the error--and thus save them both embarrassment--he moved right along with it. It took a Democrat to explain the basic fact of civics that the phrase is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. That Democrat deserves credit for perfect sarcasm and successfully making your Republican colleagues look like idiots. (Honestly, I thought about applauding at his point!)

2. REP Nieves was asked a question from someone on his own side of the aisle. She raised a point of how his precious resolution has basic writing errors that any two-bit secretary would get fired for making, and then asked about a particular section of it, on which REP Nieves "punts." So not only did REP Nieves put forward a resolution that is flawed in its structure, but also one that he himself doesn't understand. He ought to have things like a resolution proofread several times by people who didn't sleep through high school English class, and make sure he knows what the H*** it is on which he's asking people to vote!

And he did all of this after leading with his opinion on how ignorant the other side in Washington is!!

... [T]he other side seeks to portray the conservative/Right, whether it be Sarah Palin, Tea Party activists, or "militia"-types, as "uneducated," "ignorant," etc. When our side's elected leaders do what REP Nieves did today--and this is far from an isolated incident--it not only gives them ammunition, it probably--from an objective viewpoint--proves them correct.

... I don't know if you're still reading this, or if I have offended you off, but either way, this sort of thing WILL catch up with us. I'm not talking about style or syntax--I believe "ain't got no" should be universally-recognized standard English--I'm talking about the factual substance. If a person is too "busy" to study up on things like this, they have no business leading.

Sarah Palin recognizes gaps in her knowledge base, and she is studying and learning. REP Nieves--and a whole slew of others--need to follow her example.


Lee T. Walker,
Someone who has had his fill of stupidity from his own side.

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Investigation: Obama likely not eligible"

Unusually balanced for WND. They are smartening up without abandoning the cause.
As the Supreme Court discusses arguments related to President Obama's eligibility, it may be instructive to note a recent best-seller investigated the issue in question, finding Obama may not fit the constitutional requirement that stipulates only natu
2 hours ago

Article claiming "Obama's Airport Security Abuse Dictated by Muslim Group"

While some of the characterizations and speculations here may be off, it's a worthwhile read on the issue of "profiling."
By NWV News writer Jim Kouri Posted 1:00 AM Eastern November 23, 2010© 2010
4 hours ago

A little glimpse of the stupidity of a major Tea Party group

Below is a video showing just how stupid a major Tea Party group is. I refer most notably to the collection of signs shown around the 1:13 point (pictured in thumbnail).
The Dallas Tea Party 2010 Anniversary Featuring: PJTV's STEVEN CROWDER and ALFONZO 'ZO' RACHEL, Dallas Tea Party's KATRINA PIERSON and MUCH, MUCH MORE! ---- Saturday, February 27, 2010 - Noon - 2PM - Dallas City Hall ------------------ - - © 2010 Mueller
See More
about a minute ago

Yes, I'm an "elitist," and damn proud of it!

I've posted before about how people label me "elitist." Well, after one too many run-ins with uneducated conservatives, I hereby proudly claim that title. Most grassroots-level conservatives lack the political education, and often native intelligence, to understand issues. They are simply sheep to be manipulated. So from here on out, I will treat them as such. The country is too important to do otherwise.
3 minutes ago

My apologies for underestimating the stupidity of conservatives

Earlier I posted an article expressly because the writer showed a basic understanding of political science. I see now that the writer has caved to the ignorance of commenters. So I am deleting my posting of it, and posting once again this proof that far, far too many grassroots conservatives--even some elected offici...als--are political morons.

See More
a few seconds ago

Observation on Ronaldus Magnus

(26 NOV 2010 at 0234 U.S. Central time) Fox News is showing a program on the history of conservatism. They are talking a lot about Ronald Reagan. He was a very good moderate, I have concluded.
6 minutes ago

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Korean situation article, and the security problems it creates

As a military intelligence professional, I can tell you that if I were a North Korean intel analyst, I'd have a field day with this article. I learned the number of troops and artillery pieces on the island and their present tactical limitations, the civilian situation, the domestic political situation and discontent, U.S. and South Korean intentions, and present security actions, with more waiting for a second reading.
Think about this the next time you read an expose' in the Lamestream Media or on Wikileaks. About 80 percent of intelligence gathering comes from such unclassified sources. That 80 percent is enough to get troops killed and countries and ...freedom endangered.

Now, what was someone saying about "freedom of the press"?
South Korea's president ordered more troops to a front-line island and dumped his defense minister Thursday as the country grappled with lapses in its response to a deadly North Korean artillery strike.
a few seconds ago

Thanksgiving wishes from ACT! for America

From ACT! for America:

"This year some families wont ALL be sitting down to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. Because a family member is currently serving our country. As we enjoy our meal with family and friends please make sure to give thanks for those who sacrifice for our freedoms!"
2 seconds ago

"Black Invention Myths"

I have a reputation for being something of a "hoax-buster" in my conservative/Rightwing circle. So, in that spirit, I offer this link sent to me some time ago.
Perhaps you've heard the claims: Were it not for the genius and energy of African-American inventors, we might find ourselves in a world without traffic lights, peanut butter, blood banks, light bulb filaments, and a vast number of other things we now take for granted but could hardly imagine life w
2 seconds ago

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I've long said that Kim Jong (Mentally) Il is just an overgrown five-year-old, but this headline is still too sympathetic
A frustrated North Korea is lashing out again, this time with a deadly volley of artillery aimed at reminding rival South Korea — and the world — that it will not be ignored.
2 seconds ago

HDR 108(1): Let’s Talk Turkey
‎"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Inscription on the Statue of Liberty

Hump Day Report

It's Mid-Week…it's America…it's Hump Day!

giliar 12:04 pm on November 24, 2010 Reply
Tags: , Thanksgiving, , Westboro Baptist Church   

HDR 108(1): Let's Talk Turkey

I hear the lame ones are especially juicy!

ALOHA, ALL! I'm taking a different approach with this week's HDR.  Sure, there's a lot of crazy/bad stuff going on around the world:  North Korea bombed South Korea, the economy is still in the tank, the cost of living is on the rise, and it looks like 0bama is trying to control not only the food supply but the internet as well.  But it's Thanksgiving and we have much to be thankful for.  So this edition of the HDR is filled with things to make you feel good, laugh and appreciate what we have.

That First Thanksgiving. We've heard the story before, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of how and why the holiday was created.  Did you know the first recording of a "thanks giving" in America was in 1541 in what is now Texas? Read more about this most American of all holidays:  Account of the First Harvest Feast and Thanksgiving

Thank a Cop.  You know those people who put their lives on the line for us everyday?  I'm proud to say I have one on my own family.  My cousin, Ryan, recently helped put a really bad guy away:  an illegal immigrant named "Carlos" who was selling black tar heroin in the Columbus area:  Major Supplier of Black Tar Heroin Pleads Guilty Thank you, Ryan, for making Ohio a safer place – We are so proud of you!

Thank a Soldier. They also put their lives on the line for us!  It's because of the Soldiers, Seamen, Airmen and Marines that we're able to stuff ourselves with turkey and pumpkin pie and watch football all day. Here's a great song &  video that will give you chicken skin:  Thank You Soldier

Honor a Soldier. My friend Steve sent me this story about a small town in Oklahoma that recently buried one of its own, Sgt. Jason McCluskey. True to form, the idiots from Westboro Baptist Church showed up to spew their venomous hatred. Ah….but this time the story has a happy ending! It turns out there is such a thing as karma after all: McAlester Oklahoma Honors Its Fallen Hero

Steve's brother and his wife were at the funeral and had this to report:
Steve–We were in McAlester for the funeral. Ghislaine wanted to go. Her patriotism for this country should make all Democrats ashamed. It was a very interesting experience. The police protected the protesters, but they hated them. There were at least a hundred Harleys and probably two thousand people.  The protesters decided to leave 30 mins before the funeral. Walking back I said to a cop that it was a beautiful day and it had been a great morning. He said: yes sir, it has been a great morning for everyone, except a few.

American Ingenuity At Its Best! Did you travel by plane this Thanksgiving? If so, did you have to go through the dreaded naked scanner? Too bad you didn't have some X-RAY PROOF UNDERWEAR! That's right….some guy has invented tungsten-lined underwear to hide your "junk" from the prying eyes of those pesky TSA agents: God Bless Capitalism The inventor is an engineer from Colorado, Jeff Buske. "You shouldn't have to be digitally strip-searched or doused with radiation to visit your grandmother," Buske, a 52-year-old electrical engineer said by phone Monday from New Jersey, where he was trying to find facilities to manufacture more of his undergarments. Tungsten underwear: $35. Look on TSA agent's face: priceless. Bring on the fig leaves!

That's What I'm Talkin' About! Tired of all those "recording stars" singing the national anthem, and getting the notes wrong?  Here's how the National Anthem should be sung.  It's from the Super Bowl a few years ago:  National Anthem by the Academy Choirs If this doesn't put a lump in your throat, and fill your heart with PRIDE, you need to check for a pulse or move to another country!!!  (Thanks to Jessie for the link.)

Finally – It's OK To Make Fun of 0bama! HotAir has collected some great jokes about 0bama and his circle of friends.  Once upon a time there was widespread concern that America's late-night TV comedians, who fuel and reflect so much of popular culture's chatter, would shy away from making fun of the Smoker-in-Chief because, well, you know.  As someone who collects these passing smiles, we can report that is not the case. Here are a few recent offerings:
Letterman: Vice President Joe Biden's birthday party was over the weekend. President Obama was so excited he asked Biden to attend in his place.
Leno: Happy Birthday to Joe Biden. President Obama got him a gag gift. No, not a funny gift. A real gag.
Conan: President Obama scheduled to grant a turkey the traditional pardon on Wednesday. But a spokesman for the turkey now says it doesn't need a pardon. It needs a job.
Fallon: What is going on these days? George W. Bush writes a 500-page memoir and Obama publishes a kids coloring book.
Leno: Tough decision for President Obama this week: Pardon the turkey or Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel.
Fallon: Today, President Obama is going down to Kokomo, Ind. That makes sense. No one knows better how to get there fast and then take it slow.
Fallon: Experts announce a new plan to slash the federal debt by $6 trillion. All we have to do is switch from regular light bulbs to not having a federal government.
Leno: House Democrats just elected Nancy Pelosi as their minority leader for the new Congress. Why mess with success, right?
Conan: Congressional Democrats push for $12 billion in additional unemployment benefits. They say they can't turn their backs on those who until two weeks ago were House Democrats.
Conan: Donald Trump wants to know if people think he should run for president. So his folks launched a website called Americans have responded with their own website,
Leno: Michelle Obama announces her plan to install 6,000 salad bars at schools across the nation. They expect as many as three students to use them.
Fallon: President Obama over in Portugal last week pointed out to his hosts that his dog, Bo, is a Portuguese Water Dog. Yeah, that's a good way to make friends: 'Hey, you know who's just like you people? My DOG.'
Fallon: GM wants to thank all who made its recovery possible: Toyota's brakes, Toyota's steering and Toyota's accelerators.
Letterman: A new wrinkle this year for Wal-Mart's midnight store openings on Thanksgiving Friday: They've added bulls to the run.
Leno: A rough week for President Obama. He's gotta pardon a turkey, deal with a lame duck Congress, eat crow and China flipped him the bird over currency.
Letterman: In these times you know you're having a bad day when your body scan at the airport gets the guards laughing.
Leno: Facebook launches the next-generation messaging system — a combination of IM, text and e-mail designed to ensure that nothing gets done at any workplace ever again.
Fallon: New plan out to cover $6 trillion of the nation's debt. First, look at all the spending for the past five years. Then, ask China for $6 trillion more.

And In Case You Wondered….Origins of the Presidential Turkey Pardon (It turns out this year's pardoned birds escaped the Governator's and soon-to-be Moonbeam Jerry Brown's California for a better life in the Red State of Virginia:  National Turkeys Flee California for a Red State)

0bama's Approval Rating Hits New Low:  39%.  (OK – I told you this HDR was full of good news!)

On A Related Note:  The Postal Services created a stamp with a picture of President Obama on it. The Postal Service noticed that the stamp was not sticking to envelopes. This enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation.  After a month of testing and $1.73 million in congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings:
1.The stamp is in perfect order.
2.There is nothing wrong with the glue.
3.People are spitting on the wrong side.  (That one was from my hubby!)

Final Thought: "Two hundred years ago, the Congress of the United States issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation stating that it was 'the indispensable duty of all nations' to offer both praise and supplication to God. Above all other nations of the world, America has been especially blessed and should give special thanks. We have bountiful harvests, abundant freedoms, and a strong, compassionate people. I have always believed that this anointed land was set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the Earth who had a special love of faith and freedom. Our pioneers asked that He would work His will in our daily lives so America would be a land of morality, fairness, and freedom. Today we have more to be thankful for than our pilgrim mothers and fathers who huddled on the edge of the New World that first Thanksgiving Day could ever dream. We should be grateful not only for our blessings, but for the courage and strength of our ancestors which enable us to enjoy the lives we do today. Let us reaffirm through prayers and actions our thankfulness for America's bounty and heritage." –Ronald Reagan

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."–Benjamin Franklin, written shortly before Feb. 17, 1775, as part of his notes for a proposition at the Pennsylvania Assembly



HDR Special Report--"LOL! House Democrats Re-Elect Pelosi As Leader"
‎"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Inscription on the Statue of Liberty

giliar 2:53 pm on November 17, 2010 Reply

LOL! House Democrats Re-Elect Pelosi As Leader. Perfect – with the trifecta of 0bama, Pelosi & Reid headed into 2012, the American people will again speak loudly & clearly!

"Barn Cat" (YouTube link)

Time to post "Barn Cat" again.

Our old calico of decades ago (dang, I'm old) was a friend to all who belonged on the farm, be they human, feline, canine, equine, or bovine. She took care of her kittens. And she hunted every form of small pest within a quarter-mile of the barn. In other words, she was decent, a good mother, and wor
ked for a living. That's three points better than a lot of lazy welfare bums.
This is the barn cat that came into our lives in 2006. The music is by Mary Ann Kennedy available at: For more fun videos please visit us at #63 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - Canada

"Farrakhan on White Man's Origin &Terrible Fate (Obama/Wright)" (YouTube link)

Oh, what to say here? I'll just settle with noting that things won't turn out exactly as he and his peeps hope. Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam describes the origins of the white race and the ultimate, impending destruction of the white man and America Minister Honorable Audio is from an address that Farrakhan gave in Chicago in December of 2009. To dis
20 seconds ago

"You Can't Racial Profile" by The Right Brothers (YouTube)

Personally, I'd just make them travel by magic carpet. What? No such thing? Well, it sucks to be a sheethead. lyrics: Well, I ain't never seen a grandma Strap dynamite around her waist Or put explosives in her slip-ons And try to blow a plane to outerspace As a matter of fact every terrorist act That's taken place in the friendly sky You must understand has been by an ol
about an hour ago

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From ACT! for America: "Video: Brigitte Gabriel in Lebanon, 1987" (with YouTube link)

via Brigitte Gabriel: From Brigitte Gabriel of ACT! for America: "We have so many things to be thankful for in this land of abundance. As we reflect this week on all those special blessings in our lives I wanted to share with you this special thanksgiving message via video. I am so thankful for all of you and for your support. "
Brigitte Gabriel reflects on her past and gives thanks.
9 seconds ago

Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 11:50 AM

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ACT! for America

Video: Brigitte Gabriel in Lebanon, 1987

"Thirty-five years
ago this month,
my home was

Dear Lee,

As we celebrate Thanksgiving in this land of abundance, we reflect back on all the blessings we have in our lives. For me every Thanksgiving has special significance because it was at the end of November, 1975 that my life was changed forever.

Recently, I showed some friends a video that my husband, a journalist I met in Israel, made about my life to introduce me during our wedding ceremony in America in 1987. My friends said: "Brigitte you should show this, so people can see what you talk about in your book."

This video was done 23 years ago, before I came to America, well before realizing my mission in life and well before starting ACT! for America. In this video, you will see my home, my parents, and scenes of my life during the war, shot with my mother and my cousin depicting my experience in the very bomb shelter I lived in.

When people ask me why I am so passionate about fighting the threat of radical Islam, and why I am so thankful for America, this is why.

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel
President, ACT! for America


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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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Questions of PC treatment of sheetheads in our liberal neighbor to the north--c'mon, PM Harper, do something!

There is a lot in this article, so don't just look at the headline or description. Get your facts right BEFORE reaching any conclusions. 
NOTE: The video mentioned in the article has been pulled from YouTube.

http...:// More
Frequent flyers know the drill: take off your shoes, surrender your tweezers and pack your shampoo in those little plastic baggies before lining up for the naked body scanners. But lift your niqab? Apparently not.
2 seconds ago

"History of assault weapons (documentary film) part.1 of 6" (YouTube link)

Interesting British documentary. In places it may be less than frank on matters, but worth watching if you have some time.
discovery, film about assault weapons ak47, m16 & others
about an hour ago

Yay! Cat vids! (YouTube links)

A classic, I know, but still a good'n.
Sparky and Jet getting their workout

Attention, law enforcement! Has this ever happened to you?
Watch as a patient police officer in Texas puts up with a friendly black cat clinging to him during a recent traffic stop. The ways of the affectionate feline were captured by the patrol car's dashcam. (Nov. 17)

Couldn't have happened to a nicer dupe--"Woman who told Obama she was 'exhausted' loses job"
The woman who told President Barack Obama that she was "exhausted" from defending him and his economic policies and waiting for the change she expected after voting for him has another reason to be put out: She's lost her job.
4 hours ago